
Thursday, April 29, 2010

Ohio Terror Sheikh Salah Sultan: Jews Murder Non-Jews and Use Their Blood to Knead Passover Matzos


  1. Pastorius,

    Yes, ignore all the evil committed in the name of Islam, and instead lets focus on some imaginary evil committed in the name of Judaism. Yeah this guy looks good.

  2. Does that guy look like computer animation or what?


  3. One correction Pasto,

    The Matzos are perfectly OK ! In fact, they are 100% Halal !!
    Because they are made of the same ingredients a Bedouin Pita is made !!

    It is the Matzos Balls ( AKA Cneidalach ), that the learned Sheikh Abu Kalb Ibn Sharmuta is talking about!
    Since the Cneidalach are made of Matzos crumbs + water + egg, they become soft & mushy when trey float in the boiling water.

    In order to harden the Balls the way Epa & Me love them ( Billiard #8 ball style... ), a secrete ingredient is added!...

    Spit ! Spit ! Spit ! SHOOT THE M/F !!!

  4. I think this guy is perfect representative for this now nearly INVISIBLE WAR.

    We are now all the way back to ignoring people like this because they are "crazy", I mean what are a bunch of crazy religious loons in a cave, or with a video recorder going to do, right?

  5. This guy is no crazier than most of the Middle East.

    It is necessary to remember that Mein Kampf and the Protocols are HUGE sellers in the ME.

  6. Woa, dude, Olive Oil went that a'way! Now don't make me have to open up a can of whup-ass on ya...

  7. Pastorius,

    The fact alone that those Nazi favorites are popular in the Middle East is very telling.

  8. 1400 years of fucking bullshit.

    Oh well, everything's got to come to an end.
