
Saturday, April 03, 2010

OK Hotshot, popquiz..if J Carter left us Iran, what will B Obama bequeath our future?


, a safe for anti american and racist dictatorship of old school socialist Oceania like jargon that neither Chavez nor his people have the slightest belief in. But this jargon can be brandished before them as a shield from common sense, arithmetic, and ACTUAL freedoms.

With Castro about to die, and large changes of SOME SORT looming there, and Iran running to cause a denouement of cataclysmic finality one way or the other with Israel out of Obama's control. We see Chavez the buyer, and Putin and the Russians getting ready to sell Chavez the means to NOT ONLY defend himself, but attack directly the USA, pinning our forces to deal with this possibility 100% of the time. I will remind the reader that the Amur class subs that Chavez wants can launch missiles which can reach strategic and population targets in the USA while DOCKED.

I get Ivan. For Ivan this is a strategically advantageous move, with little risk and a huge upside. Ivan also has a money to gain, and they will sell anything to anyone, but this sale and arrangement has to taste sweeter.
I get Chavez, he is a paranoid freak whose socialist veneer is a charade for a vanilla banana republic dictator with some oil, but whose megalomania is liable to turn out to be dangerous since the gulf he is on is Mexico and not Persian.

But do I get the USA?

Chavez should be be REMOVED.

That is what's best for my kids.
How about yours?

Now we only have to answer the question... 'what's the best way?'

Surely that means we start with a govt that does not ADMIRE HIM?

Mark Lloyd still serves at the pleasure of the President of the USA.

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