
Sunday, April 04, 2010

Russia: Suicide Bomber Was Chechen Terrorist's Widow

Investigators believe that one of two female suicide bombers in the subway attacks that killed 39 people in Moscow this week was a baby-faced 17-year-old girl from a Muslim region who was the widow of an insurgent leader, officials said on Friday.
The teenager, Dzhennet Abdurakhmanova, had been married to the insurgent, Umalat Magomedov, who was slain by Russian forces last December. The Kommersant newspaper showed a photo of the two, both holding weapons, her head covered in the traditional dress of a religious Muslim woman from the Caucasus Mountains in southern Russia.

Ms. Abdurakhmanova, whose last name has also been reported as Abdullayeva, is believed to have carried out the first suicide blast on Monday during the morning rush hour at the Lubyanka subway station, which is near the headquarters of the Russian security services, reports said. (ABC News reports that it seems she exploded herself at Park Kultury station).

She was from Dagestan, a Muslim region near Chechnya, and supposedly first established contact with the insurgents on the Internet, Kommersant reported. It said Mr. Magomedov was killed in a security operation on December 31, 2009.

via Russia Says Suicide Bomber Was Militant’s Widow : rss broadcast.

United in hate: that would be the proper title for that photo.
Cross-posted from T&P.

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