
Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Salud! (updated at bottom)

Today we raise a shot of Wild Turkey and a glass of Guinness to the anonymous French dude who, without regard to self or cellphone, jumped into the freezing and probably toxic East River to help a father rescue his 2 year old daughter who had just fallen in.

And then quickly and quietly disappeared into a cab without waiting for thanks or fame.

So if you know who this guy is slap him on the back and buy him a drink for us (put it on Pastorius' tab, he's good for it) and then keep it to yourself. It's nice to know there are still people out there who do it just to help someone in need and not to get on the morning talk show circuit.


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Who rescued tot from river plunge?
Two men leaped in to save her, then one quietly vanished

By Mike Celizic contributor

They’re calling him a Frenchman, but even that is uncertain. All anyone really knows is that New York’s mystery hero leaped into the icy East River to help rescue a 2-year-old girl and then disappeared into the city.

The man has not been seen since Saturday afternoon, when he helped rescue Bridgette Sheriden after she plunged 20 feet into the river while visiting a tourist attraction at the South Street Seaport with her parents. Jumping into the water fully clothed, not even pausing to take his phone from his pocket, he helped Bridgette’s father, David Anderson, stay afloat after he saved his daughter.

And then the mystery man climbed out of the river, got in a cab, and left.

He got a shout-out from TODAY co-hosts Matt Lauer and Ann Curry Monday, inviting him to identify himself. But even New York’s tabloid reporters haven’t been able to track the man down.

read the rest here


Hero who helped rescue tot is found
French tourist says he didn’t think twice about aiding child

NEW YORK - A French tourist who rescued a toddler who fell into New York's East River says he didn't think twice about diving in to save the girl.

Two-year-old Bridget Sheridan fell off a gangplank at the South Street Seaport museum Saturday. Her father, David Anderson, says she slipped through guardrails when he averted his eyes to adjust his camera.

Julien Duret, of Lyon, France, jumped into the water. Anderson followed closely behind. Duret scooped up the girl and gave her to her father.

"The emotion took over," Duret told the Daily News Tuesday from his hometown of Lyon, France. "I didn't think at all. It happened very fast. I reacted very fast. ... I've never done anything like that before."

The New York Daily News says the 29-year-old tourist got in a cab after the rescue. Duret says he doesn't think he's a hero and that anyone would do the same thing.

"I was just happy that I was able to help her, and I am just happy that the family has been reunited," he told the Daily News.

Anderson says his daughter was unhurt. He says he feels guilty about momentarily taking his eyes off her.


  1. WOWAWIWA! Midnight!

    THIS I call NEWS !!!

    More like this one, PLEASE !...


  2. === "I didn't think at all. It happened very fast. I reacted very fast. ... I've never done anything like that before." ===

    Of course not! This is what "frogs" do ! They jump into the water - INSTINCTIVELY !!

    G-d bless THIS "frog" !

