
Monday, April 26, 2010

Sex and Sexuality In Islam

Mohammed Fucking

If you're a pedohphile who specializes in little girls, you might want to convert to the Religion of Peace, and move to a country where Sharia is the law of the land.

If you're a Muslim and you're into boys you'll have to wait until you die, but then you can romp all you want.

If you want to murder, rape and pillage, that's ok too.


  1. Maybe you could do a post on them. I don't know anything about that tradition, nor how it is supported in the Krayon.

  2. Isn't this Boobquake Day?

  3. I'm just an American and don't remember the last time one of us stoned anyone in the last 100years, but a muslim did just this last week. Nor do I remember a husband cutting off a wives head, but that happened last month by a muslim in America. So I wonder where I get weird ideas. Maybe has something to do with Sharia Law, which as a muslim you are bound to follow. Then if you don't the penalty is stiff, I think death. So pull your head out and read your own books, you claim are so great.
