
Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Super Geniuses in Govt .. I know we'll be okay now

Bernanke Says Joblessness, Foreclosures Pose Hurdlescurly the  geniusSnap85.jpg

Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke said joblessness, home foreclosures and weak lending to small businesses pose challenges to the economy as it recovers from the worst recession since the 1930s.

Am I the only one that senses there is something BASIC wrong with these people?

Something missing?

It's all backwards in their brains.

The economic situation PREVENTS the creation of jobs, not the other way around.

It's like the idiot congressman unconcerned about that 6 page thing from 1789.

It reveals some inner complete disconnect about the people who walk those halls.

If you want to be able to say things are better, GET OFF THE BACKS OF THE PEOPLE WHO CAN MAKE SOME DIFFERENCE.

When you see what they are doing, reinforce success. When they fail. LET THEM. They'll try again.

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