
Thursday, April 08, 2010

Vandals trash grave of teenage Army hero killed by Taliban as he fought to save injured friend

Thanks to Total.

The youths destroyed flowers and tributes left at Martin Kinggett's final resting place just weeks after he was gunned down on his first tour of Afghanistan.

Wreaths laid at the brave young Rifleman's grave in Eastbrookend Cemetery in Dagenham, Essex, were torn apart and strewn across the ground.

The 19-year-old was hailed as 'brave as a lion' and 'selfless to the end' by army chiefs after his death in February.

He was killed while providing covering fire during the evacuation of an injured colleague on patrol in Sangin, Helmand Province.

His distraught mother, Lisa Inns, vowed to track down the vandals.

She said: 'I will find out who did this in the end. What goes around comes around as they say.'

His devastated friends have posted now messages of horror and disbelief on his Facebook tribute site.

Friend Nancy Norris Pirt said: 'The scumbags who did this should be horse-whipped.

'You deserve so much respect Martin, as do all the fallen soldiers.'

Another, Charlotte Delemere posted: 'The people who do this to a 19-year-old are dirty scum.'

Others, stunned by the twisted attack, called it 'appalling', 'disgraceful' and carried out by 'lowlifes'.

Hmmm... I wonder if this disgusting act was perpetrated by "Asians".

1 comment:

  1. "Hmmm... I wonder if this disgusting act was perpetrated by "Asians"."

    Almost certainly it was, not that the MSM will ever tell us about that.

    The number of gang rapes has risen exponentialy, also attacks on single white males by gangs of 10 or more muslims.

    Only by digging around the local papers or by waiting until they are arrested and appear in court (the names) does the truth come out.
