
Friday, April 02, 2010

Zawinul Syndicate
Cafe Andalusia


  1. So, what do you think? Will Zawinul's later music be remembered as being his most fully realized?

    I think so.

    I also think his music will be remembered with some of the great classical music (though that classification may become very confused in the future).

    What people did not realize is that while this music sounds jammed, he actually wrote it out (or actually, most of the time, recorded it) almost exactly the way it is performed. He allowed some room for improvisation, but his pieces are pieces of thought-through music.

    He is the first Classical World Composer.

    The other modern Composer who is going to bend what is thought of as Classical Music in the future is Brian Eno. His "Ambient" albums are absolutely brilliant pieces of music. However, the brilliance isn't so much in the "Composition" as it is the Studio Creation of Sound.

    People will eventually realize this. Now, though, everyone thinks of "Serious Music" as being that which a traditional "Composer" writes out to be performed by an "Orchestra".

  2. To the masses Weather Report will always trump Zawinul solo/later music.

    But to musicians, or people who are serious about music, it will be the reverse.

    I'm not all that familiar with Brian ENo. But it would seem John Adams is a lot like that.

    As for the Studio Creation of Sound you'd need to be careful how it's created. Tom Scholz and Boston made it huge by using all the gimmicks in the studio and their records sold phenominally but in concert they sucked (personal experience there) because they could not reproduce it live.

  3. You're right about Boston, of course.

    Eno is not gimmicky.
