
Friday, May 28, 2010

Limbaugh: Now We Know Why Clinton and Obama Had Lunch on Thursday, To Get Their Stories Straight

From Rush Limbaugh:


RUSH: I guess now we know why, ladies and gentlemen, Barack Obama, Bill Clinton had lunch yesterday. They had to get their stories straight. You know who this is, and you know what this is, so let's go.

JOHNNY DONOVAN:  And now, from sunny south Florida, it's Open Line Friday!

Okay, now we know why Clinton and Obama had lunch yesterday.  They had to get their stories straight on this Sestak business. It is... (laughing) Folks, this is just too rich.  Isn't it great? Here's what happened.  Apparently Rahm Emanuel went to Clinton and said, "Look, would you go talk to Sestak informally? See if he's interested in taking a nonpaid -- an unpaid job -- high position job, unpaid here in the administration."  And Clinton, of course, said (impression), "Hey, Mr. President, whatever you want.  You know, I said, 'You're going to have to kiss my ass' back during the campaign if you wanted my support 'cause of the way you called me racist and so forth, the way you portrayed me and Hillary. Now you gotta come kiss my ass. So fine you're kissing my ass." I got the story right here. Clinton said that.  Sit tight.

"I'm going to kiss your ass, you kiss my ass, and I will make sure that you are all right. You come groveling to me I'll be happy to help you out here."  Now, look at what's happened here.  They go to Bill Clinton. He's famous for getting people jobs.  Monica Lewinsky offered a job at Revlon.  She was offered a job at the United Nations.  She didn't take any of them.  But they've got Bill Clinton. Isn't it great, folks, that they've found a guy who they know will commit perjury to carry the water here? (chuckling)

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