
Monday, May 31, 2010

More video of the Israeli attack on the Hamas flotilla from Jawa:


  1. anyone surprised that Israel has been 'thrown under the bus' in favor of Islam and the UN>>>>

    What was the percentage of Jews who voted for bho and for the dems in general...Hmmmmm-

    BTW-get us in the US out of the UN---
    I'm taking Pres. Washington's advice-stay out off international conflicts.... unless we are really attacked...
    Like 9/11!!!
    then-finish the job!!!
    PS- thank you - all here- for honoring our BEST!!!

  2. It will be interesting to see Turkeys response. Recep Erdogan is an arrogant, unapologetic, thinly veiled, militant Islamofascist who just got bitch slapped by the hated Joooooos.
    Make no mistake that this horseshit convoy was his baby.
    Unfortunately and uncharacteristically the Israelis really screwed this up and it WILL be used against then to the maximum and then some.

  3. For those of us like myself who believe and are sure of the Biblical prophecies, the involvement of the Turks is just one more reinforcement of our positions.
    As time goes by it will began to be harder and harder for honest people to ignore the prophecies.
