
Sunday, May 30, 2010

NYT Reporter Reveals, President Obama Skips Arlington to Spend Memorial Day with Louis Farrakhan amidst Nation of Islam Thugs

It seem that what Pamela reported as an "Exclusive" turns out to have been a misread report which Byron York also has.

It seems, at this point, that Obama was not with Farrakhan. 

Instead, Farrakhan lives across the street. And, that seems to be where he was.

How did the President of the United States spend his Memorial day weekend? Honoring the glorious dead? Not a chance.
He pow-wowed with race baiter, Jew-hater Louis Farrakhan, a frequent visitor to the White House. Back in March, Farrakhan blamed the Jews for O's woes.
“The Zionists are in control of Congress,” Farrakhan said  as he listed off a slew of Jewish economic advisers, adding that the “bloodsuckers of the poor” were rewarded with a bailout.
America is in trouble.

The story is amazing.

Here's just a bit:

We're outnumbered now by roughly a dozen Fruit of Islam agents for the Nation of Islam. As each casually dressed man arrives, he exchanges elaborate handshake/hug/double air-kisses with others. Two walked by your pooler chanting "Islam."

Go read the whole thing at Atlas Shrugs.


  1. Nothing is surprising the way he spits on America's fallen soldiers to party with Islam.

  2. You'd think he could at least fake it this one day. He can't even do that now!

    Yep this is very telling of our commander-in-chief.

  3. again-
    I Am always sends Hagar's Kids ( now called Islam) when His people (Jews) (Christians) do not stand up! (Biblical history- folks)
    "Occupy" Lk 19 (hold the ground won or the high ground) and speak the TRUTH---from the roof tops...

  4. Jack,
    I have to wonder why he would do this on this weekend. I wonder if he is bothered so much by the Sestak and BP thing that he is returning to his roots.

  5. Or, maybe I should say, I got it, when I realized that we are the pigs into which God has cast the Legion demon, and now we are setting about drowning ourselves.

    Or, is it Legion who is drowning us?

  6. Legion (Lucifer's Kids) are trying to drown us :-)---
    question is---are we going to put on the Full Armor (Eps.6)? and Occupy-Lk 19--or is the Great I Am going to have to do it? Is. 59---
    I dread the day that I Am has to take up the Armor that He gave us - exp. us in the US!!!!

  7. The people of the US are still basically decent, but our leadership is absent without leave.

  8. you are 'right on' w/ that observation--
    so-looks like we are going to have to 'enlist' leaders from the ranks...
    how about you-have you thought of running for office? ...that is a serious and our fellow truth tellers in the blog world -- are getting the word out--that is a form of leader-ship too---

  9. CS,
    Thanks for thinking of me, but I'm too much a foolish hothead to run for office.

  10. You're right Past ...

    When we're in deep shit we all turn to our loved ones ... our roots where we feel safe.

    He can't go to the media ... they are asking (or at least a few) too many questions. Oh I don't believe for a moment it's a divorce, just a love spat.

  11. Quite the neighborhood Obummah hails from. Farrakhan may not have been present at the barbecue, but it does make one wonder who else was.

  12. When my brother and I used to play cards as kids, we tossed the jokers out of the deck first thing whenever we opened up a new pack. It was like automatic. I see that must be more of a Canadian tradition though.

    What DID you American kids do with them? Slip them under your pillow? Put them up high on the fireplace mantle? Use them to bookmark the pages in your bible?

    Well now you see where ideas can lead.

  13. Come to think of it, if you all still have them, they could be put to good use after all. Crumple them up, or smear crap on them and leave them all over the ground outside the polling stations in November.

    Remember, remember, your Jokers in November!

  14. I don't get it, Anonymous? What do you mean, "see where ideas can lead?"
