
Friday, May 28, 2010

Swedish political party to make demands on the US

From Watcher: 

(Stockholm) The Red/Green opposition party in Sweden (an amalgamation of greens, liberals and the far left) have produced a policy document that if they win power at the next election they will demand that America closes down all its foreign bases (worldwide) and decommission all its nuclear weapons.

When asked if they would pursue the same policies with their neighbour Russia, spokesman Urban Ahlin opined:
"We don’t write it about Russia, because there we have greater problems with human rights and press freedom than in the US."
Anybody else surprised at how the Left only dictate their demands to those who abide by human rights rulings and not those who would have no problem putting them in hospital?


  1. Pastorius,

    Do they even realize how cowardly this make them look?

  2. Second of all, what good would it do as far as protecting human rights and promoting World Peace, if only the U.S did it? Do they really think that every other nation would do the same if only the U.S would set the right example?

  3. since we in the US built euope and et al back after the war--our tax $$$ at work--
    and since they are able to maintain their socialist 30 hr a wk "work" schedule because we use our tax $$$ to keep our troops there to defend them!
    - I say --let's get our troops out--they can defend themselves- see where THAT gets them!!!
    as to their demands-welllllll!!!let them demand all they want!!!

  4. Christian Soldier,

    I don't think letting Europe fall to any outside power is in America's best interest. Not to mention that we have enough people suffering under truly tyrannical regimes the world over. Besides, even if they got a majority in Sweden, we wouldn't do what they wanted us to do any way.
