
Monday, June 28, 2010

Afghanistan Arrests Over 20 Christians, Lawmaker Wants Them Publicly Executed

KABUL, AFGHANISTAN Over 20 Afghan Christians have been detained in Afghanistan after high-level leaders called for the arrest and execution of converts to Christianity in the Islamic nation, an advocacy group said Friday, June 25.


  1. Hi Guys.
    News like this and other makes you just question why and what the hell troops are doing there?Their losses are betrayed on a daily base there and here at home.

  2. Checked on FOX, CNN, ABC, CBS, and MSNBC. No mention of this story. So it's official: The MSM loves Islam more than it hates war.

  3. bottom line, they are fucking stone age barbarians and maybe we should have went in not with the idea of a new government but just destroying the taliban and al-qaeda and leaving, with the express warning that we didnt care how they ran thier shitty country but if it was used to hurt us again we will make it ten times more of a nightmare the next time.

    now we should tell them in no uncertain terms we will leave if they execute people just for converting.

    let them plead thier muslim bonafides to the taliban, they should be reminded once the taliban are back they will need to kill someone, and being a fellow muslim never stopped them before.

  4. Our soldiers are getting killed and wounded, and our treasure is being squandered to build exactly WHAT in Afghanistan?

    This is beyond jizya and is more like willingly paying zakat. We're naivly helping to put another nation on its feet that will no doubt throw a steady stream of jihadis (and drugs) at our shores for the forseeable future. Hugh Fitzgerald at Jihad Watch has been warning all about this for years.
