
Wednesday, June 23, 2010

McChrystal Out, Petraeus In

Understand I am NOT complaining at all about the choice of replacement -- quite the opposite in fact, but damn if this didn't surprise me, coming from Wonderboy.


Obama Fires McChrystal, Replaces Him With Gen. David Petraeus
Wednesday, 23 Jun 2010 12:17 PM
By: David A. Patten

In a stunning reversal for the administration's beleaguered war strategy in Afghanistan, President Barack Obama relieved Gen. Stanley McChrystal of his duties and replaced him with Gen. David Petraeus, the head of U.S. Central Command, according to The Associated Press and other news agencies.

President Obama said he made the decision with "considerable regret," but felt it was in the best interests of the U.S. war effort in Afghanistan.

Speaking at 1:45 E.T. Wednesday afternoon outside the White House, Obama praised McChrystal and his service, saying all Americans should be "grateful for his remarkable career in uniform."

"As difficult as it is to lose Gen. McChrystal, I belive it is the right decision for our national security."

He said McChrystal's recent remarks and those of his aides in the recent Rolling Stone interview undermines the civilian control of the military.

President Obama's decision to give McChrystal his walking papers marks the second time the president has fired the commander of American troops in Afghanistan. A few months after taking office, Obama fired former commander Gen. David McKiernan.

In turning to Petraeus, President Obama is relying on a commander with whom he's shared a rocky relationship in the past.

It was Petraeus who guided then-candidate Obama on his first tour of the war zones in the Middle East.

Ironically, it was Petraeus who supported Obama's appointment of McChrystal as the top military chief in Afghanistan -- a recommendation that now clearly has blown up in the president's face.

Petraeus, who successfully guided President Bush's military surge in Iraq, literally wrote the book on the counterinsurgency strategy Democrats are counting on to win the war in Afghanistan.

When Petraeus initially met with Obama after he gained the presidency, their relationship was described as uneasy.

In the Bush administration, Petraeus enjoyed a seat at the center of power when it came to decisions on how to fight the war. President Bush would give Petraeus 20 minutes once a week via live video feeds from Baghdad to present his point of view. But once in power, Obama shifted Petraeus into more of an advisory role.

Petraeus's isolation appeared to increase when rumors circulated of his possible interest in running for the GOP nomination for president in 2012. Petraeus took a very low key role when the extended debate arose over how many troops should be added to the fighting in Afghanistan.

In October, The New York Times reported: "General Petraeus’s aides now privately call him 'Dave the Dull,' and say he has largely muzzled himself from the fierce public debate about the war to avoid antagonizing the White House, which does not want pressure from military superstars and is wary of the general’s ambitions in particular."

Now, Petraeus finds himself back at the center of U.S. efforts to win the war in Afghanistan. His appointment won widespread plaudits from politicians on Capitol Hill.

The decision to fire McChrystal, following harshly critical remarks of Obama's leadership by both him and his staff in Rolling Stone magazine, touched off a firestorm of Beltway speculation about the direction of U.S. strategy in the Afghanistan war, already the longest conflict in U.S. history and one that has already cost the lives of more than 1,000 American soldiers.

Even before the president announced the firing, the Pentagon was brushing off the dossiers of possible generals to replace McChrystal, whom Obama appointed top U.S. commander in Afghanistan. McChrystal is widely considered the architect of the U.S. counterinsurgency strategy in Afghanistan.

It is unknown whether McChrystal's ouster would alter the July 2011 deadline the administration has declared for the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan to begin.

The stage was set for the announcement of McChrystal's ouster early Wednesday morning. McChrystal's day began with a stern dressing down at the Pentagon at 8 a.m., where he met behind closed doors with Secretary of Defense Robert Gates and Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

From there McChrystal went to the White House, where he met face-to-face with the president. Immediately after that meeting, McChrystal was seen heading to his SUV and leaving the premises. He shook hands vigorously with associates before departing.

On Tuesday, the White House stated that McChrystal would be attending the 11:45 a.m. monthly meeting of the president's War Council, which directs the course of U.S. war strategy in the Middle East. When McChrystal left before attending that meeting, it immediately triggered widespread speculation that he would be shown the door.

The Obama-McChrystal summit occurred after an angry president summoned the general back to Washington to face the same officials he and his staff blasted in an upcoming magazine article.

Obama had said he wanted to speak directly to McChrystal before deciding whether to fire him for mocking and disparaging his leadership.

"I think it's clear that the article in which he and his team appeared showed a poor — showed poor judgment," the president said in his first comments on the matter, surrounded by members of his Cabinet at the close of their meeting. "But I also want to make sure that I talk to him directly before I make any final decisions."

As press aides quickly ushered out the media, Obama stopped them again to emphasize his concern about the troops.

"I want everybody to keep in mind what our central focus is — and that is success in making sure that al-Qaida and its affiliates cannot attack the United States and its allies," Obama said.

Some pundits believe McChrystal's will not be the last head to roll over the conduct of the war, which has seen Taliban violence return to the key town of Marja in recent weeks following a U.S. offensive there earlier in the year.
John Pike, the national security expert and director of, told Newsmax Tuesday that it may be time to shake up the entire team of officials in charge of U.S. policy in Afghanistan.

"If the question is should [McChrystal] be replaced, well, I might start with him but I wouldn't stop with him," Pike says. "The whole country team, it seems to me, is broken, or it seems to be. But the country team is dysfunctional because the strategy is dysfunctional. And the strategy dysfunction is so massive, that I don't think there's any amount of personnel change that will change things substantially.

"Any counterinsurgency strategy that doesn't account for Afghanistan's thriving heroin and poppy business is doomed to fail, Pike said.
The war's slow progress and its rising casualties indicate America is fighting to not become the latest casualty of a region often called "the graveyard of empires."

Among the article's revelations:

One McChrystal aide called national security adviser James Jones a “clown.”
U.S. ambassador to Afghanistan Karl Eikenberry, a three-star general, is said to shoot off memos to cover “his flank for the history books.”
McChrystal felt "betrayed" by a leaked Eikenberry memo that said Afghanistan President Hamid Karzai was not an "adequate strategic partner" for the United States.
Obama Middle East envoy Richard Holbrooke was described as "a wounded animal." Said one McChrystal aide: "Holbrooke keeps hearing rumors that he’s going to get fired, so that makes him dangerous."
But perhaps the most devastating critique involves Obama himself.

Rolling Stone reports that McChrystal and a dozen other senior military officials first met Obama at the Pentagon shortly after he assumed office.

The article cites a source as saying McChrystal thought Obama appeared "uncomfortable and intimidated" by the room full of military brass.

McChrystal reportedly was "disappointed" with his meeting with Obama, who was uninformed and not engaged, according to McChrystal's aides.

“I extend my sincerest apology for this profile,” McChrystal said in his apology. “It was a mistake reflecting poor judgment and it should have never happened.”


  1. Chinese Breaking Into Classified Network

    Invaders could be reviewing U.S. operational plans

    The Chinese may have been able to develop computer algorithms that will penetrate military computers at the secret level, according to alerts about a “Spear Phishing attack” issued recently to users of a military system, says a report in Joseph Farah’s G2 Bulletin.

    In one case, users of military computers at the secret, or collateral, level told of a false report of an outbreak of war in Asia beaming across military networks.

    “So, it appears they’re into our systems at least at the collateral level,” one military computer user said of the Chinese.

  2. An open letter from actor Jon Voight to President Obama:

    June 22, 2010

    Dear President Obama:

    You will be the first American president that lied to the Jewish people, and the American people as well, when you said that you would defend Israel, the only Democratic state in the Middle East, against all their enemies. You have done just the opposite. You have propagandized Israel, until they look like they are everyone’s enemy — and it has resonated throughout the world. You are putting Israel in harm’s way, and you have promoted anti-Semitism throughout the world.

    You have brought this to a people who have given the world the Ten Commandments and most laws we live by today. The Jewish people have given the world our greatest scientist and philosophers, and the cures for many diseases, and now you play a very dangerous game so you can look like a true martyr to what you see and say are the underdogs. But the underdogs you defend are murderers and criminals and want Israel eradicated.

    You have brought to Arizona a civil war, once again defending the criminals and illegals, creating a meltdown for good, loyal, law-abiding citizens. Your destruction of this country may never be remedied, and we may never recover. I pray to God you stop, and I hope the people in this great country realize your agenda is not for the betterment of mankind, but for the betterment of your politics.

    With heartfelt and deep concern for America and Israel,

    Jon Voight

  3. Belgium: Jews Deserting Antwerp

    De Standaard, 21 June 2010

    ‘Jews are deserting Antwerp’, headlines De Standaard. The Belgian newspaper predicts that in fifty years there will be no more Jews living in the city. Due to an increase of Anti-Semitism, many young Jews are leaving the city to study in London, New York or Israel, where “working with a skullcap (kippah) isn’t a problem”, and they never return. Furthermore, it has become more difficult for them to start a career in Antwerp since the Jewish community has lost its dominant position in the diamond trade and hasn’t found a new economic alternative yet. De Standaard comments: ‘Only the poor Hasidic Jews stay and they refuse to adapt.’

  4. 1 -

    France: Tons of Bushmeat in Paris, Study Finds

    PARIS — The traders sell an array of bushmeat: monkey carcasses, smoked anteater, even preserved porcupine.

    But this isn’t a roadside market in Africa — it’s the heart of Paris, where a new study has found more than five tons of bushmeat slips through the city’s main airport each week.

    Experts suspect similar amounts are arriving in other European hubs as well — an illegal trade that is raising concerns about diseases ranging from monkeypox to Ebola, and is another twist in the continent’s struggle to integrate a growing African immigrant population.

    The research, the first time experts have documented how much bushmeat is smuggled into any European city, was published Friday in the journal Conservation Letters.

    “Anecdotally we know it does happen … But it is quite surprising the volumes that are coming through,” said Marcus Rowcliffe, a research fellow of the Zoological Society of London and one of the study’s authors.

    In the Chateau Rouge neighborhood in central Paris, bushmeat is on the menu — at least for those in the know.

    Madame Toukine, an African woman in her 50s, said she receives special deliveries of crocodile and other bushmeat each weekend at her green and yellow shop off the Rue des Poissonieres market. She wouldn’t give her full name for fear of being arrested.

    “Everyone knows bushmeat is sold in the area and they even know where to buy it,” said Hassan Kaouti, a local butcher. “But they won’t say it’s illegal.”

    For the study, European experts checked 29 Air France flights from Central and West Africa that landed at Paris’ Roissy-Charles de Gaulle airport over a 17-day period in June 2008.

  5. 2 -

    Of 134 people searched, nine had bushmeat and 83 had livestock or fish.

    The people with bushmeat had the largest amounts: One passenger had 112 pounds (51 kilos) of bushmeat — and no other luggage. Most of the bushmeat was smoked and arrived as dried carcasses. Some animals were identifiable, though scientists boiled the remains of others and reassembled the skeletons to determine the species.

    Experts found 11 types of bushmeat including monkeys, large rats, crocodiles, small antelopes and pangolins, or anteaters. Almost 40 percent were listed on the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species.

    Based on what officials seized — 414 pounds (188 kilos) of bushmeat — the researchers estimated that about five tons of bushmeat gets into Paris each week.

    They also noted that penalties for importing illegal meats are light and rarely imposed. Under French law, the maximum penalty is confiscation of the goods and a $556 (450 euro) fine. Of the passengers searched in the study, only one person with bushmeat actually was fined.

    Bushmeat is widely eaten and sold in Central and West Africa, with Central African Republic, Cameroon and Republic of Congo being the main sources. It varies whether it is legal. It is typically allowed where people are permitted to hunt, as long as their prey aren’t endangered and they can prove the animals were killed in the wild.

    A bushmeat ban is enforced in Kenya, but it is legal in most parts of the Republic of Congo, where hunters may stalk wildlife parks that aren’t heavily guarded. Even after several outbreaks of the deadly Ebola virus linked to eating bushmeat, the practice remains widespread.

    Scientists warned eating bushmeat was a potential health hazard.

    “If you have intimate contact with a wild animal — and eating is pretty intimate contact — then you could be exposed to all kinds of diseases,” warned Malcolm Bennett, of Britain’s National Centre for Zoonosis Research at the University of Liverpool, who was not linked to the study.

    Bennett said bushmeat had a higher risk of bacteria like salmonella and might also be carrying new diseases. The virus that causes AIDS originated in monkeys, and the global 2003 SARS outbreak was traced to a virus in bats and civets.

    Nina Marano, chief of the quarantine unit at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, said similar underground markets for bushmeat exist across America.

    “We have to be culturally sensitive and recognize this is important for some African communities,” she said. “But there are no regulations for the preparation of meat from wildlife to render it safe.”

    The scale of Europe’s illicit bushmeat trade suggests the emergence of a luxury market. Prices can be as high as $18 per pound (30 euros per kilo), double what more mundane supermarket meats cost.

    “It’s like buying the best cut of organically grown beef,” Rowcliffe said, adding that bushmeat like giant rats and porcupine, which he has tasted, has a strong, gamey flavor.

  6. Islam, Islamism and Islamophobia in Europe

    Intolerance towards Islam and Muslims has been increasing in recent years alongside “Islamism”, a religiously disguised form of political extremism. The Council of Europe should serve as the pan-European forum for discussing common strategies for strengthening democratic stability faced with Islamism and Islamophobia.

    Social exclusion and cultural discrimination of Muslims must not be tolerated. Islamism cannot be combated by banning symbols of extremism and gender inequality. Inter-religious education should be supported by member states. Institutions of higher education and research in Europe should provide Islamic studies. Contacts between Muslim and non-Muslim Europeans and Muslims in North Africa, the Middle East and Asia should be facilitated, in particular among young people, students and teachers.

  7. Italy: Four Arrested Over ‘Toxic’ Chinese Goods

    Rome, 22 June (AKI) — Italian police on Tuesday seized around 10,000 tonnes of imported Chinese footwear and garments allegedly made with highly toxic materials. Police seized the goods from a vast warehouse in Casal Morena south of the capital, Rome.

    Four people were arrested and another was reported to police over the seized items, which laboratory tests found to contain highly toxic materials, investigators said.

    Italian companies and their brands face growing competition from cheap, health-endangering imitations produced by manufacturers in China and other countries.

    In March, Italian tax police seized over a million counterfeit designer garments and 80,000 rolls of fabric from Chinese importers outside the city of Florence.

    The Chinese-run business based in the city of Prato, north of the city, is alleged to have imported poor quality fabrics and used cheap labour to make fake designer clothes, bags and other items.

    In April 2008, the luxury fashion brand, Gucci, and the Turin-based chocolate company, Ferrero Rocher, won landmark court cases against Chinese competitors that were producing fake copies of their goods.

    A Chinese court ordered the shoemaker Senda to pay the French-owned Gucci 180,000 yuan (16,000 euros) in damages for copyright infringement.

    Ferrero Rocher was awarded 70,000 euros in damages after winning a case against Chinese firm Montresor for producing fake chocolates.

    China’s Supreme Court ordered a Chinese firm to stop producing its ‘identical’ “Tresor Dore” chocolates.

  8. Spain: Tensions Rising at Borders of Ceuta and Melilla

    (ANSAmed) — MADRID — Tensions are rising at the borders of the Spanish enclaves in Morocco, Ceuta and Melilla. Since last weekend a committee that claims the “liberation” of the enclaves started putting up banners reading “Occupied cities”. According to El Pais, posters with “occupied” written on it in Spanish, French or Arabic appeared last weekend on the access roads to Findeq, a few kilometres from the border of Ceuta, after in April similar banners were spotted at the Moroccan customs house at the border of Melilla. Spanish diplomatic protests to remove the banners have failed. The first to follow the example of the Melilla customs house was the mayor of Beni Enzar, a town with 25,000 inhabitants close to the enclave’s border, who has decided that all the Municipality’s documents must include the statement “occupied city”. He has also tried, so far in vain, to get other Moroccan municipalities to follow his example. At the border of Beni Enzar, the main access road to the city of Melilla, a few dozen Moroccan citizens demonstrated last Friday against the visit by the President of the People’s Party, Mariano Rajoy, to a regional conference of his party in the Spanish enclave. The border had to be closed for more than two hours due to the protest. The spokesman of the city of Melilla, Daniel Conesa, has asked the Spanish central government to take diplomatic steps to ask the Moroccan authorities to ban demonstrations that lead to the closing of the border. (ANSAmed).


    UK: Schoolboys Throw Acid in Stranger’s Face in ‘Horrific’ Random Attack After He Refuses to Give Them Cigarette

    Three schoolboys were being hunted by police today after acid was hurled into a man’s face when he refused to give them a cigarette.

    The victim suffered burns in the ‘horrific random attack’ which took place at around 3.30pm yesterday.

    He told police he had seen three young men wearing school uniform walk past him before they threw the substance at his face.

    Shortly afterwards, the 45-year-old felt something ‘eating away’ at his skin and drove himself to Plymouth’s Derriford Hospital

    The man, who had been walking back to his car at the time of the attack after a business visit, suffered burns and scarring to the left side of his face.

    Staff are still considering whether he should be transferred to a specialist burns unit in Bristol.

    He is likely to need months of treatment.

    Police today appealed for witnesses and said that ‘some sort of acid’ had been used in the assault.

  10. Israel Gas Discoveries Set Off Lebanon Row

    Israeli companies have announced two important natural gas finds in the past 18 months that may hold 24 trillion cubic feet of gas, but the offshore discoveries are a potential source of friction between Israel, Lebanon and Greek Cyprus. Lebanese officials say the gas may extend into their waters, urging their own prospecting

  11. Pakistan Police Arrest German Man in Burka

    A German man wearing a burka and carrying a pistol was arrested in northwest Pakistan Monday after travelling from an area known as a hub for Al-Qaeda-linked militants, police said.

    “A German man, wearing a burka, was intercepted at a checkpoint in Bannu while coming from Miranshah with a six-year-old girl,” local police station chief Farid Khan told AFP.

    Two tribesmen travelling with him in the vehicle were also detained, he said.

    Miranshah is the main town of lawless North Waziristan tribal district, a known hotbed of Taliban and Al-Qaeda linked militants.

    Most women in the area wear a burka, which covers the body from head to toe, if they are out in public.

    A pistol was also recovered from the man and he was handed over to an intelligence agency for further investigation, Khan said.

    An American construction worker armed with a pistol and sword was arrested last week further north in the mountains of Chitral who purportedly told police he was on a mission to hunt down and kill Al-Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden.

    Pakistani tribal areas bordering Afghanistan and adjoining northwestern districts are out of bounds for foreigners and they require special permission to visit these restive areas.

    Washington has branded Pakistan’s northwestern tribal area a global headquarters of Al-Qaeda and officials say it is home to Islamist extremists who plan attacks on US-led troops in Afghanistan and on cities abroad.

    Waziristan came under renewed scrutiny when Faisal Shahzad, the Pakistani-American charged over an attempted bombing in New York on May 1, allegedly told US interrogators he went there for bomb training.

  12. Thanks for all the stuff, Anonymous.

    I posted a couple of them just now.

    Thanks again.
