
Wednesday, June 23, 2010

New Euphemism Alert

From the Daily Mail:

UK: "Schoolboys" Throw Acid in Stranger’s Face in ‘Horrific’ Random Attack After He Refuses to Give Them Cigarette

Three schoolboys were being hunted by police today after acid was hurled into a man’s face when he refused to give them a cigarette.

The victim suffered burns in the ‘horrific random attack’ which took place at around 3.30pm yesterday.

He told police he had seen three young men wearing school uniform walk past him before they threw the substance at his face.

Shortly afterwards, the 45-year-old felt something ‘eating away’ at his skin and drove himself to Plymouth’s Derriford Hospital

The man, who had been walking back to his car at the time of the attack after a business visit, suffered burns and scarring to the left side of his face.

Staff are still considering whether he should be transferred to a specialist burns unit in Bristol.

He is likely to need months of treatment.

Police today appealed for witnesses and said that ‘some sort of acid’ had been used in the assault.

Of course, acid attacks are pretty common in the Muslim world.

So, you know, it could be that these "schoolboys" are Muslims.

Who knows? Just a wild guess.

UPDATE - Ray Boyd says:
Unlikely to be Muslims. Plymouth is 15 miles from where I live and Derriford Hospital is where I attend on occasion.

The Muslim population of Plymouth is minimal and there is no mosque in Plymouth I am pleased to say.


  1. your right. "schoolboy" prolly the newest euphamism. used to be "asian youths" or just youths.

  2. "Schoolboys" sounds even more innocent than "youths". As if we're going to be fooled.

  3. Unlikely to be Muslims. Plymouth is 15 miles from where I live and Derriford Hospital is where I attend on occasion.

    The Muslim population of Plymouth is minimal and there is no mosque in Plymouth I am pleased to say.

  4. Thanks, Ray. I added your comments to the post.
