
Saturday, July 24, 2010

Daisy Khan, Wife of Ground Zero Mosque Imam: "The Building Came to Us ... It Was Struck By A Plane"

Notice she says, "It was struck by a plane."

Not that it was struck by one of the jets that were used, by Islamic Jihadists, to attack the World Trade Center.

Instead, it was just passively, "struck by a plane."

As Pamela says, "The callousness toward the pain and grief this has caused millions is radically intolerant. The unmitigated gall is .............. breathtaking.

"The Building came to us"

What sick piece of work.

It came to them because it was condemned by the city after it got damaged by pieces of a plane crashing into it on 911.

Is that the "divine hand" she is talking about?

Can't most people see just from that statement how deceitful and evil she is?

911 was a "divine act" then according to her.

Funny how her and her husband are hiding their jihad in plain sight. It is right there in front of us.
Just many refuse to see it.

Like in Mars Attacks: "we are your friends....we come in peace"....


  1. Pastorius,

    I agree, both the women and her husband are our enemies and yes they are sick. I saw Mars attacks by the way, it was a funny movie. Although in the movie, I don't remember exactly why the Martians were hostile, just that they were hostile, and they said, we come in peace.

  2. Yeah, why were they hostile? They didn't even have a Krayon telling them to be hostile.

  3. our enemy states that it's not our enemy - so PC we - believe it..

    sad..and gullible are we...

  4. Imam Rauf and his wife Daisy really disgust me.

  5. By alluding to "divine hand," she's speaking to all the ummah and their belief in the will of Allah (actually terminology used to promote Islamic supremacism).

  6. And she is counting on the rest of us not knowing that. I hope more of the 9/11 families get their act together to protest this. We had many at the New York rally in June but we need more family members who have learned what Islam and Sharia are about and can challenge them on that basis besides the issue of insensitivity.

  7. I would sure like to know the name of that Catholic priest she trots out for support--was it that walleyed nutburger that hangs out with the Emperor's pastor--Ffleger or something like that?

    did you see this evil woman's face when she talked about "the building just came to us" Do you see the smirk on her face? She knows exactly the lies she is saying and believes we are going to swallow them.

    Wow...I am so furious right now.
