
Saturday, July 24, 2010

Gateway Pundit:

Breaking: Anita Moncrief to File FEC Charges Against Obama Administration
Posted by Jim Hoft on Friday, July 23, 2010, 4:41 PM

ACORN whistle-blower Anita Moncrief held a press conference today at the Right Online Convention in Las Vegas. She announced today that she will press FEC charges against the Obama Administration for the campaign’s illegal coordination with ACORN during the 2008 election.

Anita also rolled out her new website Emerging Corruption. The website will focus on fraud and corruption in ACORN and affiliated groups. Anita already posted the Obama Donor List on the website as promised.


  1. I hope she understands now that her life may be in danger.

  2. oh good.. more doctored up videos. and dirty tricks..

    yea.. her life is in danger.. but not from Obama, but from her diet, the woman is a walk'n Kentucky Fried Chicken Cemetery..

  3. Leftie trolls come out when there is serious cause for concern about the Obama Admin.
