
Saturday, July 31, 2010

Gingrich Aide: “Building a Mosque at Ground Zero Like Putting a Statue of Mussolini or Marx at Arlington National Cemetery”

A better analogy would be Hitler or Hirohito, but point well made…

Click on the title to read the whole story.


  1. I sent a letter to my Senator this past week asking what, if anything, we could do to stop this outrage. My example was that it would be like putting up a memorial statue to the kamikaze pilots at Pearl Harbor.

  2. Ima Wurdibitsch,
    I like your description of yourself on your Profile page.

  3. Thank you so much! I really enjoy your postings. I've been subscribed for a while now. Since they haven't opened up registrations on HotAir, I've been cyberstalking the regulars... ;-)

  4. I've made up my mind after hearing Newt at AEI .. I want either Gingrich-Bolton, or BETTER FOR IDEAS.. Gingrich-Ryan. Bolton can be Sec State, or if the dems filibuster, National Security Adviser, and Ambassador at Large

  5. Imawurdibitsch,
    Who here is a regular at Hot Air?

    That's a surprise to me.

  6. Epa,
    What do you think about Gingrich's episode with Scuzzafava?

  7. I should have said I found you via HotAir. There was probably a link to the Infidel Bloggers Alliance or I read a well-written response and clicked through to the author's site where there was a link to this one.

    I've added a number of smart bloggers to my feed read in recent months. I'm so relieved to find so many other people who feel the way I do.

  8. Let them build the mosque and we can fly a plane into it during Friday prayers

  9. ImaWurdibitsch,
    You don't know many people personally who the feel the way you do? If not, that is unfortunate.

    My family is filled with people who think the same way as me, as they came from a country where Muslims kill Christians for being Christians.

  10. I'm fortunate that my immediate family feels much like I do. Many of my co-workers are the same, although because of namby-pamby fears of not being politically correct most don't feel comfortable discussing anything that might potentially be contentious.

    I'm horrified that so many people believe that the MSM is providing real news. I'm stunned that, in the name of "tolerance" for all, people have taken that to mean tolerance for all - except Christians. I'm worried about what is happening in the U.S. and (better late than never) I'm doing what I can to stop it.
