
Saturday, July 24, 2010

Hey Guys! I Turn 49 in November! I'm going to throw a party and to attend you only have to pay half of what you would to attend Obama's!

Sun Times:

Price to attend Obama's birthday bash: $30,000
July 23, 2010

BY MICHAEL SNEED Sun-Times Columnist
$$$$$: Happy Birthday, buddy!

Sneed hears real estate mogul Neil Bluhm is tossing a private birthday party here for President Obama, who turns 49 on Aug. 4.

• The shocker: The dinner invite to the Barack bash at Bluhm's home requires a $30,000 donation to the Democratic National Committee!

• The stunner: Obama is also scheduled to be in town Aug. 5 for a fund-raiser at the Palmer House for U.S. Senate hopeful Alexi Giannoulias, who is hoping to capture Uncle Rocky's old seat.


  1. LOL

    I'm there. But, can I get a little bit of a discount?

  2. I would like to go but only if i get for the 30K an official legal birth certificate from Obama.

  3. Midnight,

    After 49, comes 50 !...

    Exactly at this point in your life, your imagination takes a ride on a blazing dragon of insanity !...

    Like this one, look here :-

    Look up in the address bar too !...

