
Sunday, July 25, 2010

More Feminists Who Fight Against Islam

Neither whores nor submissive: A Republican Feminism from the Sensitive Areas

Swiss Feminists Swing Vote against Minarets

A right-wing campaign to outlaw minarets on mosques in a referendum being held in Switzerland today has received an unlikely boost from radical feminists arguing that the tower-like structures are "male power symbols” and reminders of Islam’s oppression of women.

A "stop the minarets” campaign has provoked ferment in the land of Heidi, where women are more likely than men to vote for the ban after warnings from prominent feminists that Islam threatens their rights.

Forget about tranquil Alpine scenery and cowbells: one of the most startling features of the referendum campaign has been a poster showing a menacing woman in a burqa beside minarets rising from the Swiss flag.

It seems to have struck a nerve in Langenthal, a small town near Bern where Muslims plan to put up a minaret next to their prayer room in a bleak former paint factory.

"If we give them a minaret, they’ll have us all wearing burqas,” said Julia Werner, a local housewife. "Before you know it, we’ll have sharia law and women being stoned to death in our streets. We won’t be Swiss any more (...)


  1. i've read other news about feminists... if i find them, i'll post them here.

  2. kosovo stolen land
    the banned documentary

    This excellent documentary is banned in the Czech Republic because it tells the truth about Kosovo, it shows the living testimony of the truth that the Western media do not want to communicate to citizens, to not to change their perception on the politics in the Balkans. You will see the horrific reality of Kosovo that nobody wants to tell, you are going to see how people live in ghettos in the XXI century in Europe, as thousands of Serbs have been killed by Muslims, you will see as European heritage is disappearing after the first ethnocide and genocide of the new millennium ... and all with the support of the EE.UU to form the first Islamic state in Europe.


  3. The union of the Police in Catalonia warns of an increase in radical Islam

    The Regional Committee of the Confederacy of the Spanish Police in Catalonia (CEP) alerted in 2004 for the tendency of the radicalization of islam. Now, six years later, the Union of the Police in Catalonia see its suspicions confirmed with statements such as those made last week by the imam in Lleida, when he called muslims to take advantage of the independentists to implement Islam. Given this evidence, however, the Ministry of Interior denies the increase of radical Islam and continues to refuse to regulate it.

    The union says that both the mosque Lleida of North Street (calle del Norte), the biggest in the city, as well as the mosque of Reus are dominated by the Salafist sector. Salafism is a movement that seeks to return to the traditions of early Islam, and to what islam permits or forbids. In more radical versions it includes a social and a political dimension and aims for the Islamisation of society.

    According to the Union, it is about a radical strand from Saudi Arabia that is called religious police and whose mission is to enforce strictly sharia.

    The Union (CEP) considers the necessity of increasing the police staffing dedicated to the control of radical islamic groups, and think also, as others have already done in European countries, the law should changed so that if a person wants to act as Imam, has to pass before regulated courses in Spain.

    Manuel Rosales, secretary of Relations of the union in Catalonia accuses the government of José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero of not wanting to regulate it in the scope of fear of being branded as 'racist' and to lose the votes of those immigrants who were naturalized citizens. Furthermore, Rosales, signals the contradiction that implies the existence of a Ministry of Equality and the rejection of the ban on the use of the burqa or niqab, a measure that only the government opposes.

    The imam in Lleida called muslims to take advantage of the independentists

    In a press release sent to media, the CEP-Cataloniaa includes recent news on the Imam in Lleida, Ibn Hazn, that during one of his prayer-talks called for his attendees to take advantage of independentists.

    According to a muslim woman who witnessed it, the words of the imam were: «It is necessary to take advantage of the independentists because they support us to vote, but what they do not know is that when they let us vote, we will vote all for Islamic parties. We do not think left and right. That will make us win city councils, and from here, with the great powers of autonomy, Islam will start to be implemented.»


    Córdoba, nuevo canal islámico en español


    Su sede estará en Andalucía, en Granada o en Córdoba, aunque también dispondrá de una delegación en Brasil para elaborar algunos programas en portugués.


    Acusa también a los cristianos de politeísmo porque adoran a la Santísima Trinidad compuesta por el Hijo, el Padre y el Espíritu Santo.



    Cordoba, new islamic channel in Spanish


    The headquarters will be in Andalucia, in Granada or in Cordoba, and there will be a delegation in Brazil to make some programs in Portuguese.


    Accuses also the christians of polyteism because they worshipp the Holy Trinity composed of the Son, the Father and the Holy Spirit.


  5. Anonymous,
    Thanks for the video on Kosovo. I will watch it later tonight or tomorrow.

  6. Anonymous,
    I started to watch the documentary. My spanish is not good enough to translate more than half of it.
