
Saturday, August 28, 2010


From Reliapundit, the Astute Blogger:

MORE: Tears of Jihad
These figures are a rough estimate of the death of non-Muslims by the political act of jihad.
Thomas Sowell [Thomas Sowell, Race and Culture, BasicBooks, 1994, p. 188] estimates that 11 million slaves were shipped across the Atlantic and 14 million were sent to the Islamic nations of North Africa and the Middle East. For every slave captured many others died. Estimates of this collateral damage vary. The renowned missionary David Livingstone estimated that for every slave who reached a plantation, five others were killed in the initial raid or died of illness and privation on the forced march.[Woman’s Presbyterian Board of Missions, David Livingstone, p. 62, 1888] Those who were left behind were the very young, the weak, the sick and the old. These soon died since the main providers had been killed or enslaved. So, for 25 million slaves delivered to the market, we have an estimated death of about 120 million people. Islam ran the wholesale slave trade in Africa.
120 million Africans
The number of Christians martyred by Islam is 9 million [David B. Barrett, Todd M. Johnson, World Christian Trends AD 30-AD 2200, William Carey Library, 2001, p. 230, table 4-10] . A rough estimate by Raphael Moore in History of Asia Minor is that another 50 million died in wars by jihad. So counting the million African Christians killed in the 20th century we have:
60 million Christians
Koenard Elst in Negationism in India gives an estimate of 80 million Hindus killed in the total jihad against India. [Koenard Elst, Negationism in India, Voice of India, New Delhi, 2002, pg. 34.] The country of India today is only half the size of ancient India, due to jihad. The mountains near India are called the Hindu Kush, meaning the “funeral pyre of the Hindus.”
80 million Hindus
Buddhists do not keep up with the history of war. Keep in mind that in jihad only Christians and Jews were allowed to survive as dhimmis (servants to Islam); everyone else had to convert or die. Jihad killed the Buddhists in Turkey, Afghanistan, along the Silk Route, and in India. The total is roughly 10 million. [David B. Barrett, Todd M. Johnson, World Christian Trends AD 30-AD 2200, William Carey Library, 2001, p. 230, table 4-1.]
10 million Buddhists
Oddly enough there were not enough Jews killed in jihad to significantly affect the totals of the Great Annihilation. The jihad in Arabia was 100 percent effective, but the numbers were in the thousands, not millions. After that, the Jews submitted and became the dhimmis (servants and second class citizens) of Islam and did not have geographic political power.
This gives a rough estimate of 270 million killed by jihad.



  1. There's nothing like hard numbers! I've seen these numbers before but outside of a few of us it's been unknown. I've even seen higher estimates for the numbers of Hindus killed. With Hindu deaths, I've tried to get scholars to give me a number (on a few academic websites) but they clearly see the question as an attempt to describe Islam's vicious history. They won't answer.

    They have no problem coming up with numbers for the KKK deaths and even manufacturing numbers of the deaths of Native Americans (which ignores native killing natives such as the Beaver Wars.) And, of course, there’s completely bogus numbers of recent Iraqi deaths (without mentioning who’s doing the killing even when the deaths can be documented.)

    Islam won’t get the critical scrutiny it deserves … except here. Great work!

  2. Hi Jason Papas.- Pastorius.
    I got a twitter friend :HIDF
    He might have numbers on how many Hindus got killed by Islamists.

  3. Sharia for dummies
    by Nonie Darwish

    1- Jihad defined as “to war against non-Muslims to establish the religion” is the duty of every Muslim and Muslim head of state (Caliph). Muslim Caliphs who refuse jihad are in violation of Sharia and unfit to rule.

    2- A Caliph can hold office through seizure of power meaning through force.

    3- A Caliph is exempt from being charged with serious crimes such as murder, adultery, robbery, theft, drinking and in some cases of rape.

    4- A percentage of Zakat (alms) must go towards jihad.

    5- It is obligatory to obey the commands of the Caliph, even if he is unjust.

    6- A caliph must be a Muslim, a non-slave and a male.

    7- The Muslim public must remove the Caliph in one case, if he rejects Islam.

    8- A Muslim who leaves Islam must be killed immediately.

    9- A Muslim will be forgiven for murder of : 1) an apostasy 2) an adulterer 3) a highway robber. Making vigilante street justice and honor killing acceptable.

    10- A Muslim will not get the death penalty if he kills a non-Muslim.

    11- Sharia never abolished slavery and sexual slavery and highly regulates it. A master will not be punished for killing his slave.

    12- Sharia dictates death by stoning, beheading, amputation of limbs, flogging and other forms of cruel and unusual punishments even for crimes of sin such as adultery.

    13- Non-Muslims are not equal to Muslims and must comply to Sharia if they are to remain safe. They are forbidden to marry Muslim women, publicly display wine or pork, recite their scriptures or openly celebrate their religious holidays or funerals. They are forbidden from building new churches or building them higher than mosques. They may not enter a mosque without permission. A non-Muslim is no longer protected if he commits adultery with a Muslim woman or if he leads a Muslim away from Islam.

    14- It is a crime for a non-Muslim to sell weapons to someone who will use them against Muslims. Non-Muslims cannot curse a Muslim, say anything derogatory about Allah, the Prophet, or Islam, or expose the weak points of Muslims. However, the opposite is not true for Muslims.

    15- A non-Muslim cannot inherit from a Muslim.

    16- Banks must be Sharia compliant and interest is not allowed.

    17- No testimony in court is acceptable from people of low-level jobs, such as street sweepers or a bathhouse attendant. Women in such low level jobs such as professional funeral mourners cannot keep custody of their children in case of divorce.

  4. 18- A non-Muslim cannot rule even over a non-Muslims minority.

    19- Homosexuality is punishable by death.

    20- There is no age limit for marriage of girls under Sharia. The marriage contract can take place anytime after birth and consummated at age 8 or 9.

    21- Rebelliousness on the part of the wife nullifies the husband’s obligation to support her, gives him permission to beat her and keep her from leaving the home.

    22- Divorce is only in the hands of the husband and is as easy as saying: “I divorce you” and becomes effective even if the husband did not intend it.

    23- There is no community property between husband and wife and the husband’s property does not automatically go to the wife after his death.

    24- A woman inherits half what a man inherits.

    25- A man has the right to have up to 4 wives and she has no right to divorce him even if he is polygamous.

    26- The dowry is given in exchange for the woman’s sexual organs.

    27- A man is allowed to have sex with slave women and women captured in battle, and if the enslaved woman is married her marriage is annulled.

    28- The testimony of a woman in court is half the value of a man.

    29- A woman looses custody if she remarries.

    30- To prove rape, a woman must have 4 male witnesses.

    31- A rapist may only be required to pay the bride-money (dowry) without marrying the rape victim.

    32- A Muslim woman must cover every inch of her body which is considered “Awrah,” a sexual organ. Some schools of Sharia allow the face and some don’t.

    33- A Muslim man is forgiven if he kills his wife caught in the act of adultery. However, the opposite is not true for women since he “could be married to the woman he was caught with.”

    The above are clear cut laws in Islam decided by great Imams after years of examination and interpretation of the Quran, Hadith and Mohammed’s life. Now let the learned Imam Rauf tell us what part of the above is compliant with the US constitution?

  5. Sharia for dummies
    by Nonie Darwish

    1- Jihad defined as “to war against non-Muslims to establish the religion” is the duty of every Muslim and Muslim head of state (Caliph). Muslim Caliphs who refuse jihad are in violation of Sharia and unfit to rule.

    2- A Caliph can hold office through seizure of power meaning through force.

    3- A Caliph is exempt from being charged with serious crimes such as murder, adultery, robbery, theft, drinking and in some cases of rape.

    4- A percentage of Zakat (alms) must go towards jihad.

    5- It is obligatory to obey the commands of the Caliph, even if he is unjust.

    6- A caliph must be a Muslim, a non-slave and a male.

    7- The Muslim public must remove the Caliph in one case, if he rejects Islam.

    8- A Muslim who leaves Islam must be killed immediately.

    9- A Muslim will be forgiven for murder of : 1) an apostasy 2) an adulterer 3) a highway robber. Making vigilante street justice and honor killing acceptable.

    10- A Muslim will not get the death penalty if he kills a non-Muslim.

    11- Sharia never abolished slavery and sexual slavery and highly regulates it. A master will not be punished for killing his slave.

    12- Sharia dictates death by stoning, beheading, amputation of limbs, flogging and other forms of cruel and unusual punishments even for crimes of sin such as adultery.

    13- Non-Muslims are not equal to Muslims and must comply to Sharia if they are to remain safe. They are forbidden to marry Muslim women, publicly display wine or pork, recite their scriptures or openly celebrate their religious holidays or funerals. They are forbidden from building new churches or building them higher than mosques. They may not enter a mosque without permission. A non-Muslim is no longer protected if he commits adultery with a Muslim woman or if he leads a Muslim away from Islam.

    14- It is a crime for a non-Muslim to sell weapons to someone who will use them against Muslims. Non-Muslims cannot curse a Muslim, say anything derogatory about Allah, the Prophet, or Islam, or expose the weak points of Muslims. However, the opposite is not true for Muslims.

    15- A non-Muslim cannot inherit from a Muslim.

    16- Banks must be Sharia compliant and interest is not allowed.

    17- No testimony in court is acceptable from people of low-level jobs, such as street sweepers or a bathhouse attendant. Women in such low level jobs such as professional funeral mourners cannot keep custody of their children in case of divorce.

  6. 18- A non-Muslim cannot rule even over a non-Muslims minority.

    19- Homosexuality is punishable by death.

    20- There is no age limit for marriage of girls under Sharia. The marriage contract can take place anytime after birth and consummated at age 8 or 9.

    21- Rebelliousness on the part of the wife nullifies the husband’s obligation to support her, gives him permission to beat her and keep her from leaving the home.

    22- Divorce is only in the hands of the husband and is as easy as saying: “I divorce you” and becomes effective even if the husband did not intend it.

    23- There is no community property between husband and wife and the husband’s property does not automatically go to the wife after his death.

    24- A woman inherits half what a man inherits.

    25- A man has the right to have up to 4 wives and she has no right to divorce him even if he is polygamous.

    26- The dowry is given in exchange for the woman’s sexual organs.

    27- A man is allowed to have sex with slave women and women captured in battle, and if the enslaved woman is married her marriage is annulled.

    28- The testimony of a woman in court is half the value of a man.

    29- A woman looses custody if she remarries.

    30- To prove rape, a woman must have 4 male witnesses.

    31- A rapist may only be required to pay the bride-money (dowry) without marrying the rape victim.

    32- A Muslim woman must cover every inch of her body which is considered “Awrah,” a sexual organ. Some schools of Sharia allow the face and some don’t.

    33- A Muslim man is forgiven if he kills his wife caught in the act of adultery. However, the opposite is not true for women since he “could be married to the woman he was caught with.”

    The above are clear cut laws in Islam decided by great Imams after years of examination and interpretation of the Quran, Hadith and Mohammed’s life. Now let the learned Imam Rauf tell us what part of the above is compliant with the US constitution?

  7. Jihad murdered 80,000,000 in India alone..before the beginning last century.. the slaughtered 1.5 million Armenians between 1915-1923

    Jihad has murdered at least 500,000,000 and billions enslaved.. since Mo, may he burn in hell for ever,, was last raping children, and since 1949 Muslims have murdered about 10,000,000 of their own followers.

    here is another problem with Muslims..

    Massive inbreeding within the Muslim culture during the last 1.400 years may have done catastrophic damage to their gene pool. The consequences of intermarriage between first cousins often have serious impact on the offspring’s intelligence, sanity, health and on their surroundings..

  8. MOROCCO: forcing the fast

  9. 270 million dead - the population of the US in 1998 - that's perspective.

  10. I've seen a few of those figures, but never in one place like that... It's frightening. I'm definitely Islamophobic - I have a morbid fear of Islam.

    On another note... Pastorius, I saw an interesting article somewhere in my net wanderings and I wanted to pass it along to the good folks at IBA and I could find no way to contact any of you. Is there an email address for that kind of thing, or do you guys just prefer to do your own research?

  11. .

    1 - Do whatever Mr. Pasto suggests !
    2 - In case of difficulties, e-mail me here;-

    Good luck!

  12. AA,
    You can email me at



  13. Thank you, Mr. Münch and Pastorius. I will let you know when I have something I think you might be interested in. I visit several Islam-related sites, pretty much daily, so I see a lot of stuff. :)

  14. Struggle (this is just part of yesterday's struggle):

  15. Yesterday was Christmas, by the way, Amatullah.

  16. I'm very aware of what yesterday was for my country,thank you very much. You need to acknowledge the fact that there are those who are hypocrites and pretend to be of a religion when their aim is to destroy it, to fool people like you and make you hate us. It has been going on ever since the time of the Prophet, so it's not anything new. We don't celebrate Christmas but that doesn't mean we hate it. If you want to know real Islam then read the Quran.
    I've also noticed that you call your blog "Infidel Bloggers Alliance" why?

  17. Amatullah,
    If you are a good man, you're a good man, and I am happy.

    But sadly the fact is, your fellow Muslims are overwhelmingly in favor of extremism:

  18. There are 1.8 billion Muslims in the world. How do you know that's all of them and how do you know what they really feel? Don't come to me with the propaganda of the US when I've seen Muslim countries and have lived there.
    And just an FYI, I'm a woman if you haven't noticed from my first post.
    And you haven't answered my question on the choosing of your blog name

  19. There are not 1.8 billion Muslims in the world, Amatullah.

    The usual estimate is 1.2 billion.

    The highest estimate is 1.6 billion, but that is not accepted by those who keep such numbers.

    I don't really care if you're a woman or a man, when it comes to your individual morality.

    I hadn't read your whole comment.

    You say women aren't oppressed in the Muslim world.

    Truth is, according to Sharia, women are worth half that of a man in a court of law. And men are allowed four wives. Women can not have more than one husband.

    And, in many Muslim countries, women are not allowed to choose who they will marry, whether to be educated, whether to drive, with whom they can be friends, whether to go out of the home when they want to do so, and with whom, etc.
    In other words, women are slaves in many Muslim countries.

    Don't lie to me or to yourself.

    I did not see your question, but if you are asking why we call this blog Infidel Bloggers Alliance, well, the answer is, because we are representative of ALL THE PEOPLE MUSLIMS ARE TAUGHT TO HATE.

    Over the years, we have had writers from around the world, from all the various major religions, and from many different political systems, ALL OPPRESSED AND MURDERED BY MUSLIMS ACCORDING TO KORANIC LAW.

  20. It's either you got your information wrong or your being picky on what you want to hear about Islam and what not. First of all in the court of law, the say on women witnesses is half only for cases of murder because women may be so traumatized of the act they have just witnessed. Women also get less inheritance because it is the brother or the man that has to support the family after the death of the father. If the Father dies then it's the Brother's responsibility to support his mother and his sisters when he reaches a certain age. You also failed to mention that in the court if there are arguments on family affairs and difficulty the man isn't even allowed to be a witness.

    And what you said about women not being able to leave the house or not being able to choose who to marry that is not true at all
    that is culture, not religion. The person who taught the Muslims after the death of Muhammad(pbuh) was none other than his wife, a woman.

    Christianity also allows not only four wives but INFINATLY many in Exodus 21:10,

    "a man can marry an infinite amount of women without any limits to how many he can marry."

    Where in Islam he has to be financially strong and treat them equally. Having four wives is better then marrying one woman and having sex with other women behind her back. And the rate of children born without a father is higher here in western countries then in Muslim countries.

    Have you read the Bible from begining to end?

    And it's sad how your so content in believing that us Muslims are taught to hate you. That is not the way it is. You seem to be backwards on this belief. I'm not hating on Christianity right now am I? You're the one who is so phobic of Islam that you have dedicated your time and effort on this blog HATING ISLAM

    About what you said on writers, there is no where in the Qur'an that says kill innocent non-believers. Can you show me where it says that in the Qur'an? Those dictators have done it on their own accords. If your talking about Iran then I bet those that were killed were U.S Spies.

  21. It's either you got your information wrong or your being picky on what you want to hear about Islam and what not. First of all in the court of law, the say on women witnesses is half only for cases of murder because women may be so traumatized of the act they have just witnessed. Women also get less inheritance because it is the brother or the man that has to support the family after the death of the father. If the Father dies then it's the Brother's responsibility to support his mother and his sisters when he reaches a certain age. You also failed to mention that in the court if there are arguments on family affairs and difficulty the man isn't even allowed to be a witness.

    And what you said about women not being able to leave the house or not being able to choose who to marry that is not true at all
    that is culture, not religion. The person who taught the Muslims after the death of Muhammad(pbuh) was none other than his wife, a woman.

    We all now that a sect of Christianity is allowed to marry more then one wife and in Exodus 21:10,

    "a man can marry an infinite amount of women without any limits to how many he can marry."

    Where in Islam he has to be financially strong and treat them equally. Having four wives is better then marrying one woman and having sex with other women behind her back. And the rate of children born without a father is higher here in western countries then in Muslim countries.

  22. Have you read the Bible from begining to end?

    And it's sad how your so content in believing that us Muslims are taught to hate you. That is not the way it is. You seem to be backwards on this belief. I'm not hating on Christianity right now am I? You're the one who is so phobic of Islam that you have dedicated your time and effort on this blog HATING ISLAM

    About what you said on writers, there is no where in the Qur'an that says kill innocent non-believers. Can you show me where it says that in the Qur'an? Those dictators have done it on their own accords. If your talking about Iran then I bet those that were killed were U.S Spies.

  23. And another fact on the truth that women aren't oppressed in Islam: A hundred, no wait, about 70 years ago women were not allowed to vote in the US or anywhere else in the so called "western worlds" Women didn't have any right what so ever, a shock for a secular country such as ours. Where as in Islam women were given that right 1400 years ago

  24. The poll speaks the truth, Amatullah. Islam obliterates freedom of Conscience. A muslim may not convert to be a non-Muslim, because the penalty is death and that's the way the majority of Muslims want it to be.

    That is my definition of a hateful religion.

    It may not be your definition. But, it is mine.

  25. Ayaan Hersi is one, is she died? She's a very famous activist for all the wrong reasons.

    Anywho there is no Caliphate, so whats stopping them?

    And would be so kind as to answer my questions like I do yours?

  26. Have i read the Bible from beginning to end?

    Not straight through, but I have read the whole Bible, as far as I know.

    I know the Bible pretty well, but I am not an expert by any means.

    Is that the question you wanted me to answer?

  27. And the Bible, from my understanding is the word of God. Am I correct?

  28. First of all, if we do do that, it's wrong unless there is a caliphate, as I've mentioned before.

    Secondly at least we follow what our Lord tells us.

    You brought this up, I wasn't even going to mention that. I was going to ask you if you believe in the Bible.

  29. Muslims love to point out the following. "Do you even know what Jihad means?" as if the answer to that question will magically solve all problems for Muslims and their brethren who commit murder in the name of Islam (which is sanctioned by Islam, we can go there after I am done with Jihad if any would like).

    Any informed person, (which includes pastorius and others on this blog) knows that Jihad means struggle. And again, any informed person also knows that Hitler's Mein Kampf also meant "My struggle". When all of us agree that Hitler's struggle resulted in the murder of so many innocent human beings then why can't it be so for Islam's or Muslims' struggle?

    You can sugar coat the word Jihad however you want but what's apprent from the Quran and hadiths (and also Ibn Kathir and Ishaq) is that Mohammed waged Jihad in the violent way and that's the only example you can see written in your own books. You can deny the interpretation all you want but that is what it is on the face of it and after it has been interpreted.

    My question to you, Amatullah, is. Have YOU even read the Quran and the hadiths yourself or do you just ask Christians about their Bible? Oh and the quote you provided from the Bible, Exodus 21:10 is inaccurate and shows your ignorance and twisting of the text.

    As for beating your wife: Its in Sura An-Nisa, Ayah 34.

    Oh and the number of Muslims at 1.8 billion? LOL! Never heard that one before. Not that your numbers matter since you, as you yourself mentioned, keep on killing each other every day.

  30. Ayaan Hirsi is alive for two reasons. One, she lives in the West, where Muslims still don't have their way. Two, she has 24 hour security detail around her.

    You might want to use someone else's example that actually would work.

  31. First of all in the court of law, the say on women witnesses is half only for cases of murder because women may be so traumatized of the act they have just witnessed.

    That's a load of crap. It's not in traumatized case as you would like to believe. A woman's witness is half that of a man. Plain and simple. There is no provision against it and there is no case that would explain it otherwise. As for you referring to aisha teaching the Muslims after Mohammed kicked the bucket and joined his minions in he'll, well that's a load of crap too because it was Abu bakr and Omar that took charge. Aisha brought about division later and that was because of Ali, not because of her own standing.

    All the hadiths that are reported to be from Aisha always came from male sources who heard Aisha say those things.

    You also mention that women in the united states weren't allowed to vote up until 70 years ago. Two things about that. 1) you're wrong. Women were allowed to vote starting 1920. Now I don't know about Islamic math but my calculations give me 90 years there. 2) what the heck does that prove? That the west is willing to change and make itself better while Islam remains the dark crap hole of non civilized people that it always was. Oh and since you brought up voting, new Zealand was the first country in the world that allowed women to vote freely and guess what the majority religion of that country was. It doesn't matter, what matters is that it wasn't Islam. Oh and by the way, new zealand did that in the late 1800s, well over a 100 years ago.

    Lemme ask you something, what kinda stupid wikipedia have you bookmarked? Get your info straight and then try to debate if you want.

  32. If you Islamophobics used the term Jihad more correctly then maybe we wouldn't have to correct you so much. If I'm not mistakenedyou're telling me that there are hadeeths and verses in the Qur'an stating that Muhammad was a tyrant? If that's not a load of Bullcrap then show me the ayah(verse).

    Yes I have read the Quran many times and am about to finish memorizing it.

    Scientist have proved that Hitler was part Jewish, and I guess that's why he killed himself in the end. You should make that number six million and one.

    It was Hitler and the Nazis who killed the Jews, so why are the Palestinians paying the price of the Germans?

    It must be the end of the world now because a non-Muslim, non-educated, is trying to tell her that her that what she was being taught her whole life is wrong. Right nice way of putting it.

    At least you don't find contradictions in Islam

  33. If that verse in Exodus is wrong then can you please tell me the correct version?

    And about Surrah-tul-Nisa' ayah(verse) 34: it starts of by first warn her or advise your wife, then if she does not listen then don't share bed's with her, If she continues to dis obey Allah(not her Husband) then he may separate/strike her.

    The word Idhrib also means to separate. The same word was used in the verse explaining when allah split the sea for the Children of Isra'el. Not the land Isra'el(no such thing) but the Children of Ya'qub/ Jacob, a Prophet of Allah.

    Domestic violence is not preeched in this verse.

    It states in the Qur'an: There is no compulsion in religion..."

  34. When women came to the Prophet to give their allegiance to Islam,it basically gave them the right to choose a leader, or the art of voting.

    And about Aisha(ra), it is usually from the male sources because 1400 years ago it was uncanny for women to to mix with men. It wasn't because of religious oppression but what women believed was modest in the 7th century.
    After the conflict Aisha had with Ali, she apologized and the important thing is that he forgave her. He didn't smite her, or beat her, or execute her for treason against the word of the Leader/King/Caliph.

    You need to calm down, I'm sorry that I was two presidential election behind. I hope that President Harding and Coolidge would forgive me for such a grave mistake.
    My point was that Islam gave women rights back then and still does today. Cultural beliefs has nothing to do with Islam, which is the case of the rights of Women in Saudi Arabia.

    In the end you are the one that has no knowledge of Islam, come back to me when you get your fact edited by someone who knows Islam, backed by hardcore evidences when you say that Muhammad was a tyrant and that Sharia'a in the court for women is half that of men. Then you may tell me that my understanding is based on false facts. After that we may call it a debate.

  35. I've found this really interesting passage on my Sister's site

    "Islam is a religion famous for its allowal of polygyny. Some people have gone so far as to identify polygyny as a specifically Muslim practice. This is wrong. In fact, polygyny is mentioned in the Bible! It was practiced by Abraham, Jacob, Moses, David, and Solomon, among others. It is specifically legislated for (Deuteronomy 21:18-17). Jesus mentions a wedding of a man with ten women without any condemnation (Gospel of Matthew 25:1-13 - read it!) while Paul places restrictions on polygyny only for priests and bishops (see for example 1 Timothy 3:12).

    The famous Christian thinker Augustine of Hippo (354-430 CE) commented that polygyny had "recently" been banned among Christians since it was not a Roman custom and Christianity was now to be the official religion of the Roman Empire. A later Christian thinker and reformer, Martin Luther (1483-1546), advocated for polygyny on the grounds that what was lawful in the Bible should be acceptable to Christians.

    A growing number of Christians today are calling for a return to the religion established by the Bible, which includes polygyny."

  36. Amatullah, thank you so much for defending the religion of Islam against these ignorant and narrow-minded people. It's people like you that make me even more prouder than I already am to be a Muslim. You pretty much said what I would of said. I would just like to add..

    If you really want to get into the REAL genocide that has occurred in this world, I think you're quite deluded. Have you ever thought about who construct's and is behind these so-called "genocides". Sorry for generalizing here, but Non-Muslims have killed COUNTLESS more human beings in the 21st century than Muslims.

    Is former president Bush, a Muslim?
    What about Hitler?
    The Serbians?
    The Israelis?
    The U.S. government?

    In my humble and honest opinion, you need a reality check. I don't understand what you're trying to gain by labeling Islam as a religion of genocide.

    Don't worry though, you're not the first. This probably has to be the millionth time coming across someone like you.

    I's pointless arguing or even trying to have a civilized debate with people who think like him/her.
    Trying to question a Muslim's credibility of their OWN faith is one of the oldest tricks in the book. Have you ever actually TALKED to a Muslim. ..tried to start a conversation with one? Most probably not, because if you wouldn't be saying these things.

  37. I am busy today and tomorrow with work but I will come back and reply to both of you. Oh just so you kids know, contrary to popular Muslim belief, Jews don't pay for us to do this so all of us have to work for a living.

    While I am away, a couple of things you might want to think about. 1) Amatullah, you seem like you don't know the Bible but it also seems like you have no idea of the Arabic language and on top of all that, the translation of the Quran you are using is misleading to say the least.

    2) Zuleikha, I don't know if I have ever talked to a Muslim, let's see. I was born in Saudi Arabia, lived in the middle east all my life amongst Muslims. My whole family is Muslim etc. So I don't know if I have ever talked to a Muslim. I am going to let you think this over for a couple of days because you might need that long to figure it out.

    3) Scientists have proven Hitler was Jewish? Wow! When? Because the only thing people still have of Hitler to "Scientifically" prove anything about him is a skull with a bullet hole in it and guess what kid, they don't even know if its Hitler's or not. And the reason he killed himself was so the Allies won't arrest him, a matter of pride, not regret. Again, don't talk about things you don't know about.

    See you kids in a couple of days.

  38. Do you think your actually proving your "argument" by degrading us? Trying to make someone feel like their clueless merely to cover up your stupidity and ignorance doesn't work either. & "Kids"..your way of thinking is lesser than that of a childs.

    This obviously isn't going anywhere. It's like trying to get pass a brick wall, may God soften your cold, and hard heart. Amen.

  39. I personally belive that one should respond to a question when one is asked a question, not just degrade others who clearly have eveidence of your faults. when Amatullah states facts from your own bible your reply is that it is wrong well, are you going to answer her point or are you just going to keep dodging every point directed at you? THAT to me is an act of immaturity not defending something that is the truth. And if her statement is wrong, an you really cared about your book then you would have taken the time to correct her, instead of bashing someone who had the decency to correct you of your mistake in translating the Quran. this shows that she cares and respects her book enough as to correct the statement of clearly mistaken person. so my advice to you is respect and honor what is holy to you, before you can expect people to respect you, because self respect is the best kind respect

  40. I've tried to answer her question.

    I am not sure what her question is.

    Phrase it in one sentence, and I'll answer it.

  41. Wow, seems like I'm hitting all the right nerves. And it also seems like you KIDS don't know what it means when one says "busy with work". Anyway, ignoring the last two idiotic posts on this thread, I am going to address the rest of the posts here, mostly written by Amatullah.

    You need to acknowledge the fact that there are those who are hypocrites and pretend to be of a religion when their aim is to destroy it, to fool people like you and make you hate us.

    I just wonder why you and your type take the time to correct us then and not sort out "hypocrites", as you call them, amongst yourselves?

    If you want to know real Islam then read the Quran.

    I have read it many times, cover to cover. Alongwith Muslim, Bukhari, Tirmidhi, Tabari, Kathir, Ishaq, etc. Doesn't change my opinion. In fact, makes it stronger.

    Don't come to me with the propaganda of the US when I've seen Muslim countries and have lived there.

    I live in a Muslim country, have lived in Muslim countries all my life, what's your point? That they are not extremists? I agree, they just follow Islam and try to do that to the letter.

    First of all in the court of law, the say on women witnesses is half only for cases of murder because women may be so traumatized of the act they have just witnessed.

    That is false information. Just one example would be Al Baqarah, Ayah 282 which deals with financial transactions but states that two men are required as witnesses and if not two men then one man and two women so if "one of them errs, the other can remind her." In Mohammed's world apparently men didn't ERR.

    Also note in this example that it is a requirement that at least one man be present.

    It is true though that according to various scholars a lone woman's testimony's accepted in case of the sighting of the crescent moon but in a court of Shariah, whether it be murder or financial transaction, a woman's testimony is half as valuable as that of a man's. Again, someone gave you wrong information.

    You also failed to mention that in the court if there are arguments on family affairs and difficulty the man isn't even allowed to be a witness.

    You got sources? Or are we just supposed to take your word for it?

    This is irrelevant but I will indulge you here:

    We all now that a sect of Christianity is allowed to marry more then one wife and in Exodus 21:10,

    "a man can marry an infinite amount of women without any limits to how many he can marry."

    Notice how you put it in quotes as though that was a quotation from Exodus 21.10. Now if you were able to think on your own at all, you would have the brains to look this verse up online (assuming you don't have a Bible) and copy/paste it accurately. Here's the verse: "If he marries another woman, he must not deprive the first one of her food, clothing and marital rights." It isn't about versions either. You are just plain wrong. However, as I said. It is not relevant to our discussion at hand, and neither does your next comment. And the rate of children born without a father is higher here in western countries then in Muslim countries.

    Moving on.

  42. Have you read the Bible from begining to end?

    I have.

    A hundred, no wait, about 70 years ago women were not allowed to vote in the US or anywhere else in the so called "western worlds" Women didn't have any right what so ever, a shock for a secular country such as ours.

    I have already proved you wrong on this one. Whether it was by two presidents or three, fact is, you were factually wrong.

    Where as in Islam women were given that right 1400 years ago.

    Sources please. You can't just pull crap out of your butt and expect us to go along with it.

    First of all, if we do do that, it's wrong unless there is a caliphate, as I've mentioned before.

    Your mentioning it does not make it so. What are your sources? I'm going to keep asking that because all you have done is just talked and that's it. Where does it say that you can only follow Shari'ah under a caliphate?

    Ayaan Hersi is one, is she died? She's a very famous activist for all the wrong reasons.

    Already mentioned why she's alive. Look it up if you'd like.

    If I'm not mistakenedyou're telling me that there are hadeeths and verses in the Qur'an stating that Muhammad was a tyrant?

    Actually you are mistaken. I didn't say the Quran STATES the Mohammed is a tyrant. No self-serving person, even a maniac like Mohammed, would ever write about himself, "I am a tyrant." I am talking about the way he dealth with opposition. If you are specifically interested in what cases I am referring to, I'd be happy to provide you with references. However, at this moment, I just need to correct your assumption that you pulled out of nowhere and went on bashing your own straw-man.

    Scientist have proved that Hitler was part Jewish, and I guess that's why he killed himself in the end. You should make that number six million and one.

    I already addressed this before. It was actually quite funny to read it. This, too, however has got nothing to do with the article we're commenting on. Just because Hitler killed people doesn't make it alright for Muslims to kill people. And you mentioning that Hitler was a Jew, that that's scientifically proven and that's why he killed himself...well, COME ON! I am sure you know better than that.

  43. And about Surrah-tul-Nisa' ayah(verse) 34: it starts of by first warn her or advise your wife, then if she does not listen then don't share bed's with her, If she continues to dis obey Allah(not her Husband) then he may separate/strike her.

    The word Idhrib also means to separate.

    This is why I said you probably don't even know Arabic. The word in question either means "to beat or to strike". In fact, the more accurate rendering would be "TO STRIKE". If one wanted to say "separate" in Arabic, then one would have to use the word, "Fasl" or its equivanlent. The word that is used in the verse, which is often translated as BEAT THEM, is Wadhribuhunna, which comes from Idhrib as you mentioned but that word means "to beat" or "to strike", not "to separate".

    As for whether the verse says that you should FIRST do this and THEN do that. That's wrong too and that's the reason I said the translation you're using is not accurate (sounds like Yusuf Abdullah or someone like him). The reason for that is that there is no words in Arabic for "First", "then" or "after".

    As for whether the disobedience is toward husbands or Allah. Let's see what the verse actually says (Yusuf Abdullah's version, without his parenthetical notes): Men are the protectors and maintainers of women, because Allah has given the one more than the other (:)), and because they support them from their means. Therefore, the righteous woman are devoutly obedient, and guard in absence what Allah would have them guard. As to those women on whose part YOU FEAR disloyalty and ill conduct, admonish them, refuse to share their beds , beat them; but if they return to obedience, seek not against them means: for Allah is most high, great.

    Its talking about women's obedience toward men and its the man that judges and if he so much as fears that the woman is not obedient, he can do all or one of the things mentioned in the text. And again, there is no "first", "then", or "after" in the text. Look, you can keep on fooling yourself all you want, but it ain't going to work on us.

    Not the land Isra'el(no such thing)

    LOL! Just had to laugh at this little gem from you.

    Domestic violence is not preeched in this verse.

    Yes it is. But you can deny it if you want, I don't care.

    Islam gave women rights back then and still does today.

    Um, guess what I'm going to say. SOURCES!

    Then you may tell me that my understanding is based on false facts.

    Alright, here it is. You don't know jack.

    I've found this really interesting passage on my Sister's site

    Whatever you wrote in that comment was worthless with no sources and more importantly, had nothing to do with the article in question.

    The only thing I found respectful enough in your comments was the following.

    Secondly at least we follow what our Lord tells us.

    At least you're honest about that.

    I'm going to wrap this up now. Zuleikha, I don't see your comment as worth replying to just yet. We'll see later maybe if I have time to waste.

    Amatullah, I have tried to reply to everything that I thought was worth replying. If I have left out something you think is important, let me know.

    See ya kids later. :P.

  44. Pastorius,

    "I've tried to answer her question.

    I am not sure what her question is.

    Phrase it in one sentence, and I'll answer it."

    I think they were referring to me. I have been a bad boy!

  45. This has been an entertaining thread to read thus far.

    Not sure why two headsmackers--I mean Mohammedans--would come here talking nonsense. Are they trying to win friends? Well, their own 'god'--Mohammad's imaginary friend really--specifically forbids such fraternisation with the enemy. Are they, perchance, trying to 'revert' us kufr to their side? Dunno about how sensible that is...that's kinda like a couple of crooks breaking into a police station in broad daylight to rob the place. In other words, it *might* work, but it's much more likely to not be too productive for the perps in question.

    Far as I'm concerned, Pastorius gets props and politeness points for being so diplomatic and restrained with these interlopers. He has far more patience than me.

    And Avenging A, my hat's off to him. He is running circles around these thinking impaired souls, shackled as they are to a draconian and retrograde belief system. It should be no surprise to anyone--after all, he only has on his side overwhelming evidence.

    Come to think of it, critical thinking and debate aint exactly Mooozlim strong suits, are they? As if we needed another demonstration of this maxim, let us be reminded anew that logic itself is an infidel invention and trait.

    So, do our Mohammedan 'guests' have anything else to say about that ideology of theirs? I dare them to respond!

  46. To Avenging Apostate: First and foremost I could sense from the way you talk that you are either pretending to be as you say “living in a Muslim country”, because if you were then you wouldn’t be saying the things that you are saying about muslim women because you would see the lives they live, or you are truly blinded by your thick headedness. And secondly I could also tell that you are trying to sound like you have knowledge of the Quran and Hadith and even the Arabic language, but I can see through it. When you claim that there are no words in the Arabic language for First", "then" or "after", well either your trying to make a point from nothing or you seriosly need to freshen up on your lying skills cause you are not fooling anybody. If there are no such words then what is بعد, اّول, ثم. And THAT is what I call someone with no sources. And your comments on the word idhrib were also if I may point out ….. wrong. The word comes from the word dhrb which means to strike not beat. But the ayah was later elaborated on by the prophet (SAW) when he said that the word strike was meant only to be striken with a miswac or as you may call it a toothbrush. If the man or the husband does more than that then he is held accountable in front of the eyes of that all mighty lord. And for your information some things don’t need “SOURCES” there just commonly known facts among those who it concerns and to “The Anti- Jihadist” I don’t think anybody came here to make friends with people who have no clue about what it means to simply give up when they have been proven wrong. And we haven’t proven you wrong by all the things we have said. No. we have proven you wrong by being able to respond to this nonsense blog, we are three Muslim women and we are the proof that we aren’t oppressed, because we the “oppressed ” you say…… are standing up for ourselves than that shows for a lot. And no we haven’t come here to “make friend” as you say we came here to defend our beliefs from infidels like you all. And to respond to your comment “critical thinking and debate aint exactly Mooozlim strong suits, are they?” well if they aren’t are strong suite then their definitely not yours. And to Avenging Apostate: You know what would actually make your argument worth something? If you actually had evidence of a “oppressed ” Muslim women, that was oppressed because the religion instructed her husband to do so not because her husband was abusive, Instead of telling us the “oppressed” that were oppressed how about you fix the problem in your own community, like those popes of yours that are raping children left, right, and center.
    Have a nice day

  47. To Avenging Apostate: First and foremost I could sense from the way you talk that you are either pretending to be as you say “living in a Muslim country”, because if you were then you wouldn’t be saying the things that you are saying about muslim women because you would see the lives they live, or you are truly blinded by your thick headedness. And secondly I could also tell that you are trying to sound like you have knowledge of the Quran and Hadith and even the Arabic language, but I can see through it. When you claim that there are no words in the Arabic language for First", "then" or "after", well either your trying to make a point from nothing or you seriosly need to freshen up on your lying skills cause you are not fooling anybody. If there are no such words then what is بعد, اّول, ثم. And THAT is what I call someone with no sources. And your comments on the word idhrib were also if I may point out ….. wrong. The word comes from the word dhrb which means to strike not beat. But the ayah was later elaborated on by the prophet (SAW) when he said that the word strike was meant only to be striken with a miswac or as you may call it a toothbrush. If the man or the husband does more than that then he is held accountable in front of the eyes of that all mighty lord. And for your information some things don’t need “SOURCES” there just commonly known facts among those who it concerns and to “The Anti- Jihadist” I don’t think anybody came here to make friends with people who have no clue about what it means to simply give up when they have been proven wrong. And we haven’t proven you wrong by all the things we have said. No. we have proven you wrong by being able to respond to this nonsense blog, we are three Muslim women and we are the proof that we aren’t oppressed, because we the “oppressed ” you say…… are standing up for ourselves than that shows for a lot. And no we haven’t come here to “make friend” as you say we came here to defend our beliefs from infidels like you all. And to respond to your comment “critical thinking and debate aint exactly Mooozlim strong suits, are they?” well if they aren’t are strong suite then their definitely not yours. And to Avenging Apostate: You know what would actually make your argument worth something? If you actually had evidence of a “oppressed ” Muslim women, that was oppressed because the religion instructed her husband to do so not because her husband was abusive, Instead of telling us the “oppressed” that were oppressed how about you fix the problem in your own community, like those popes of yours that are raping children left, right, and center.
    Have a nice day
    p.s i am also the previos Anonymous

  48. To Avenging Apostate: First and foremost I could sense from the way you talk that you are either pretending to be as you say “living in a Muslim country”, because if you were then you wouldn’t be saying the things that you are saying about muslim women because you would see the lives they live, or you are truly blinded by your thick headedness. And secondly I could also tell that you are trying to sound like you have knowledge of the Quran and Hadith and even the Arabic language, but I can see through it. When you claim that there are no words in the Arabic language for First", "then" or "after", well either your trying to make a point from nothing or you seriosly need to freshen up on your lying skills cause you are not fooling anybody. If there are no such words then what is بعد, اّول, ثم. And THAT is what I call someone with no sources. And your comments on the word idhrib were also if I may point out ….. wrong. The word comes from the word dhrb which means to strike not beat. But the ayah was later elaborated on by the prophet (SAW) when he said that the word strike was meant only to be striken with a miswac or as you may call it a toothbrush. If the man or the husband does more than that then he is held accountable in front of the eyes of that all mighty lord. And for your information some things don’t need “SOURCES” there just commonly known facts among those who it concerns and to “The Anti- Jihadist” I don’t think anybody came here to make friends with people who have no clue about what it means to simply give up when they have been proven wrong. And we haven’t proven you wrong by all the things we have said. No. we have proven you wrong by being able to respond to this nonsense blog, we are three Muslim women and we are the proof that we aren’t oppressed, because we the “oppressed ” you say…… are standing up for ourselves than that shows for a lot. And no we haven’t come here to “make friend” as you say we came here to defend our beliefs from infidels like you all. And to respond to your comment “critical thinking and debate aint exactly Mooozlim strong suits, are they?” well if they aren’t are strong suite then their definitely not yours. And to Avenging Apostate: You know what would actually make your argument worth something? If you actually had evidence of a “oppressed ” Muslim women, that was oppressed because the religion instructed her husband to do so not because her husband was abusive, Instead of telling us the “oppressed” that were oppressed how about you fix the problem in your own community, like those popes of yours that are raping children left, right, and center.
    Have a nice day
    p.s i am also the previos Anonymous

  49. From previous Anonymous
    To Avenging Apostate: First and foremost I could sense from the way you talk that you are either pretending to be as you say “living in a Muslim country”, because if you were then you wouldn’t be saying the things that you are saying about muslim women because you would see the lives they live, or you are truly blinded by your thick headedness. And secondly I could also tell that you are trying to sound like you have knowledge of the Quran and Hadith and even the Arabic language, but I can see through it. When you claim that there are no words in the Arabic language for First", "then" or "after", well either your trying to make a point from nothing or you seriosly need to freshen up on your lying skills cause you are not fooling anybody. If there are no such words then what is بعد, اّول, ثم. And THAT is what I call someone with no sources. And your comments on the word idhrib were also if I may point out ….. wrong. The word comes from the word dhrb which means to strike not beat. But the ayah was later elaborated on by the prophet (SAW) when he said that the word strike was meant only to be striken with a miswac or as you may call it a toothbrush. If the man or the husband does more than that then he is held accountable in front of the eyes of that all mighty lord. And for your information some things don’t need “SOURCES” there just commonly known facts among those who it concerns and to “The Anti- Jihadist” I don’t think anybody came here to make friends with people who have no clue about what it means to simply give up when they have been proven wrong. And we haven’t proven you wrong by all the things we have said. No. we have proven you wrong by being able to respond to this nonsense blog, we are three Muslim women and we are the proof that we aren’t oppressed, because we the “oppressed ” you say…… are standing up for ourselves than that shows for a lot. And no we haven’t come here to “make friend” as you say we came here to defend our beliefs from infidels like you all. And to respond to your comment “critical thinking and debate aint exactly Mooozlim strong suits, are they?” well if they aren’t are strong suite then their definitely not yours. And to Avenging Apostate: You know what would actually make your argument worth something? If you actually had evidence of a “oppressed ” Muslim women, that was oppressed because the religion instructed her husband to do so not because her husband was abusive, Instead of telling us the “oppressed” that were oppressed how about you fix the problem in your own community, like those popes of yours that are raping children left, right, and center.
    Have a nice day

  50. Saifullah,
    Your comment did not post, though I did receive a note that you attempted to comment four times.

    So here is your comment:

    From previous Anonymous
    To Avenging Apostate: First and foremost I could sense from the way you talk that you are either pretending to be as you say “living in a Muslim country”, because if you were then you wouldn’t be saying the things that you are saying about muslim women because you would see the lives they live, or you are truly blinded by your thick headedness. And secondly I could also tell that you are trying to sound like you have knowledge of the Quran and Hadith and even the Arabic language, but I can see through it. When you claim that there are no words in the Arabic language for First", "then" or "after", well either your trying to make a point from nothing or you seriosly need to freshen up on your lying skills cause you are not fooling anybody. If there are no such words then what is بعد, اّول, ثم. And THAT is what I call someone with no sources. And your comments on the word idhrib were also if I may point out ….. wrong. The word comes from the word dhrb which means to strike not beat. But the ayah was later elaborated on by the prophet (SAW) when he said that the word strike was meant only to be striken with a miswac or as you may call it a toothbrush. If the man or the husband does more than that then he is held accountable in front of the eyes of that all mighty lord. And for your information some things don’t need “SOURCES” there just commonly known facts among those who it concerns and to “The Anti- Jihadist” I don’t think anybody came here to make friends with people who have no clue about what it means to simply give up when they have been proven wrong. And we haven’t proven you wrong by all the things we have said. No. we have proven you wrong by being able to respond to this nonsense blog, we are three Muslim women and we are the proof that we aren’t oppressed, because we the “oppressed ” you say…… are standing up for ourselves than that shows for a lot. And no we haven’t come here to “make friend” as you say we came here to defend our beliefs from infidels like you all. And to respond to your comment “critical thinking and debate aint exactly Mooozlim strong suits, are they?” well if they aren’t are strong suite then their definitely not yours. And to Avenging Apostate: You know what would actually make your argument worth something? If you actually had evidence of a “oppressed ” Muslim women, that was oppressed because the religion instructed her husband to do so not because her husband was abusive, Instead of telling us the “oppressed” that were oppressed how about you fix the problem in your own community, like those popes of yours that are raping children left, right, and center.
    Have a nice day

  51. Pastorius, thank you for your gentlemanly and impartial conduct in posting his/her latest remarks. And don't bother waiting for our Muslim counterparts to be nearly as gracious, but I think you already have that part figured out.

    Ever notice that the more pissed off the Mohammedans are, the more disjointed their grammar becomes? And here's a format tip for my Moose-limb opponents: try writing coherent separate paragraphs, as opposed to your big blocks of text, which are difficult to read especially on a computer screen.

    But format and grammar tips aside, I can personally vouch for the fact that 'AA' lives in a Muslim country--he's actually lived in three Muslim countries. I live in a majority Muslim (unfortunately) country as well. Calling him a liar merely demonstrates the paucity of your own arguments.

    And speaking of your arguments, those arguments can be boiled down to "we're not oppressed because we are 'standing up for ourselves' and we are right because we are responding to this blog". Which is about the same as a little league team playing the New York Yankees, getting an entirely predictable shellacking, and then claiming victory solely because they showed up to play.

    Furthermore, notice that despite all their raving and accusations, our Moose-limb counterparts have had absolutely nothing to say about the arguments on this article, the carefully sourced and documented proof of Islamic-inspired genocide--actually genocides, with an 's'. Their continued and blatant ignoring of this hard data might as well be construed as tacit acceptance of our argument's validity.

    Shalom and have a nice infidel day.

  52. As if two people that have no idea what they're talking about weren't enough Saifullah shows up.


    "When you claim that there are no words in the Arabic language for First", "then" or "after", well either your trying to make a point from nothing or you seriosly need to freshen up on your lying skills cause you are not fooling anybody. If there are no such words then what is بعد, اّول, ثم. And THAT is what I call someone with no sources."

    I knew already that Muslims are incapable of thought but you just solidified that even more. Maybe if you took your head out of the sand you'd realize that I wasn't talking about the Arabic language in general but just the verse (Sura Al Nisa, Ayah 34) in specific. If you would be so kind to show us all where the words "Ba'ad", "Awwal", or "Summa" appear in that particular verse, we can have a discussion. But of course you didn't have anything to reply to so you created a strawman and attacked it. Nice but already expected.

    The word comes from the word dhrb which means to strike not beat.

    To beat or to strike, it carries the same meaning. You have to be an idiot to not know that.

    But the ayah was later elaborated on by the prophet (SAW) when he said that the word strike was meant only to be striken with a miswac or as you may call it a toothbrush.

    Whether you beat someone up with a miswac (a small stick) or with your hand (without leaving a mark. Beating (or striking) is a beating (or striking, DUH).

  53. The following just proved your and your type's idiocy beyond doubt.

    And for your information some things don’t need “SOURCES” there just commonly known facts among those who it concerns

    So we have to come up with sources but you aren't? Get a life KID. I still am asking for sources and until you can provide them, your points count for nothing.

    And we haven’t proven you wrong by all the things we have said.

    That is the only correct statement in your comment. YOu haven't proven us wrong, just wasted our time.

    No. we have proven you wrong by being able to respond to this nonsense blog

    Again, you haven't responded to anything. You have just been blabbing on about random things. I don't see any of you that addressed the actual article or even disproved anything I or Pastorius or AJ said. So you have basically screwed yourselves over by showing all of us that what we know about Muslims is correct.

    And no we haven’t come here to “make friend” as you say we came here to defend our beliefs from infidels like you all.

    We know, your belief system is a joke that NEEDS defending.

    You know what would actually make your argument worth something? If you actually had evidence of a “oppressed ” Muslim women, that was oppressed because the religion instructed her husband to do so not because her husband was abusive

    Sure. Why don't you come this way. I will take you to Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, UAE, Oman, Qatar, Kuwait, Lebanon, Syria, Iran, Egypt, Algeria, Morocco, etc (all these countries are pretty close to me and very easy for me to go to) and I can show you examples.

    how about you fix the problem in your own community, like those popes of yours that are raping children left, right, and center.

    Lol! That was funny. I am glad you mentioned it because 1) it shows again that you are an immature kid that doesn't know what she's talking about (hint-hint: There is only 1 Pope in catholicism) 2) The following story came out in the newspaper in Dubai, UAE --->


    First and foremost I could sense from the way you talk that you are either pretending to be as you say “living in a Muslim country”

    I don't care about what you think. You can check my IP address if you cared but other than that, I don't care about what you think because you haven't shown even a grain of intelligence in your comment. You can't even read what I wrote properly.

  54. Pastorius,

    Like AJ, I thank you too for being impartial here and I admire that. I don't think I could do that, especially because the comments are downright silly.

    But in any case, my hats off to you!

  55. AJ,

    Thank you for vouching for me but as you know already, even if they could see me present where I am, they would blame the Jews for projecting my hologram in a Muslim country. So there's no point arguing that aspect.

    I loved this part:

    Which is about the same as a little league team playing the New York Yankees, getting an entirely predictable shellacking, and then claiming victory solely because they showed up to play.

    Exactly my thoughts. Didn't Hezbollah do something like that when they got their collective butts kicked in 2006? It was funny just like this little joke from these three kids is funny.

    Furthermore, notice that despite all their raving and accusations, our Moose-limb counterparts have had absolutely nothing to say about the arguments on this article, the carefully sourced and documented proof of Islamic-inspired genocide--actually genocides, with an 's'. Their continued and blatant ignoring of this hard data might as well be construed as tacit acceptance of our argument's validity.

    Exactly. Its still fun playing around with these kids though. Every day a new one pops up and shows the same level of non-intelligence as the previous one or even worse. Its amazing!

  56. Thank you Pastorius for posting my comment.
    And to the Ant- Jihadist:
    Why resond when everything your saying is based on nothing. If those "statistics" were to be true then they would be conterdicting a lot of things.

    When you say that Islam has killed more people in a day then the kkk has in a year. well where and when exactly did these killing take place. please try to state facts not opinions. Because if things like this did take place dont you think it would be plastered all over the news. Im sorry but i keep up-to date with the news and i havent seen any muslim genocides lately.

  57. If those "statistics" were to be true then they would be conterdicting a lot of things.

    Really? How so?

    Because if things like this did take place dont you think it would be plastered all over the news.

    They are. You just ignore it or blame the Jews for it.


  58. As for sources, um, I guess read the article and follow the links? Its very simple. You know, click and follow the links. It shouldn't be that hard even for you.

  59. I see the Moose-limbs have come back for more.

    "...When you say that Islam has killed more people in a day then the kkk has in a year..."

    Heavens have mercy...even with the article smack dab in front of them, these Moose-limbs can't even *copy* the words correctly. This is the correct transcription from the article: "Islamic terrorists murder more people every day than the Ku Klux Klan has in the last 50 years"

    That's 50, not 1. Muslims kill more people in one day than the KKK has killed in 50 years. And speaking of sources, the author in this article has sourced all of these figures. The *only* "defense" these 'defenders of Allah' can come up with is calling this mountain of evidence "lies".

    Never mind the fact that even a casual observer of the news will note the vast amount of carnage committed by Muslims on a DAILY basis. Such violence is inevitably wrought either in the name of Islam, or justified by core Islamic teachings.

    Just today, according to the BBC, mujahadeen attacked Christians and Christian homes in Iraq, killing two. Churches and Christian worshipers were attacked by MUSLIMS in multiple countries (Iraq, Nigeria and Indonesia) in the past week, killing scores. Sadly, this is only the tip of the iceberg. Our friends and fellow kufr co-conspirators at the 'Religion of Peace' website have carefully documented over 15,000 Muslim terror attacks in the past nine years.

    But our Muslim guests of course couldn't give a hoot about any of these atrocities. They are not interested in comforting the many victims, hunting down the responsible parties or trying to prevent the next Muslim-led massacre. No no...our Muslim 'friends' here are much too busy defending their 'faith' that justifies these rivers of blood being spilled. These Muslims, as typical of their kind, would prefer to expend their limited time and energy to 'defend' their faith...because disbelief, to them, is the far greater crime.

    Muslims can be rest assured that no amount of comments, or disinformation, or threats, or what-have-you, is going to shut us up. For we are the kufr and apostates of the world, united against Islam, and we have just begun to fight.

    As 2011 rings in around the world, let's all make a New Year's resolution to continue to spread the truth, the ugly truth about Islam, and to resist Islamic supremacy by any and all means.

    AA, thanks as always for your sharp wit and even sharper intellect.

  60. For the record, the ongoing genocide (and it has been ongoing for 25 years with 2.5 million Christians and Animists murdered) is a Muslim genocide.

  61. Lord, I'm gone for about three days and I got all this crap sent to me by E-Mail. First and foremost I'd like to start off by saying thank you Pastorius for being formal in this argument. I really apprieciated that you didn't make fun of our God and Muhammad. and I have not made fun of your beliefs either. I still won't make fun of the Jews or the Christians just because I don't understand they're religion, but I would very much like to. Second to Anti-Jihadist you got a little typo right there when you say kufr, its Kaafir(the one who is kufr(non-believer))
    Thirdly to Avenging Apostate, its thooma, not sooma.

    Its Friday so I haven't got much time. I'll formally and adequately reply back my tonight, if God wills it.

  62. “Rivers of blood being spilled” do you see how many people are killed by the Israelis in Palestine every single day, and you’re talking about two Christians in Iraq yes they didn’t deserve to die but , take a look do you not see the millions being killed in Afghanistan. And what about the Gulf and Iraq war?

    How many people died in Afghanistan at the hands of American soldiers – 1,308 and this is according to

    And how many in Iraq 99,285-108,398 and this up to the 25th of December according to and this doesn’t include the thousands of bodies not found or counted

    Amount of Muslims killed by Israelis since 1948 is close to two million.

    Amount of Jews killed by Palestinians since 1948 is less than 500,000

    So if you’re going to give the numbers at least gives all of them.

    And about the Ku Klux Klan thing honestly who cares why are you comparing those numbers to the kkk don’t you see that the American troops have killed much more civilians than anybody in the world. If you want some true facts take a look at wikileaks Julian Assange spoke the truth and look where he is…… in jail, that shows how much the American government tries to sweep things under carpet. Whatever happened to freedom of speech? Isn’t that what your whole country is based on.
    and for the record try not to insult my beliefs as i have not done so to you

  63. Lord, I'm gone for about three days and I got all this crap sent to me by E-Mail.

    Genius! If you don't want the "CRAP" sent to your email, don't opt for it.

    Thirdly to Avenging Apostate, its thooma, not sooma.

    Wow! You can transliterate! Let me look for the prize...oh wait, there isn't one because no one cares about that.

    Let's talk when you can actually bring forth some proof to disprove what the article is saying.

    I'll formally and adequately reply back my tonight, if God wills it.

    Um what the heck is "your" tonight? Seems like you can't even write English (I can pick on little things like that too, two way street KID).

  64. Saifullah,

    Yes, a worthless comment again. One thing, I'm glad you mentioned Iraq because that is something a lot of you like to point out.

    And how many in Iraq 99,285-108,398 and this up to the 25th of December according to and this doesn’t include the thousands of bodies not found or counted

    Majority of those are killed by your own Muslim brethren so that actually adds to the murders committed by Muslims.

    Rest of your comment had no sources so its worth as much as if I said the moon's made of cheese.

  65. If you want some true facts take a look at wikileaks Julian Assange spoke the truth and look where he is…… in jail,

    Two things, 1) have you even read Wikileaks? 2) Assange went to jail for rape (Sweden wants him in on trial for that, not the US), not for releasing information and is actually out on bail now under house arrest, not in jail. I thought you kept up to date on all the news out there and what not.

    and for the record try not to insult my beliefs as i have not done so to you

    Try to stop me, why don't you?! I am saying this loud and clear here, I have no respect for Islam and those who defend and propagate it so don't expect it from me.

  66. I'm going to be away for three days. I'm sure there will be a lot of worthless stuff here to play with when I come back.

    See ya then!


  67. Yes Avenging Apostate i am well aware that Julian Assange is being held for trail in sweden but dont you find it quite coincidental that he was accused of rape crimes after he has leaked the information. Thats more than coincedence.

    And No those killed in iraq were not killed by us no they were killed by the Americans and if your trying to deny clear evidence then your more hopeless than i thought.

    And when you say "Let's talk when you can actually bring forth some proof to disprove what the article is saying." I just showed you the clear facts but you decided to say that it was like you saying that the moon is made of cheese, well if you actually read my comment then you would see that the nubers there were sourced and clearly graeter than those on your little "Article"

    Have a nice day

  68. We all both know that I meant by, and Saifullah, we shouldn't argue with these two anymore. They don't want want to listen. They can walk the earth with a blindfold. Continue you're hating. But you should ask yourselves whats it going to get you? Your certainly not making Islam more modern. Your certainly not changing our views and its clear from the begining that were not changing yours. So have a nice life, hope it gets you far. And that Avenging Apostate and Anti-Jihadist learn some respect for themselves and those more wiser than them.

    Saifullah don't reply back anymore, Allah says in the Quran that they'll always come up with more lies to throw in our faces, and that their ears are closed to the truth even if it stares them in the face.

  69. Speaking of Julian Assange, the info from his site has it that the King of Saudi Arabia and Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, no less, would very much support the idea of the US military attacking the Iranian nuclear programme. "Cut the head off the snake" I believe were the King's exact words. So, does that make Wikileaks yet another Zionist-Crusader-Mossad-Freemasons plot against Islam?

    "Continue you're hating."

    See, these Moose-limbs still have grammatical issues. And notice how reporting the truth about Islam is invariably described by these headbangers as 'hate'. See, we gotta learn their peculiar lingo here-- truth is 'hate', so that makes lying about Islam and deceiving others on the same topic 'love', I suppose.

    "Your certainly not making Islam more modern."

    Same grammatical issues, plus the nonsensical idea that Islam can be somehow 'modernized' is thrown in for good measure. If you mean an Islam that is innovative, tolerant, and treats followers of other belief systems with respect and equality--well, such a thing is not possible under the teachings of your so-called prophet. Every effort to date to modernize Islam has failed and failed miserably. Since Islam cannot be modernized, Muslims are far more interested in, and likely to 'islamize' modernity, as a visit to any Arab ghetto in Europe will rapidly prove.

    "And that Avenging Apostate and Anti-Jihadist learn some respect..."

    I am going to assume that these people mean 'respecting Islam' and not respecting another belief system like, oh, Judaism perchance. :) Anyways, why should we respect a belief system that clearly has no respect for us?

    "Allah says in the Quran that they'll always come up with more lies to throw in our faces..."

    Pure chutzpah is on display here, as the Quran itself is a hateful, error-ridden lie. I highly recommend all infidels read the Quran to see what kind of insipid BS that Muslims try to pass off as Holy Writ.

    "And No those killed in iraq were not killed by us no they were killed by the Americans..."

    Have you examined our evidence documenting otherwise? Have you spoken to Iraqis themselves? Doubtful on both counts, so how do you know? Clearly, you know only what your anti American friends and the Arab-leftist media tells you, or perhaps what your anti American imam harangues the crowd about every Friday.

    One of our Moose-limb trolls here goes by the name Saifullah--a name which means 'Sword of Allah'. Isn't that a real peaceful and non-aggressive name? He's probably never considered how warlike his moniker sounds. Or perhaps, more foreboding, he has.

    Notice that while the Muslims keep denying that the genocides occurred (without even a cursory exam of our copious amounts of evidence, naturally), but none of them have tried to make even a perfunctory apology about the genocides. Or about the daily Muslim-led terror attacks against Christians and kufr/kuffar everywhere. Remember, Moose-limbs don't apologise for anything!

    Well I gotta hand it to the trolls here, at least their formatting skills have improved somewhat (their grammar not so much). However, incremental improvements aside, *no one* here is buying the taqiyya that these followers of the Religion of Genocides are peddling.

    Shalom and shana tova all.

  70. Goodness.

    Why are you still arguing with them? If Islam and Muslims have "no respect for you" or if the Qur'an is "hateful, error-ridden lie"..why do you bother and continue arguing with Muslims & attacking Islam? All I'm saying is, if what your beliefs are correct, then why waste your time on Us? Why not use your time in doing something more "useful" perhaps?

  71. For my part, I do what I do to educate "Infidels" about how hostile and evil your religion is.

  72. You see, if people who try to do what you're doing realize that Muslims DO NOT NEED you to "educate" them on how "hostile & evil" our religion is..

    ..things would be so much easier for both you and me.

    We're confident in religion, in our Creator. It's you that needs to educate yourself. You probably feel like something is missing. Go out and find it, look around you..there IS a God.

    Find yourself.

  73. Might I add, a God who believes that people should make an effort to get a reward from him.

    And before I go, to Anti-Jihadist, are you also Anti-Zionism?

  74. I'm here to show the flaws and inherent weaknesses of Islam to two groups:

    A) infidels who have thus far been ignorant of Islam and the threat it poses to free people everywhere

    B) Muslims who are (privately) wavering in their belief in Islam; they know something aint right with Islam, but so far either have either lacked the insight to know more, or have lacked the courage to see the natural conclusion that those doubts will lead them to.

    I have met many people from both groups. So, my arguments are not for devout or pious Muslims, but for others.

    I will keep fighting and never cede the battleground to the likes of the 'Believers' in the cult. To surrender is tantamount to death.

  75. I believe one should correct his own brothers and sisters before he tries to correct another ones belief.

    I'm happy that a Non-Muslim would like to correct that not-so-good fellow Muslims, but I think us other Muslims got that covered. Thanks for the help we don't need the likes of you to correct Islam for us.

    About your reply to the Anti-Zionist question?

    Funny, isn't that the exact same think the Zionists are doing to the Palestians? When all the Palesinians did was to open their arms back to the Jews that abandoned their homeland during WWII?

  76. Inari,
    I don't know why your comment did not post. I see that you have tried to post it three or four times now.

    I will post it for you as the next comment, and split into two pieces, cuz I think it may have been too long.

  77. Inari says: I was recently told by a friend about this blog, and I just had to check it out. And I am truly amazed at what I am reading. You guys are arguing over a subject as controversial as religion, so it is not surprising that you guys don’t understand or agree with each other. Haven’t you ever studied history? Do you not know the number of religions that exist, and denominations and sects within many religions? You cannot just put religion inside a box, put a lid on it and label it as “evil”. Religion is a way of life, a belief, a way people try to make sense of the world, and what they see. It has been this way ever since the beginning of time, whenever that was.

    It is ridiculous that there is a blog out here created to blasphemy, vilify, and degrade someone’s religion, especially one that is widely followed. And even after people respond to what is posted on this blog, you do not listen and further disrespect them. After you insult someone, you cannot expect them to not retaliate and defend themselves. If someone dissed your mother and slandered her would you just sit around and do nothing? I don’t think so. And when you revile the God and way of life of someone else, I’m sure they have the right to become upset and defend themselves.

    Something else that made me skeptical of the credibility of various posters here is how they are prone to insulting and belittling others. Lack of respect for anyone, no matter how wrong you believe they are, is extremely rude. Name calling and picking on others are characteristics of a playground bully and not a responsible adult. If you really want others to listen to you and believe you, you must be willing to be polite, and listen to them in turn. If someone does not agree with you, it does not mean they are wrong. Just because something doesn’t seem right to you doesn’t mean that it seems wrong to everyone else. The world doesn’t revolve around you and your ideas you know.

  78. Inari says: I also don’t understand how you can start a blog about how “evil” a religion is when there are vices and problems out there are horrid, abominable, and shocking and need to be addressed even more. You look up statistics on how many people a certain religion has killed but do you realized that more people have died from other causes? (btw, a lot of your numbers don’t even seem accurate or credible) According to the WHO, a child dies from malaria every 30 seconds. Did you know that? Did you know that almost half the world lives on less than 2 U.S dollars a day? And more than 1.2 million children are being trafficked every year (UNICEF)? There are even more horrible things happening and all you can do is find people to insult and belittle (although I’m sure you don’t consider what you are doing as insulting and belittling)? Sometimes I am ashamed of being part of the human race. Even animals respect each other better than we do.

    Anything I have written is not meant to offend, or hurt anyone. I have nothing against people of all backgrounds and religions as long as they are civil and open minded towards others. Thank you.

    P.S. The name of your blog struck me as weird. If you truly believed in God, don’t you think that it is up to him to decide who is evil and an infidel and who is not?

  79. Inari,
    Disease, famine and poverty are things that happen. They are not done according to the will of specific human beings. What I mean by that is, there is not some Board of Directors who sits down and thinks, "How can we take bread out of the mouths of African children today.

    But, the atrocities committed by Muslims are called for in the Koran and the Hadith. They are done according to the wills of specific human beings, starting with Mohammed.

    That is why we do what we do. It may not be understandable to you, cuz for you, Islam is a religion, a culture, and a family tie. But, to those of us on the outside, who see our fellow Christians, Jews, Hindus, and Atheists killed by your people according to the word of you "God", well, we don't have so much "tolerance" as you do.

    Here are a few posts from the past few days, detailing atrocities in the name of Allah and Mohammed:

  80. This last one is particularly important. This is how Muslims react when a bomb goes off inside a Church, killing 21 people:

  81. Yup, all we have to prove our case is overwhelming evidence, as Pastorius has duly noted more than once. Notice the Muslims have no defense to any of this, other than to call all of it 'lies'. Remember, fellow infidels, there are none so blind as those who will not see.

    Am Yisra’el Chai!

  82. An we have noticed that you guys don't have strong evidence to say Islam is evil and preaches genocide. When, lets be honest, you have no reply to our hardcore evidences aboutIslam you call it a lie.

    When I say Islam I mean Islam. Just as when people say Christians they don't mean the religion. Lets take that Pastor Terry Jones for example, he wanted to burn the Qur'an and I know many Christians didn't want him to do it. He got arrested for child molestation. Do you see people saying that Christians are pedophiles and Christianity preached child molestation? No, you don't!

    The same goes for any other religion.

    Don't be blind and ignorant. We wouldn't be here if you had your information from books which contain common knowledge such as a history textbook or from an encyclopedia.

  83. Try checking your comments for spelling and grammatical mistakes before you post.

    Try reading the Koran in a language you understand.

    "Don't be blind and ignorant".

    In other words, Muslims say that resistance to Islam is futile.

    Speaking on encyclopedias, did you even look at any of the many links Pastorius was kind enough to provide to you? Didn't think so.

    And when *we* infidels at IBLOGA mean Islam, we mean the Islam that Mohammad (no pbuh) concocted, taught, and inflicted on those around him.

    Am Yisra’el Chai!

  84. This is all very humorous, though I doubt our Muslims visitors recognize that.

  85. Indeed, Mr. Pastorius, humorous indeed. Not to mention quite ironic...but irony and humor are, of course, infidel traits.

  86. when you say "we mean the Islam that Mohammad (no pbuh) concocted, taught, and inflicted on those around him." are you trying to suggest that this religion was created by Muhammed(PBUH).

    And to AJ yes i have seen these links and they are nothing but PEOPLE doing wrong the fact that their muslim doesn't have anything to do with the religion.

    I can easily list a bunch of crimes Christians or Jews or even Atheist did that still doesn't prove a thing about Christianity, Judaism, or Atheism.

    Honestly I think that nobody is replying to your "overwhelming evidence" because it proves by point stated above that this is just examples of people that has nothing to do with the religion

    so unless you have something about the religion recommending violence other than your ONE weak argument, you should just leave it at that.

  87. And even your little article about the egypt bombing well

    "Muslim leaders expressed both sympathy and solidarity with the victims, and both Muslims and Christians held solidarity marches in both Alexandria and Cairo"

    so i would advise you not to post things that contradict your own point.

  88. "are you trying to suggest that this religion was created by Muhammed"

    Well well, a Mohammaden stumbles onto the truth, no doubt by accident. Truth is a b*tch, aint it.

    Now run off, my merry Muslim troll. It surely must be time soon to slam your head on the ground in the general direction of the meteorite.

  89. Muslims will never leave in peace with anyone, including themselves, until they realize Muhammad--the lone conduit and sole source of that pestilent perverse pathology known as Islam--was psychopath and a liar Once they stop following that thug, only then will true peace reign in this world.

  90. I came back here to actually reply to any decent comment from Muslims but I haven't found anything. I see people here telling us to stop doing what we are doing. My question is, WHY?

    This is our blog and we will say and do what we please. If you don't like what's said here then get the hell out of here. If you want to stay and comment then we will continue to comment too.

    I would address comments from these trolls but all they have done is whined and nothing else. You Muslims don't want to accept the truth, that's fine, doesn't hurt me one bit.

    The proof that Islam is evil is loud and clear. Oh and yeah, Mohammed came up with Islam (if you think otherwise then you're an idiot), of course he had help from others but he is the one responsible for it.

    Now, if you want to continue debating then do us all a favor and look at the links and provide us with sources that would prove us all wrong. And we will all change our opinions if you are able to prove us wrong. But until you do that, your whining and bi***ing won't get you anywhere.

  91. My question to you is if Mohammed made up the Quran and Islam, then who did he know about things mentioned in the quran that have occured just recently?

    And if you can say that about Muhammed then what makes you so sure that Musa, and Issa's messages really existed.

    In fact history shows that the ideology of the trinity didnt come about until after the death of Issa. It was brought about by a man named "PAUL" as i recall.

    This is a link showing that there is a difference of opinion within those who say believe the trinity.

    But what im trying to understand is how do you Believe that God is The father, The Son, and the holy spirit. From what i understand your basically saying 3=1 and that isnt true. So can you please further elaborate on that.

    The link is

    Check it out and Salaamu Aleikum

  92. Genocide is what the Israelite are doing. Radicalism and extremism is the Talmud.
