
Friday, August 27, 2010

Michael Bloomberg’s Deadly Multiculturalism and Culturism

Michael Bloomberg, the Mayor of New York who backs the Ground Zero mosque, is a perfect multiculturalist.  As such he sees blindness to cultural diversity as a virtue.  And so, to prove himself meritorious, he jettisoned all discretion and hosted an Islamic holiday celebration with the mosque's backers.  This is extremely dangerous.  We need culturist politicians who take diversity seriously.

In their blanket attempts to get us to “celebrate diversity” multiculturalists refuse to acknowledge that cultures can have bad sides.  This position commits them to being blind to the possibility of conflict between cultures.  In a very Age-of-Aquarius hippy way, they say if we all just celebrate each other no conflict, values-based or actual, need exist on the planet. 

According to multiculturalist philosophy, if Bloomberg acknowledged any negative cultural characteristics, he’d have to call himself “racist” or “intolerant.” In the real world, culturists note, diversity includes disgusting behaviors that we cannot tolerate, let alone celebrate.  Does Bloomberg celebrate the strict dress codes and theocratic despotism in Islamic nations?  To wiggle out of this conundrum he has to claim that such practices, like Jihad and Sharia, are just perversions of the true, peaceful, and liberal Islam. 

Multiculturalists must constantly whitewash diversity to show they are not racist.  In fact, multiculturalism reflects a proper level of American sensitivity over denying the civil rights of black Americans.  But, race and culture are different.  And avoiding discussing culture frankly in order to avoid being called a racist blinds you to potentially lethal considerations.  Fighting Islam is not racist, it is culturist.

Bloomberg’s multicultural blindness turns deadly when he feels a need to prove he makes no distinctions between any cultures   In his ultimate act of multiculturalism he actually celebrated Islam with people publicly sworn to replacing our Constitution with oppressive Sharia law.  As such, Bloomberg and his multiculturalist friends are promoting violence against the West. This is not only treasonous, it is deadly.  The Ground Zero mosque will inspire jihadis all over the world.  When the first terror attack comes at the hands of a visitor to the mosque, Bloomberg and multiculturalism will have blood on their hands. 

The Constitution does not provide Saudi’s and other foreign Islamic states the right to build triumphal monuments to the advance of Islam and Sharia in America.  We need culturist leaders that show the Muslim world that we know about their aggression and will protect liberal western values.  Our safety and rights depend on replacing multicultural politicians like Bloomberg with culturists.

John Press, Ph.D.
President – The Brooklyn Tea Party


  1. One of the many ways that Judeo-Christian civilisation can be shown to be superior to Islam, is that when examined closely, Islamic culture is found to be nothing other than an impoverished subset of Judeo-Christian culture. Consequently, Islamic culture cannot add anything to ours, it can only subtract and destroy.

    Every aspect of present-day Muslim culture that appears to be different from our own is in fact already contained within our culture, it's just part of the subset marked 'history'.

    So all those primitive aspects such as tribalism, theocracy, punishment by amputations, repression of women, honor killings, blasphemy laws etc are quite familiar to us - but we've been there and done that and rejected it all centuries ago.

    As with adolescent vandals, those who lack creativity can only express themselves by destruction, and Muslims are very good at destroying the products of other civilisations (known as 'Jahiliyya') .

    If you look carefully at the process of Islamification in Europe, you'll see that nothing is being added (apart from babies and mosques), but much is being taken away. Almost every Muslim demand is culturally 'subtractive' rather than 'additive'. They want to remove pig statues, ban alcohol, curb free speech, and stop teaching art, music, drama, biology and other 'un-Islamic' subjects in schools.

    The mere presence of Jihadists in the West reduces the quality of life, with security restrictions on travel, and kaffir women and children in Jihadist-infested cities unable to move and play freely for fear of sexual predators.

    In contrast to the subtractive impacts of Jihadism on Western civilisation, Islamic clerics in in Dar al-Islam are paranoid about the addition of aspects of Western culture such as fashion, music, toys, cinema, art, science etc to their own, which they refer to as 'Westoxication'.

    So, no matter what the multiculturalists tell us, Islam cannot bring 'cultural enrichment' to the West - it can only bring cultural impoverishment.

    To say that Jihadist immigrants are worthless is to overvalue them. In fact they have a negative cultural worth, because their attempts to Islamify the West are an attempt to reduce the rich culture of a superior civilisation to a backward, depleted, restricted and primitive subset.

    Although some foreign cultures are 'enriching' and bring new artforms etc, Islam is culturally impoverishing. All it can do is take away our liberty and restrict our freedom of expression.

    Islam is medieval. We've been there, done that, rejected all that theocratic crap, then progressed through the Renaissance and Enlightenment and left Islam in the dust.

    Vibrant Cultural Enrichment™
    The justification for mass immigration given by NuLabour is that immigrants bring 'Vibrant Cultural Enrichment™ ' to our otherwise drab English lives.

    Now to a certain extent this is true. Wherever the Chinese settle you get Chinatowns, which become tourist attractions. In contrast, wherever the Jihadists settle you have ghettoes which become no-go areas. Obviously, some groups are more vibrant than others.

    So what have the Muslims contributed to our cultural enrichment?
    Zero? - no, the number 0 was a Hindu invention.

    In fact they have contributed less than zero, they have a negative effect on all aspects of society.

    Islam is a moribund culture that has produced nothing of any significance to the rest of the world for the past five hundred years, with the one exception of the new cinematic genre of 'Jihad-Snuff' videos, showing now at a mosque near you.

    Islamists have a deleterious effect on education, with attempts to rewrite history so that the Muslims are given credit for inventing everything, and aggressive demands to ban music, visual arts and drama from the syllabus....

    More at

  2. One of the many ways that Judeo-Christian civilisation can be shown to be superior to Islam, is that when examined closely, Islamic culture is found to be nothing other than an impoverished subset of Judeo-Christian culture. Consequently, Islamic culture cannot add anything to ours, it can only subtract and destroy.

    Every aspect of present-day Muslim culture that appears to be different from our own is in fact already contained within our culture, it's just part of the subset marked 'history'.

    So all those primitive aspects such as tribalism, theocracy, punishment by amputations, repression of women, honor killings, blasphemy laws etc are quite familiar to us - but we've been there and done that and rejected it all centuries ago.

    As with adolescent vandals, those who lack creativity can only express themselves by destruction, and Muslims are very good at destroying the products of other civilisations (known as 'Jahiliyya') .

    If you look carefully at the process of Islamification in Europe, you'll see that nothing is being added (apart from babies and mosques), but much is being taken away. Almost every Muslim demand is culturally 'subtractive' rather than 'additive'. They want to remove pig statues, ban alcohol, curb free speech, and stop teaching art, music, drama, biology and other 'un-Islamic' subjects in schools....

    More at

  3. maybe Mike wants to get into the Muslims Bordello Heaven... what a place.. rivers of wine, unlimited virgin whores whose virginity is magically renewed before the wet spot dries

    and unlimited little boys like pearls.. without the shame of getting caught because all wives are in hell..!!

    but according to Mo's math, heaven is full since about 1200 AD. no standing room only. and the Arabic word for virgin can also mean "Ripe Grape".

    and since the first day of their Calendar 1 AH, Mo ordered the Genocide of all Jews who wouldn't submit to being slaves..who had to pay room and board to keep their head on their shoulders.

    the only real problem with Multi-Culturalism is that Muslims DON'T BELIEVE IN IT.!!! Mo said to kill or enslave all non-Muslims and destroy all evidence of other cultures before they were forced into Islam.

    Islam isn't a Religion, it is a Psychotic Narcissistic Personality Cult.

  4. Good explanation John!

    It was nice to see you on the local news the other day. Keep up the good work.

  5. John,
    Let me also say thank you for sticking up for us all publicly the way you do. When you go on TV, organize a demonstration, or lead a meeting, you are taking time out of your life, and you are doing something very brave, in standing up to our dhimmified government and media.

    I truly appreciate your work.

  6. Hey All,

    Thanks for the kind words. Trencherbone, great insight about all the contributions of Islam to Europe being subtractive.

    Jason Pappas,

    I didn't see me on the news and no one I know mentioned it. I'm glad to hear the story aired. What did I say? We shot for about 15 minutes. I wondered how they edited it. I should have mentioned the Voorhies mosque.

    BTW, I just made some video in which I speak. Its been a while. They'll start rolling out shortly.

  7. Sorry to say, John, but it was only a 10 second shot. It made me happy to see you in action. I just wish they'd give you more time to explain your viewpoint. We need articulate advocates and your the man as Pastorius says.
