
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

'Credible But Not Specific' Threat of New Terrorist Attack

From ABC News:
US and European officials said Tuesday they have detected a plot to carry out a major, coordinated series of commando-style terror attacks in Britain, France, Germany and possibly the United States.
Intelligence and law enforcement authorities in the US and Europe said the threat information is based on the interrogation of a suspected German terrorist allegedly captured on his way to Europe in late summer and now being held at Bagram Airfield in Afghanistan.
US law enforcement officials say they have been told the terrorists were planning a series of "Mumbai-style" commando raids on what were termed "economic or soft" targets in the countries. Pakistani militants killed 173 people with guns and grenades during the 2008 attacks in Mumbai, India.
In testimony before Congress last week, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said, "We are all seeing increased activity by a more diverse set of groups and a more diverse set of threats." 


  1. Is this the same thing they were talking about last week?

    here and

    Nappy going to let this one slip between her fingers, too, and hope a citizen catches it so she can say the system worked?

    Just in time for the elections?

    wow, I'm getting too fucking cynical. . .

  2. MR said: Just in time for the elections?

    I say: Maybe. An election ploy wouldn't surprise me in the least.

  3. How is Zero most likely to spin a major attack to his advantage? On the face of it, a successful attack would seem to be hugely negative -- unless he uses it to monekeywrench the election process itself.

  4. Before I too far misunderstood I don't think he has anything to do with it a la 9/11 trutherism stuff.

    BUT I can easily see him suspending the elections and/or declaring martial law if attacks occur, especially in the U.S. Or even if they happen abroad "We have information that these same attacks are coming here. This is no time for American leadership to be in transition" etc.

    Yep, my opinion of him is that he is that low, shalow, and opportunistic.

    Start loading magazines, AoW. It's going to fall on the 5% of American CCW holders and carriers to stop these attacks when they start to unfold in front of us.
