
Tuesday, September 28, 2010

There's Already a Mosque Near Ground Zero, and Park 51 Owner, el-Zanaty, Is Reconsidering the Project?


  1. Pasto, I'm too lazy to search for the financial thread from last week, (so I'm posting on the first one from you.) It was the one about the FED printing $30Trillion in Oct.
    Karl Denninger has that # in a piece today 28 Sept, entitled "Avoidance Will Work." Don't read it if you're in a good mood.
    I can't do a hyper-link. It's

    Just trying to help.

  2. Do you mean to say, then, that you think it is a real story after all?

    If so, that is frightening.

  3. Crap Pasto, I was hoping you would read it. The gist of the article is debt and interest rates and what happens when x happens. So the $30T is a real # that can/has to be dealt with. Whether that's what they plan to do, or are 'forced' to do, is another question.
    Here is the part about the $30T.

    ""Bernanke doesn't have this under his control. He wants you to think he does, but he does not. His "nuclear option" forces him to monetize roughly thirty trillion of rolling debt. If he does it, the currency instantly collapses and the government very well might go with it.""

    Math makes our current course a collision w/reality. We have a window of opportunity to prevent epic tragedy. If we don't take proper steps, we cross the event horizon and we're toast.
    Denninger says there's no way out if we drive over the cliff. There are no safe havens and everyone's wealth will vaporize, maybe excluding the uber-rich.

    Sleep well. One of us needs to.

  4. That's all a little hard to believe, other than for the fact that it makes logical sense.
