
Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Airport Body Scanners Violate Islamic Law, Muslims Say, not only that THE 4TH AMENDMENT

CAIR: Muslim Group Updates Travel Advisory for Holiday Weekend

WASHINGTON, Nov. 24, 2010 -

WASHINGTON, Nov. 24, 2010 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) today issued an updated travel advisory for those concerned about new airport security measures involving full-body scanners and more invasive pat-downs.

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Earlier this year, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) began phasing in full-body Advanced Imaging Technology (AIT) scanners in airports as a primary screening method. In February, CAIR supported a statement by a prominent group of Muslim scholars that the full-body scanners violate religious and privacy rights.In late October, the TSA revised its standard pat-down procedure, particularly for those opting out of the AIT scanner, to allow a much more intrusive manual search of passengers' bodies by TSA officers.

Passengers who have undergone the new standard pat-down procedure have reported feeling humiliated by a search they describe as invasive and that has involved TSA officers touching the face and hair, the groin area and buttocks, and in between and underneath breasts.

On November 11, CAIR issued a travel advisory that was distorted by Islamophobes who falsely claimed the advisory said there was a special TSA exemption for Muslim passengers who wear Islamic head scarves (hijab). In fact, the CAIR advisory was based on TSA guidelines for all passengers, regardless of faith.


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  1. Islamic vermin violate privacy of British children

  2. Have there been any reports yet of moo-slums refusing the scans and pat-downs and subsequently being allowed to board aircraft without being screened? I get the feeling that so far they are blowing their horns but staying out of the ring until they can be sure of more favorable conditions in which to test the obedience of the dhimmis of the TSA and DHS. Will these agencies grant them exemption on the basis of "violation" of Sharia?

    One other point: DO NOT FALL INTO THE TRAP OF "JOINING WITH" ISLAMIC GROUPS IN PROTEST AGAINST THESE MEASURES. Their objections are based on Sharia, NOT on the Fourth Amendment. Because the essential basis of Islam is invalid and corrupt, it can never be regarded as an ally of our constitution.

    We must demand instead that appropriate investigative and profiling measures be taken towards those individuals most likely to be participants in/enablers of the Jihad.

    Defending the Fourth Amendment is a separate issue.

  3. RRA said: Have there been any reports yet of moo-slums refusing the scans and pat-downs and subsequently being allowed to board aircraft without being screened?

    I say: If not yet, they will indeed by allowed to board.

    America is growing more and more hopeless.

  4. I think they've been waiting for the excitement to die down to test the waters. What the hell, Thanksgiving is haram for the bastards anyway.
