
Sunday, November 28, 2010

Why Would A Woman Convert To Islam?

Because there's something in women that makes them want to be treated like Whore/Slaves

From PJM:
Very recently Tony Blair’s sister-in-law, journalist Lauren Booth, embraced the faith after what she described as a “holy experience” in Iran. Based on what Ayaan Hirsi Ali has described as the brutal, totalistic character of Islam, one is obliged to ask why any modern career woman would opt for conversion to the Muslim religion.

After all, as so many autobiographies of Muslim women note, the religion bans anything that is fun (“haram,” or forbidden). No chewing of gum, no bicycle riding, no make-up, no eating in public, no painting of nails, no pets, no questions, and of course, no answering back. For many Muslim women, there is an eagerness to assert independence as soon as adulthood is reached.

How then does one explain Lauren Booth? She notes that in the city of Qom “I sat down and felt this shot of spiritual morphine, just absolute bliss and joy.” What precisely was Ms. Booth seeking, and why did she find it in Islam? Although it is difficult to generalize, I suspect that the convert is in a search for meaning in societies where the “anything goes,” permissive attitude of the moment proves to be a superficial void. Islam is totalistic; modernity, with all its freedom, is often vacuous.

One convert cited in the Daily Mail said Islam allows you to reject fads and fashion and “seek a higher goal.” Alas, one of course is free to reject fads without embracing Islam. But it is comforting — I guess — to have one’s life ordered by the ritual impulse of a totalistic religion. As another convert pointed out: “It makes life purer.” But does it?

By and large, Islam devolves into extremism, the repression of women, inequality, and brutality such as the stoning of adulterers. Converts, however, refer to the celebration of old-fashioned family values and hospitality, values which have been eroded in the West. For many, Islam is an escape route from the cultural degradation of Western society.

But what converts often confuse is culture and religion. The warmth a family confers is not the same as the demands of religious obedience.
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  1. That's an excellent essay. I hope that other readers here take the time to read the entire thing.

    She notes that in the city of Qom “I sat down and felt this shot of spiritual morphine, just absolute bliss and joy.”

    I've understood from those Westerners living in the Middle East that seeing the outward commitment of Moslems at prayer time is a powerful pull.

    What is the West committed to? What is modern Christianity committed to?

    We've traded in commitment for moral relativity. Something in the human spirit just knows that such lack of ethos is wrong.

  2. The lure of a totalitarian system which can substitute for the trials of judgment, mistakes, fear and guilt, and triumphs of daily life are a narcotic warning to all mankind.

    By surrendering human judgment of right and wrong to a greater authority we abandon the very thing god has bestowed - the FREEDOM TO CHOOSE, and the responsibility to bear.

    Giving this up to a book one is told one must accept as the ultimate inarguable word is EASY.

    Even if it is hard to live 'up' to the word, the yardstick is clear to measure oneself against.

    REAL LIVING is the test of individual moral authority.

    It is messy, dizzying at times, and without a clear course, EXCEPT that which WE MUST DECIDE ON OURSELVES.

    Those drawn to another's demand for a 'true north' have become subject for pity, perhaps loathing and if they insist on which way is north, DREAD AND ACTION.

  3. Because there's something in women that makes them want to be treated like Whore/Slaves

    huh? screw yourself!
    she is a WACKO!

  4. For instance, why does female erotica INVARIABLY feature rape fantasies?

    It is only in rare cases that men fantasize about raping women.

    So, why is it women fantasize about being raped?

    Answer, there is something in women that makes them want to be whore/slaves.

    It's just the truth.

    And, there is something in men that makes men want to fuck everything they see, no matter what it does to their family.

    Now, the thing is, men ought to grow up and NOT do that.

    And, women ought to grow up and admit their bizarre thoughts and behaviors as well.

    It's unhealthy, sweetie-pie.

  5. "Erotica for misogynists made by misogynists."

    Sorry, you're wrong about that. That would be erotica written for women by women.

  6. PASTORIUS, tell me you're kidding around. If not, I must ask: WHO THE HELL TOLD YOU THAT FEMALE EROTIC FANTASY ALWAYS FEATURE RAPE? Did you ever try asking a WOMAN about that? A real one, I mean, not some fantasy sado-masochist?

    Are men really so STUPID as to constantly confuse passion with RAPE? That could almost confirm my sneaking suspicion that all men think every woman is really just panting for their junk no matter how repulsive they are personally.

    It's a load of crap, laddie.

    And don't you tell me to "grow up", smartass. I'm old enough to be your mother.

    For your information, women who convert to Islam are very similar to women who convert to any cult. Often there is a man involved and the "conversion" was part of the "seduction". (Some of us just fall in love with some grandiose jerk, find ourselves in his insane cult, and have to claw our way out of both.) For others there is the lure of "spirituality", rebellion, fantasy, suppressed anger at the world around them, extremist politics, "spiritual morphine" (like the real stuff, which makes you goofy and paranoid), longing to "belong" (for those surrounded by muslims), family conflicts, an illusionary substitute for real self-worth for some and a way to escape the self for others, fear of being "lost" if they leave the cult, and difficulty separating fantasy from reality. Deprogrammers have been sorting this stuff out for years with dozens of different cults, before anybody ever thought of getting mixed up in Islam.

    I often hear men say, well, yeah, that's just the way we are, we'll fuck anything we see, no matter the consequences, take it or leave it, baby.

    In the first place, no, not ALL men are like that, and women still look for the ones who are not. (Which annoys the ones who are.)Yet you'd rather imagine us wanting to be raped all the time? And you have the nerve to call us WHORES?

  7. "Erotica for misogynists made by misogynists."

    Sorry, you're wrong about that. That would be erotica written for women by women.

    I didn't read it, but you do.

    Are you going to say that chinese erotica that portray women being murdered is for women too?

    You haven't clue, old prick!

  8. Because there's something in women that makes them want to be treated like Whore/Slaves

    By the way, does that include your mother, moron?

  9. Well, we do know why guys convert to Islam: They want to blow things up.

    And continuing the previous argument, why is it that "all" "real" men WANT to get women into bed, then call us "whores" if we ain't got their ring on our finger, ain't out in the kitchen rattlin' them pots and pans for their dinner just like Mama used to make, and ain't bearin' them younguns, preferable boys.

  10. RRA,
    You wrote: WHO THE HELL TOLD YOU THAT FEMALE EROTIC FANTASY ALWAYS FEATURE RAPE? Did you ever try asking a WOMAN about that?

    I say: I read some female erotica (back in the 80's) which had multiple scenes of fantasized forced sex, and I asked multiple girlfriends about it, and they all told me that that was common, and I accepted their judgment that it was.

    If it is not, then I am wrong, and I apologize. I don't spend time reading specialized books of erotica, so I would not know.

    However, look at what I googled:

    And, note that Wikipedia says studies have shown that over 50% of women engage in rape fantasy.

    Look, I think I even understand why they do so. And, I don't condemn the whole thing as beneath women. However, I do think when women accept a circumstance into their lives (such as a conversion to Islam, or being forced to wear a burqa) that they are demonstrating the very base and weak part of their nature (in the same way, I believe Islam satisfies something very base and weak in men).

    Think about the 70's hit Midnight at the Oasis. Here are the lyrics:

    You don't have to answer
    There's no need to speak
    I'll be your belly dancer, prancer
    And you can be my sheik

    Now, to me it seems this is just a playful fantasy. However, it is, in my opinion, demonstrative of the deeper, darker rape fantasy that women partake in, and it is demonstrative of how Islam is perceived as being an extension of that rape fantasy through submission to subservience and extreme objectification.

  11. Anonymous,
    I read most everything you wrote here. I understand why you're angry. I like the shots you took at me calling me "old prick" and insinuating that I sit around reading female erotica. That one was almost as good as my accusation that you are a Holly Near listener.


    But, here's the thing, try reading the material at the Google link. It looks like I am right.

    Too bad.

    Now, how are you going to respond to the fact that the majority of women do, indeed, engage in rape fantasy.

    To my mind, being a whore is just another version of being raped. So, I conflate the two. It seems to me that if women engage in rape fantasy, they probably also engage in whoredom fantasy, but I could be wrong.

  12. Because there's something in women that makes them want to be treated like Whore/Slaves

    By the way, does that include your mother, moron?


    I'm not a Madonna/Whore freakazoid who believes my mother is some sort of sainted individual.

    And, if I was, I'd be close to being a Muslim.

  13. There were some interesting comments on the original article, especially from Inquisition, Jerry (suicial lemmings are an "urban legend", though), Matthew, Bugs, AnericanReader, Isahiah62, and, most of all, Sparrowhawk, who I believe is Edward Cline? His understanding about the "core identity that is unique and self-created" is one of the things I most admire and thank him for. Even that won't always save one from a disastrous choice, but it will sure as hell can make the escape faster, easier and much more complete.

  14. While there are undeniably rape fantasies, do they outnumber other fantasies, do the represent 10%, 40% ???? Or do men hear about this and go....hmmmmmmmm... since it negates the chance or importance of rejection.

    I really don't know.

    I DO however know that there are certain women if I wanted to be with might involve, if there was to be a success, rape since rejection is virtually certain. (Note that this does not include Ms Megyn since she would recognize the Darwinian imperative in mating with me with a self started near violent go round of tectonic import)


  15. Epa,
    Your question is a good one:

    While there are undeniably rape fantasies, do they outnumber other fantasies, do the represent 10%, 40% ????

    I doubt they are the pre-dominate fantasy for women. Though, I do think they are probably in the 10% bracket in all total fantasies.

    Also, it would be reasonable to acknowledge that the degree of violence and danger involved in the rape is probably extremely variable depending on the woman and the day.

  16. I've never had rape fantasies -- even before my best friend was raped in college.

    Erotic fantasies? Sure, in my younger days. But I certainly didn't wallow in them.

    I got married young (age 20) and fulfilled any erotic fantasies I had. No S&M whatsoever.

    I did read The Sensual Woman and The Sensual Man, both of which books my mother also read and discussed at length with me. No preaching from her!

    I've never had a desire to "submit." Period.

    Of course, I did have a more sheltered upbringing than most. Plus, I grew up in a different time.

    I can speak only for myself, of course.

  17. But, here's the thing, try reading the material at the Google link. It looks like I am right.

    Too bad.

    so that's where you get your info LOL

    Now, how are you going to respond to the fact that the majority of women do, indeed, engage in rape fantasy.

    how do you back that up?

    To my mind, being a whore is just another version of being raped. So, I conflate the two. It seems to me that if women engage in rape fantasy, they probably also engage in whoredom fantasy, but I could be wrong.

    a woman who was/is raped is not a whore, moron!

  18. Because there's something in women that makes them want to be treated like Whore/Slaves

    By the way, does that include your mother, moron?


    I'm not a Madonna/Whore freakazoid who believes my mother is some sort of sainted individual.

    And, if I was, I'd be close to being a Muslim.

    wrong again.

  19. Pastorius,
    Do you think men have fantasies about being ass-raped?

  20. a woman who was/is raped is not a whore, moron!

    That's not what I said. I said being a whore is another version of being raped. It is being controlled and taken advantage of and treated as an object by a man.

    Are there prostitutes who transcend that syndrome? I would imagine so.

    But the reason women become whores is, often, because they were abused when they were children, and they act out their abuse by being a whore.

  21. Pastorius,
    Do you think men have fantasies about being ass-raped?

    I answer: I would imagine their are. However, being raped is not a male-type fantasy. So, for those who like the idea of having something up their butt, I would imagine they'd fantasize about it within the context of a scenario other than rape, for the most part.

    Anyway, if you don't make some points, back up with evidence, and expressing some actual ideas, with your next round of comments, I will simply delete them.

  22. Oh, by the way,

  23. There you go, now, I'm taking down every comment you put up which has no new evidence or idea behind it.

    So, I just took down five new comments; five comments with no content.


  24. Once again, until you actually make a point, I'm not going to let you speak.

    This time, for everyone else's benefit, the Anonymous commenter left a link to an article by a man who says women don't like sex. The Anonymous commenter snidely commented that this is another expert like me.

    Hah hah.

    The problem is, I actually quoted from articles by women as well as men, and cited actual scientific studies, etc.

    This commenter does not seem to believe in science or rational proof.


  25. And, let me also make the point to the Anonymous commenter that you believe I am a misogynist because I don't believe women are perfect beings who came down from heaven on a pristine drop of dew.

    Men have problems too. I acknowledge that.

    For instance, men are more prone to violence than are women.

    If anyone makes that point, say, like this, "men have something in them which makes them want to kill", you would have no problem with such a statement.

    You wouldn't call the person who made such a statement a "misogynist", now would you?

  26. Lauren Booth was part of the whole poster campaign currently trying to convince people that women are equal in Islam.

  27. Anonymous said...
    Lauren Booth was part of the whole poster campaign currently trying to convince people that women are equal in Islam.

    Wednesday, December 01, 2010 3:44:00 PM

    A young Norwegian girl converted to Islam. I read that in the paper so it must have been a celebrity of some kind but that has sliped my memory. She was happy to have found her right religion, she said, now she was looking forward to find out what this religion was all about! A reminder to Tony Blair’s sister-in-law and the other excited converts. The punishment for leaving Islam is death.

  28. For the record, this comments thread is relatively extended at this point, and I have given my arguments, and references.

    The responses have been less than intelligent, and from now on, I am erasing any comment which does not actually make a logical/reasonable argument, and back it up with evidence, and links.

    Calling me names does not suffice as a rational argument.

  29. PJM

    its you who like to b treated like a whore. Muslim women are the happiest most fulfilled women in any comunity, unless they are abused by their husbands which is also in any comunity. Give urself a favor and walk to the first ten muslim women u meet in reality and ask them if they are happy and fulfilled in life and the herafter, do the same with the first unmuslim women you meet as well. Leave the reply to yourself and may you learn something from it. Ignorant.
