
Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas Announcement from Malaysia-- We're not letting you leave Islam

Coming out in today's Malaysian paper, The Star, in a most curiously timed announcement, is the Religious Police of Sabah's decree that the Wondrously Tolerant Religion Known as Islam will soon 'enforce' the Islamic apostasy law. (editor's note- for non Malaysian readers, Sabah is one of the states of East Malaysia).

The article that reports this piece of 'good news' (i.e. good for Islam and bad for everybody, Muslims included) is written--actually encoded--in curiously detached and dry language. This sort of doublespeak characterizes fascist ideologies, as well as governments who actively discourage critical thought and an informed citizenry.

So I shall endeavor to decode this article for you, dear readers.  The article is partially shown below, with the decoded text in italics:

The Sabah Islamic Affairs Department (Jheains) will enforce the apostasy law once its faith rehabilitation centre in Kinarut is ready next year, said its director, Datuk Amri A. Suratman.  (A 'Faith Rehabilitation Centre' is doublespeak for an Islamic Prison for Brainwashing and Extortion of the Innocent)

He said enforcement of the law was part of Jheains' five-year strategic plan. (How lovely! A 'plan' to continue denying freedom and ensure the continued enslavement of many and eventually all to Islam. Of course, it's all for your own good!)

Until the rehabilitation centre is ready in June, offenders will be enlightened on the merits of returning to the path of Islam, he told Bernama... ("Enlightened on the merits" means lying to and forcing innocents to remained imprisoned, isolated from their families, friends and livelihoods. Perhaps they should be grateful they aren't executed like other, more devout Muslim countries routinely do to their apostates.)

The conference, among others, touched on scores of Muslim converts, who reverted to their original religions, due to neglect from Islamic religious agencies and non-governmental organisations. (Never mind the actual wishes of these converts!  They're really running away from the so-called 'perfect religion' in droves because the Guardians of Islam aren't watching them close enough. Bah! Does anyone else see the absolute disconnect here from logic and common sense?  You might, but The Star is never going to print what a whole lot of you are thinking.)

Someone should send a memo to the Human Rights Commission or whatever they're called at the UN nowadays. You think that government-backed, government-funded, religious imprisonment like what the Muslims are doing in Sabah, or in any other state in Malaysia, or in any other Musllim country come to think of it, would be enough of a human rights atrocity for someone to wake up and take notice.  But hey, the UN has a lot on their plate right now--after all they are probably too busy getting ready for their next 'Anti Zionist' rally in New York next year. Or maybe they're burning the midnight oil writing up yet another resolution bashing whatever the US and/or Israel is doing at the moment.

And we all know, of course, that pointing out this sort of Islamic fascism is Islamophobic and racist, not to mention contrary to harmony, bridge building, tolerance, mutual respect and all the other political correct bullshit buzz words that are so en vogue right now.

So, now that we all know what '1Malaysia' really looks like, let us celebrate this season of peace and harmony as Malaysia marches on to its mighty future.

URL to the full article:


  1. The Anti-Jihadist,

    I have a feeling that part of the reason they did this around Christmas time was to send a message. At least because its symbolic. They fear and hate Christians, and my well see Christianity as one of the greatest threats to Islam.

    There enlightenment centers will basically be the Islamic equivalent of a soviet gulag.
    Also weather they realize or not, not that they would care, there is another parallel between this and communism. A five-year strategic plan sounds kind of reminiscent of Stalinist Russia. Even in radically different forms, totalitarian ideologies are very similar at their core.

  2. I thought Malaysia Indonesia were supposed to practice the less nutty strain of Islam. They were supposed to be the Milky Way bar to Saudi Arabia's nut-filled Snickers brand of Islam...

    All Muslims are not bad, but folks, there is corrosive poison leaking from the umma. We are crazy allowing people from Islamic lands to immigrate to the civilized world.

  3. The only muslims who are not bad, are non practicing or dead.

    No, not all muslims are literally going around blowing shit up or chopping heads, but their inaction, makes them complicit.

  4. Anti-Jihadist,

    You know what? The next time I see one of those Malaysia truely Asia commercials I think I'm gonna spew.

  5. Damien-

    Way ahead of you...those commercials run incessantly inside Malaysia as much as they do outside. The propaganda is almost as nauseating as the 5-times-a-day-every-day Azan.

  6. The Anti-Jihadists

    I guess it just goes to show that present day Malaysia is more of an Islamic society than it is a an Asian one. I have a feeling that a lot of the people there have never even heard of Confucius, since he obviously was not a Muslim.

  7. The Anti-Jihadists,

    Wait, How do you know if know those commercials run inside Malaysia?

  8. Damien,
    Anti-Jihadist lives in Malaysia.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Anti-Jihadist,

    You live in Malaysia? You must be very afraid. I would imagine that the government wouldn't take kindly to what you're doing.

  11. Indeed, I live here in the Islamic Melayu Republic (Malaysia), and yes, the government here has not taken my sort of writing too well. To wit, my primary site Pedestrian Infidel was recently blocked to users inside this country by that very same government. Can't allow anyone to openly question Islam, naturally.

    And if I said I wasn't afraid, I would be lying. But my outrage usually trumps my fear.

  12. The Anti-Jihadist,

    You're an extremely brave person. Most people in your situation would have just remained silent, or would have done everything they could have to get out of that country by now, and not looked back. It must be horrible living in a dictatorship, not just an Islamic dictatorship, but any dictatorship where the state controls the media and has the authority to punish incorrect thought.

  13. AJ is brave.

    And, I thank God for people like him.

  14. Wow. Is there anything we, as individuals, can do to tell the Malaysian government that we are watching out for you and your civil rights? Who knew this? This, in itself, is quite an amazing story. I must read your site!

  15. see here...

    would a family practicing Christianity be happy if one of their child decides to become an atheist?

    if your answer is yes, then you need a mental check-up.

    In my opinion, the reason why Islam discourages its' followers to become apostates is to protect them. Allah knows best and He knows what is to come in the future.

    The Federal Constitution of Malaysia's Article of 'Freedom of Religion' is interpreted as Muslims being able to practice their religion freely, NOT to be able to choose to be out of Islam freely. The reason is to protect, not to restrict freedom.

    If a person decides to get out of Islam, fine. But al-Nahr awaits you.

  16. imanizatti,
    So killing people is your way of discouraging people.

    That says it all.

  17. Imanizzati,

    There's a huge differnce between simply disaproving of someone trying to change their religion and actually trying to force them to stay in their faith. One respects individual rights, in particular, freedom of religion and freedom of concious, while the other does not. If the Malaysian constition is actually trying to proctect, what's it protecting, Islam? Its not protecting freedom.

    Also, most Christians do not support the state punishing people for leaving Christianity.

  18. Damien, More to the point there are no "Christian" countries that would EVER pretend to have the authority to tell its populace what they can or cannot believe.

    Zati: alalalala is a figment of your imagination. There is no proof of any alalalala. And the misery your concept of allalalala has caused people around the world is criminal at the very least. What we do have proof of is that moehammy was a murdering, raping, schizophrenic pedophile. We DO know this. So I suggest that YOU need a psychiatric evaluation, stat, if you can respect such a despicable person. There is nothing about him or his unholy book that is godly or alalalalaly. And if your alallalala is so beyond comprehension, why do mooslums so willingly give "HIM" the male gender? mooslums are sick, sick, sick! That you even want gov't to be your daddy is proof of your arrested development as a people. There must be some doubt in your head because you came here and are reading this site, but still you MUST obey, you MUST be a good boy! You have no idea of the brain washing you have been subjected too and you like your cage.

  19. And what the hell is "see here?"

    You don't tell anyone what to believe or think. Got it? You know nothing but what has been spoon fed you and that you stupidly lapped up. You need to vomit, bad. Vomit it all up and grow your own mind.

    "see here!" That's hilarious. Doesn't that command tell you something about your delusion?

  20. Farouq Omaro says:
    Not all Muslims are bad. It depends on how they interpret the faith. You will find some Islamic denominations like the Alevis, Bektashis and Ismailis are extremely tolerant and open. And as Islamic history itself has shown, there have been Sufi saints who practised and preached universal values such as Khunta Hadji, Jalaluddin Rumi, Hazrat Nizamuddin Awliya and Imam Haji Bektash Vali among others. There are still many enlightened Muslims in Malaysia, but they have little access to mainstream media.

  21. We are not judging Muslims, but Islam itself. And Islam, namely the Quran, but also other Islamic sources, are not to be 'interpreted', as they are direct commands. The Malaysian monstrosities are maintained as such so as to be in accordance with these teachings.
