
Friday, December 24, 2010

Jihad Bells


  1. Very nice of these guys to bring attention to a very serious ongoing activity of the adherents of the pedophile profit.
    Not a tree, but a whole forest is being chopped down and hardly anyone is hearing it.
    Especially nice how specific paradises of the Ummah were called out too.

    However, I couldn't help but smile while watching that little guy though.

  2. cjk,
    I don't know about that. What forest is being chopped down and why?

  3. If a tree falls in the woods and no one hears it, did it fall?
    If thousands, not a few Christians are persecuted and no one knows, it's almost like it ain't even happening by our response here in the West. Where's the outrage? Where's the precedent? Where's the Congress? The media?
    What I mean is that Christians are being persecuted by the thousands in Mohammedan nations, not just a few cases, but hundreds as in a forest.
    Here in the West it's as if it's not even happening because a collective ignorance/apathy.

  4. I should be more clear.
    The host mentions the persecution of Christians in Mohammedan nations, while the song sings of their persecution and even points out some offending nations by name.

    I for one am thankful to see Israelis pointing that out.

  5. Oh, got it.

    You were speaking metaphorically. I was being dense.
