
Friday, January 28, 2011

Anyone see any ladies on the videos of huge Egyptian protests?

Everyone get what that probably means?



  1. Epa - pleading stupidity...not getting the reference.

  2. Ladies not allowed to mix ... in other words the protest is ILLIBERAL, and has nothing to do with Mubarak being anti democratic, but rather SECULAR

  3. Great catch, Epa.

    You're absolutely right.

    In Lebanon, and even in Iran, there were women, and neither one of those "revolutions" turned out well.

    This one is evil in it's roots. It is an attempt at Jihadist mob rule.

    that's all.

  4. Epa,

    87% of the Egyptian women have their 'Clit' chopped off !
    May be they are recovering at home in agonizing pain !...


  5. No, 97%, Alex, according to a WHO report.

    ... But I have seen some women in these riots. They have their horse blinders on, but they're shaking their fists too. Not a lot of them, but there are some.

  6. Fox reporting from there just showed women among the protestors. Saying. however, they are i the peaceful groups, not among the rock and bottle throwers.

  7. Are you fucking kidding me? 97% of Egyptian women have their clits chopped off?

    For God's sake.

    Please give me a link.

  8. That right there is almost reason to just go clear out the lot of them.

    What a sick sick culture.

  9. I've told you this before, Pasto. Here's the link to the WHO report:

    But you just need to type in: number of women in Egypt who have their genitals cut off and you'll find a ton of info. I think I told you before that it has "supposedly" been outlawed. But custom takes a long time to acknowledge law. Yes, this was one of the things that made me so pissed about Ebola's Cairo speech. Was he looking them women in the eyes when he said Egypt was a great civilization?

  10. Thanks. I sent it off to someone who can turn it into a file I can work with.

  11. From the index, you have to go to "Egypt" to get the text you want. Duh. I didn't have to tell you this, I know. Yes, I am always surprised by the reaction this statistic gets from people. They just don't believe it, but you don't even need to a WHO report to verify it, it is well-docuemented in reports all over the net. And yes, it is so sad and surely one of the greatest human rights abuses in the world today: 40 million women wihtout genitals. And I always say someone is enjoying sex in that country cause their population is exploding. Can you imagine the lives of these women. Can you imagine how horrible sex must be when you are a piece of property and it is your duty to lay there. The horror. What kind of men do this to women?

  12. Rose -- that WHO report is twelve years old and it's data severa years older still.

    Do you have or know of anything more recent to indicate whether the programs or projects being implemented had any effect slowing the rate of FGM in Egypt?

  13. Rose, the file you gave me is a pdf. I can't post from a pdf here.

    I have to get someone to change it over to a cut and pasteable file.
