
Friday, April 29, 2011

Former Miss USA assaulted, no, wait, groped, er, violated, no, um, hmm, searched by TSA Porn Kings.


  1. We take too much from our government in return for the security that the government fails to provide.

  2. I will try again:

    We put up with entirely too much non-sense, like scanners and pat downs, which are mandated by the government in the name of security. However, the government (TSA) is not really providing security by these measures. If the government was interested in security, then it would be pro-active rather than putting up measures like these that merely respond to the last attempted attack.

  3. Anonymous,
    Thanks. Now I understand what you mean. Took more words, but for me, at least, it was worth it.


  4. Why are the Muslims given a free pass when it comes to security screening and ordinary civilized Americans sexually molested by TSA agents. As far as I can ascertain no Christian,Jew,Hindu,Buddhists or Taoists have blown up or attempted to blow up an aircraft. The TSA and its staff from its director down needs to go for proper training.
