
Sunday, April 24, 2011

Islamists Win; Threat Of Violence Trumps Constitutional Right

From Jawa Report:

All those violent & deadly riots are finally paying off. The dhimmi judicial system in Dearborn, Michigan has ruled a protest in front of the largest Mosque in America would "breach the peace" and "incite violence."

Prepare for a new world in America. Islamists now have a precedent to stop any negative expressions of opinion against Islam.

Cartoons of Muhammad "incite violence." Women with uncovered hair "incite violence." Banning pedophilia "incites violence."

And, as you take care not to "incite violence" from the followers of the Religion of Peace™, be extra nice to your Muslim neighbor. He might accuse you of blasphemy. It makes no difference if you are innocent or not. Just the mere accusation could "incite violence."

1 comment:

  1. And the man who has the courage and intelligence to expose all this at minimum cost is called an untold number of disparaging names by those who wouldn't know courage and intelligence if it stepped on their face.
    Whether or not he's acted within his rights isn't even an issue here for those of us who understand the Constitution and whats currently taking place worldwide and in the USA.

    For me the real issue is revealed in the reaction of people to him.
    The reaction shows just what years of PCism has achieved in our society when right and wrong are no longer clear to the vast majority of us.
    The guy has accomplished more to expose Mohammedanism than any 10 scholars/website/whatever calmly debating the evilness of it all yet is criticized by those same intelligent debaters.
    Let's all just go down softly and peacefully to our enslavement because to shove it in the face of those fiends would be unchristian or extremest. Oh gawd! The thought of book burning!
