
Monday, June 20, 2011

First women to appear in French court for wearing banned burkas are refused entry... for wearing a burka

From the Daily Mail:

Defiant: Najat, 37, who decided not to go to court
Defiant: Najat, 37, who decided not to go to court
The first women to be summoned before a European court for illegally wearing burkas were refused entry - because they refused to remove their face coverings.

Najet and Hind who keep their features hidden at all times and refuse to identify themselves beyond their first names, were due to appear before a judge outside Paris.
Both are accused of violating France's so-called 'burka ban', which came into force earlier this year and prevents anyone covering up their faces in public.

But when Hind, a 31-year-old mother, tried to enter the court building in Meaux on Thursday, police held her back, telling her to take her head-covering off.

Najet, meanwhile, simply stayed at home, with the 34-year-old saying she knew she would be stopped from entering. 

'For the hearing to go ahead, you must remove the veil. Justice must be administered in a calm atmosphere,' police commissioner Philippe Tireloque told Hind.

Hind, who had brought her own handcuffs to wear as part of an organised protest at the court, replied: 'I'll keep my veil on at all times - it's non-negotiable. 

'The law forbids me from expressing myself, and indeed from defending myself. It forces me to dress a certain way, when all I want to do is live according to my religion.'
Police are under strict orders not to remove face coverings themselves, meaning Hind was simply told to leave.
Victory sign: Three Muslim women in head-to-toe burkas
Victory sign: Three Muslim women in head-to-toe burkas 

Their court appearance was abandoned, as state prosecutors began trying to work out how they can deal with the challenge to the new law. 

They are expected to come to a decision in September. 

The accused are both from the Paris suburb of Aulnay-sous-Bois, and were arrested in Meaux on May 5th after travelling to an anti-burka ban protest.

They face fines of £140 and an order to attend compulsory citizenship classes, at which they will be 'taught' how to behave as upstanding citizens in a secular republic.
Both deny the charge of covering their faces in a public place, saying the burka ban is 'unconstitutional'.

A group of around 80 women were at the Meaux court, supporting their 'sisters', and saying they would take the case all the way to the European Court of Human Rights, rather than seeing the defendants punished for what they chose to wear. 

Aboufarah Rachid, of the French Institute of Islamic Studies pointed to the fact that both women were from modest backgrounds - they both live on housing estate and have limited incomes.

'You don't see rich Saudi Arabian women shopping on the Champs Elysee being cautioned,' said Mr Rachid. France is the first country in European to implement a full ban on covering up faces in public.

It was primarily introduced to stop Muslim women covering up, with President Nicolas Sarkozy saying that the burka 'had no place' in the secular Republic, and immigration minister Eric Besson calling it a 'walking coffin'.

But police have already branded the ban unworkable, saying they had better things to do than chase after Muslim women wearing burkas or niqab.

Tory backbenchers and the UK Independence Party are among those who have championed a burka ban for Britain, but there are currently no plans to see one introduced.


  1. Banning the Veil, in addition to being good public policy, is a winner politically. I can forsee States or municipalities in the US instituting these bans. And I'm glad to see there are some in the UK who favor same.

  2. Pastorius,

    Well this maybe one potential problem with the banning them, however, I still think its reasonable for us to do so.

  3. "But police have already branded the ban unworkable, saying they had better things to do than chase after Muslim women wearing burkas or niqab."

    Listen up, French police. You need to understand that you can either start dealing with this very deadly dangerous issue now - the easy way - buy vigorously chasing down these walking garbage bagged traitors to womanhood and humanity while you still can, or else the "more important things to do" is going to involve cleaning the severed and bloody heads of you fellow French citizens off of the sidewalks.

    So stop being so lazy and open up a god damned non-PC history book or two and discover the terrible fates of those peoples who have been conquered by Islam or who willingly submitted to it. And if that doesn't grab you, then lock yourselves in a room and listen to your own national anthem over and over again until it begins to dawn on you what that song is all about.

  4. Did the Daily Mail mis-lable the "victory sign" photo? Because those two fingers with the palm inward is actually the "up yours" sign.


  5. Anonymous,
    You are absolutely right. The French authorities are being lazy.

    Anyone who shows up in a veil out to be thrown in jail for Contempt of Court.

  6. Can you imagine showing up to court waving a gun? If something is against the law, you don't do it in front of a Judge.

  7. Pastorius,

    Or less extreme but just as valid an analogy, even someone who was openly against the war on drugs, and demanded full legalization, if they were smart would not bring marijuana or crack cocaine to an American court, and expect not be prosecuted.
