
Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Morocco: Freedom of conscience won't exist in the "new" Constitution

The new constitution “supports the human rights in all aspects, including a fair trial, no torture, no detention, no disappearance, and we need to guarantee the freedom of expression,” he said. The new constitution will also guarantee “freedom of religious worship.”
Yeah, but no freedom of conscience, because as, Benkirane, the leader of the main opposition party (Islamist "Justice and Development Party") says:
“Morocco is a Muslim country whose state religion is Islam, and do not touch these fundamental principles. In Morocco, the freedom of worship is now guaranteed to Christians, Jews …, but not the freedom of conscience. A Muslim can not change his religion or even leave his practice in public, as happened last year when a handful of young men wanted to break the fast in a park in Mohammedia".
So, basically, in this respect, nothing would change.


  1. Claudia,

    Any rights that constitution this supposed to protect, it will not, because it will not allow freedom of conscious, so everything in it, is a joke, including its claim to protect freedom of religion, because freedom of religion, includes the right to change one's religion.

  2. I know, Damien, but as I have read mostly in English-speaking blogs, how good this constitution is going to be, I meant to show that it is not going to be what they actually are saying it will be.

    It is just an attempt to stop the protests inside Morocco, but it can't do much as the most important opposition party is the Islamist one. In the last elections it didn't win the elections, but that doesn't mean it's not important...

  3. Claudia,

    Yes I understand, and I was agreeing with you.

  4. Sorry, Damien, for the clarification then.

    I always think that I haven't explained myself as clearly as I thought the 1st time...

  5. Claudia,

    Don't be sorry, for one thing, maybe someone else didn't understand you the first time.
