
Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Texas: Don't Mess With Our Light Bulbs

From Jawa:

Dear Obi One: Shove your light bulb ban where the sun doesn't shine
State lawmakers have passed a bill that allows Texans to skirt federal efforts to promote more efficient light bulbs, which ultimately pushes the swirled, compact fluorescent bulbs over the 100-watt incandescent bulbs many grew up with.[More]
Fluorescent Lighting:
1) pours out UV rays which will fade photographs, paintings, wall paint, and anything else made of fabric, paper, or even wood and stone

2) dries out skin

3) deliver a terrible partial spectrum of light, with extreme spikes in the primary color ranges, and deep valley in the other colors - this partial spectrum is probably responsible for the odd phenomenon of eyes dilating under fluorescent light glare, as the eyes seek to find color that are not present 
Additionally, fluorescent lighting has been known to cause seizures in epileptics, and is extremely bad for people with lupus.

I myself hate fluorescent light. I hate it physically, as it hurts my eyes, and I hate it aesthetically, as it renders everything around it a grayish-blue/green color of ugly.

Thank God for Texas.

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