
Thursday, June 30, 2011

The truth, and this is favorite rant of mine, is that you would be hardpressed indeed to find ANY history teacher in America teaching true American history. It has all been politicized and politically corrected and whitewashed (gasp! you racist bastard you!). How can we expect American kids to old someone like Thomas Jefferson as a hero (well, this kid does) when he was HORRORS! a slave owner, boinking one of them and having a kid with her.

Or Benjamin Franklin (Another of this kid's) that lecherous old beer drinking womanizing satanist.

So the Desperate Housewives at the Jersey Shore Bachelor crowd need to learn a few things before they start tossing their sticks and stones trying to break political bones.

Because as Palin and Bachmann and Glenn Beck And WC and Epaminondas and Always On Watch and Pastorius and myself will tell you the raw unvarnished TRUE story of America is far more fascinating, warts and all, than any sanitized corrected for the times version you'll hear in school.

Or from George Staphylococcus

The Blaze:

Was Michele Bachmann Unfairly Maligned Over Her ‘Founding Fathers’ Comments?

Rep. Michele Bachmann’s “Founding Fathers dilemma” started back in January when she claimed that the nation’s first leaders had “worked tirelessly until slavery was no more in the United States.” In response, ABC News wrote the following:

Many of the founders, including George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, were, in fact, slave owners. And as every middle school history teacher will tell you, the founding fathers virtually ignored the issue of slavery. It was not until the mid 1800s that slavery became a contentious issue in American politics.

Interestingly, numerous sources cite some of the Founders, indeed, speaking out against slavery (as every middle school history teacher should be able to tell you). In a letter written to Robert Evans on June 8, 1819, John Adams wrote, ”Every measure of prudence, therefore, ought to be assumed for the eventual total extirpation of slavery from the United States … I have, throughout my whole life, held the practice of slavery in … abhorrence.”

Even George Washington, the nation’s first president, stood firmly planted against the institution of slavery. PBS has more:

In 1786, Washington wrote to two Americans expressing his desire to see the lawful end to slavery. In a letter to Robert Morris he wrote, “I hope it will not be conceived from these observations, that it is my wish to hold the unhappy people, who are the subject of this letter, in slavery. I can only say that there is not a man living who wishes more sincerely than I do, to see a plan adopted for the abolition of it; but there is only one proper and effectual mode by which it can be accomplished, and that is by Legislative authority…”

To John Francis Mercer he wrote that it was among his “…first wishes to see some plan adopted, by the legislature by which slavery in this country may be abolished by slow, sure, and imperceptible degrees.”

And these are only two examples. James Madison, Thomas Jefferson and others also made their views clear on the issue. So with this in mind, one wonders: Was Bachmann absolutely incorrect in her assertions? Many liberals would say “yes,” but reality paints a much more complicated picture. Yesterday, ABC’s George Stephanopoulos took the presidential candidate to task over her statement about the Founding Fathers. He said:

“…earlier this year you said that the Founding Fathers who wrote the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence worked tirelessly to end slavery. Now with respect Congresswoman, that’s just not true.”

Bachmann’s response is intriguing. She stands by her previous statement and claims that Founding Father John Quincy Adams worked throughout his life to free the slaves. Stephanopoulos, somewhat flabbergasted, flatly rejects the notion that Adams was a Founder. Bachmann’s complete response is condensed below:

“Well if you look at one of our Founding Fathers, John Quincy Adams, that’s absolutely true. He was a very young boy when he was with his father serving essentially as his father’s secretary. He tirelessly worked throughout his life to make sure that we did in fact one day eradicate slavery….Well, John Quincy Adams most certainly was a part of the Revolutionary War era. He was a young boy but he was actively involved.”

Here, Bachmann is very clear in describing who she is referring to. John Quincy Adams, being John Adams’ (a founding father) son, was indeed alive during the nation’s founding. In her statements, Bachmann did not confuse the historical characters, nor did she insinuate that the latter Adams was an adult at the time.

Her use of the words “Founding Fathers” is likely a more general reference to all of those individuals who were a part of the nation’s founding. Perhaps one could accuse her of exaggerating the boy’s role, but calling her “stupid, “insane” and “misinformed” is a bit of a stretch.

Throughout John Quincy Adams’ life he was a staunch opponent of slavery. His views, no doubt, were shaped in part by his father who, as is quoted above, hoped for the “total extirpation of slavery.”

You can watch the dialogue between Stephanopoulos and Bachmann below:

Business Insider‘s Henry Blodget also decided to explore whether Bachmann’s statements had some validity. He writes:

Based on this article in Encyclopedia Brittanica, it seems fair to say that some of the founding fathers opposed slavery, and that some of them worked to limit it on the state level. But as a group they certainly didn’t work tirelessly to end it…

The commitment to the status quo (legalized slavery) among the “southern founders” was particularly strong, and the “northern founders” didn’t challenge this. Slavery remained legal in the northern states, even though few people owned slaves. And only one of the slave-owning “southern founders” actually freed his slaves after the nation was founded.

So did Michele Bachmann completely revise history when she said the founders worked tirelessly to end slavery? No.

But was Michele Bachmann correct? No.

Blodget is right that the Founders did not “work tirelessly” to end slavery, but it is possible that the elder Adams’ views inspired his sons. As historical documentation shows, these leaders may not have put their words into action, but many of them did, indeed, have serious qualms about slavery.

In the end, historical evidence seems to corroborate a basis for what Bachmann was saying. Embellishing is one thing and being flat out wrong is another. In this instance, the congressman barely scratches the surface of the former and certainly is nowhere near the latter.

Below, watch Jimmy Kimmel’s “Michele Bachmann’s Story of America,” in which she is, once again (though it is admittedly comical), maligned:

1 comment:

  1. I've been stupid. For many years on arab forums I have argued with them that they don;t have the slightest work ethic when it comes to translating actual fact, historic and present into opinion.

    All any american has to do is google Jefferson Slavery and warts and all you can see Jefferson writing against slavery as early as 1743.

    How many smokers wish not only that they never took it up, but that there was a way they could prevent others from becoming dependent on it's evil effects?

    In 1806 as 3rd pres. Jefferson sent to congress, got passed and signed the law which ENDED the slave trade.

    ETC. the work of 2 minutes to have the intellectual curiosity to think critically and act on it with all the effort of FINGERTIPS.

    But that google doesn't happen out there. Americans are no different than their arab pals who believe all the palestinians were driven out of Israel by jews whose allegiance to that religion was the result of a fake mass conversion by the Khazars. Or that americans surgeons were taking the organs of murdered and raped Iraqis for rich corporate executives.

    Qualitatively there is no difference between acceptance of those stupid stories and the idea that the old white guys gave existence to an 'evil at birth' landed slavocracy whose consitution cared nothing for slavery.

    But the TRUTH is that at the very WORST CASE we can say they understood PRECISELY the engine they had started, and that while they realized that POLITICALLY they could not abolish slavery in 1789 AND have a nation, they refused to make the perfect the enemy of the good.

    What's the difference, anyway? What they created sacrificed a million people to end it.

    Yet in the political rush to ensure (frankly) that any FEMALE CONSERVATIVE is ridiculed as a stupid bitch, the basic work WHICH SHOULD BE THE FOUNDATION OF ANY REPORTER'S FIRST MOTION OF THE INDEX FINGER, the PROFESSIONAL effort is second to the dialectic of progressive guilt avoidance and prozac/celexa/zoloft ingestion.

    Americans are as lazy to find the truth themselves as the arab idiots who swallow whole the fables they so readily consume?

    Why if that were true we would have the govt we deserve.

