
Friday, July 29, 2011

Governor Kasich: We Reduced The Biggest Deficit In State History To Zero and Lowered Taxes For Everyone

From Ace

Kasich is one of the more unpopular governors in the country, with a 35% approval rate, and 50% disapproving.

But he just balanced the budget -- having inherited an $8 billion deficit, the largest in the history of Ohio -- so maybe this will help some. (Video below the fold, or at that link.)

Ohio leans Republican. It shows the magnitude of the political problem we face when even a Republican-leaning state gets all crankypants about actual cuts, which they claim they want.

But he's put fiscal discipline into practice and has only been in office since January. Assuming this creates a better condition for job creation, he just might see those numbers reversing.
Go read the whole thing.

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