
Thursday, September 01, 2011

Obama's odd family and media shyness about them


  1. Ezra is doing a superb job with Sun News, well beyond even my wildest expectations. Someone should ask him if his knees ever get sore after standing up for a whole news segment. Balls that size and all.

  2. He has a gift for making everything that comes out of his mouth seem logically inevitable. Not just logically sound, but logically inevitable, as if it is from God's word, through his mouth, sent into the world, and the world changes.

    It is an amazing gift. I found myself distracted by the majesty of his gift as I was listening to him.

    Anyway, thank God the guy is using it for Good.

  3. Ironically however, the clearest and most logical recognition of our Constitutional rights and responsibilities comes Canada.
    Agreed, Ezra is a gift.
