
Tuesday, October 25, 2011

And do WHAT with it?

It’s a good thing Ayn Rand is dead. And Occupy Wall Street is moving towards ideas which will compel violent resistance if attempted and carried out.


An anti-capitalist group which sparked the Occupy Wall Street movement has called for global protests Saturday to demand that leaders of the Group of 20 (G20) nations impose a “Robin Hood tax” on financial transactions and currency trades.Canada-based Adbusters wants the Occupy Wall Street protest movement against economic inequality to take to the streets to call for a 1 percent tax on such deals ahead of a Nov. 3-4 summit of the G20 leading economies in France.

“Let’s send them a clear message: We want you to slow down some of that $1.3 trillion easy money that’s sloshing around the global casino each day—enough cash to fund every social program and environmental initiative in the world,” the activist group said on its website

Amoral financial products and their users and inventors, lawmakers who are incompetent and corrupt, and laws which are designed to give the appearance of safeguarding the public while achieving nothing CERTAINLY deserve resistance and a vote of the public as prescribed in law. I have a feeling if we simply DUMPED enough incumbents, some of them might have a light bulb appear over their heads.

However, calls for penalties on all financial transactions and their redistribution to free lunches and the Solyndra’s of the world (BY WHAT INSTITUTION?) will not only reduce the ability of businesses to finance expansion, day to day credit line operations (LIKE PAYROLL), and 100% of international trade and ITS finance, but send that $ in exactly the same direction that President Obama’s sad, failed, ideologically misguided policies did. IOW - INCREASE OUR MISERY AND PROLONG OUR DISTRESS

And in the end, many talented people will look on and say, ‘WHY BOTHER, I’ll have another $5 FOOT LONG, eat half, and the rest for supper, watch basic cable and wait for my check from Adbusters great ideas, and find my bong…I mean if I go into business and am successful, society will look at me with jaundiced eyes and think me evil’

Just because you have earned money, you are not the Sheriff of Nottingham. Just because your father did, does not mean you do not do your part.

Just because you see greed does not mean YOU have the right answer.

My invention is not owned by you, ADBUSTERS. Not even to 1/100th.

If you try to take that 1% of what I want to invent, design, work for and perhaps FINANCE and sell overseas…by putting in place some structure and process you can manipulate later, well then, you can bet you will find ME,…. well….

1 comment:

  1. I am still waiting to hear what exactly it is that the protesters produce or add to our economy. I believe the answer is that the protesters are a drain on the economy. For that, they should be fined to cover the costs of that drain.
