
Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Breivik Fallout?

Maybe I'm interpreting THIS incorrectly.

Maybe not.

The word "imminent" in the letter below doesn't make sense in the Breivik context, but perhaps the hotel decided not to risk slander by using that particular word.

Excerpt about the Hutton Hotel's cancellation of the Preserving Freedom Conference [speaker list HERE]:
...[T]he Hutton Hotel has cancelled the function you had planned to occur on November 11th at the hotel.

If you had made us aware at the outset of...the fact that at least two of your speakers have a history of enraging people to the point that violence has been imminent, we would not have accepted the booking....
Other factors may also be in play. See THIS at Jihad Watch.

Visit Robert Spencer's web site and Pamela Geller's web site for additional information and updates as to any new venue for the conference.


  1. Frankly they should pick a national chain, with DEEP pockets, and do it in DEARBORN, and get the lawyers and friendly federal law enforcement people ready.

  2. The very same "Breivik" connection came to my mind when reading the piece at both Atlas/JW.
    Sad, really. The msm has inserted that meme effectively enough that it resonates w/CJ today too.
    Another tactic to consider is to hold these conferences at the same locations where Islamic interests hold their incitement conferences.
