
Monday, November 28, 2011

Barack Obama just DOES NOT LIKE THE JOB

He doesn’t call the dems in congress (as no less than Chris Matthews confirms) because he just doesn’t want to talk to these people and dirty his hands, or waste his time, or SOMETHING. He just doesn’t want to

He will make speeches but not engage

He gets to go to any game, any show, and meet the svelte, the beautiful, the athletic, the stars and star makers,… THAT’S GOOD STUFF

He will demonize opposition, but never credit them with the same good intentions he has

He will arrange critical failures to place blame rather than cooperate to ensure success (the ENTIRE Supercommittee idea… after Bowles Simpson reported and was then ignored)

He is a child who wants it his way. Wants REALITY to be HIS WAY.

Now that it’s NOT… he has come to see he just doesn’t LIKE what the job requires to be successful. He likes the office, he likes he can get his pals and think alikes nice jobs (who wouldn’t?). He likes the company plane and the travel. He likes the stuff that makes his wife happy.

It’s just all this other STUFF people expect him to do with these congressional fools which is SUCH A PAIN, and SO BORING because they just don’t listen.

And then the PEOPLE, UGH!!

“Over the last decade, we became a country that relied too much on what we bought and consumed.”

- President Obama, Nov. 19, 2011

“Too many of us now tend to worship self-indulgence and consumption. Human identity is no longer defined by what one does, but by what one owns.”

- President Carter, July 15, 1979


After all, soon he will be able to do MOST OF THIS, make $150k for a half hour speech, endorse some scotch in Japan for a few million, and NOT BOTHER with the rest.

Sounds good to me too.


  1. He is a child who wants it his way. Wants REALITY to be HIS WAY.

    Now that it’s NOT… he has come to see he just doesn’t LIKE what the job requires to be successful. He likes the office, he likes he can get his pals and think alikes nice jobs (who wouldn’t?). He likes the company plane and the travel. He likes the stuff that makes his wife happy.

    That's it exactly!

    He loves the power seat and the elitism that comes with that power seat. And he's sitting back and drinking in (or gobbling up) all the perks and status -- without doing the job.

    A total disgrace -- that's what the first African-American President is.

    Meanwhile, Americans are becoming more and more divided along any lines you want to name.

  2. He sho' do like de vacations on da big plane to wherever he & she want to go.

    He looks just like a Gooney bird coming down the stairs with his elbows just a'flappin'.


  3. Oh Silverlady, pleeeeeze.
    You are fulfilling the dream version of the left of those who oppose Obama.

    "He sho do"??????

    Were you at the school door in Little Rock in 1954?

    Sorry but I am compelled to say something or others who despise anyone right of dead left, might actually think IBA condones this kind of thought.
