
Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Ron Paul wouldn't aid Israel in raid on Iran

Why thank you, Herr Doktor, we'd be much better off without your so-called help. Here's what the demagogue had to say in the latest GOP debate, and it's this particular line that's telling:
Paul stated that if Israel wanted to attack Iran “that’s their business, but they should suffer the consequences.” He added that Israel has hundreds of nuclear missiles and thus, “can take care of themselves.”
So does that mean that he'd impose sanctions and other horrid stuff like that upon Israel that he wouldn't use on Iran? And what nuclear missiles does Israel actually have? Not sure I follow him there.

Of course Israel shouldn't be asking for American financial aid, if anything, since we shouldn't be reliant just on foreign aid. But that aside, Paul has once again left a bad aftertaste in his wake and set a most terrible example for his cult-like followers.

Breitbart has a roundup of videos highlighting some of the horrific moonbat's most disturbing declarations at the debate, which include attacking the Patriot Act, claiming that "US meddling" led to al Qaeda's attacks, and even calling for stopping the war on drugs! The latter is all you need to know that his domestic policy outlook is just as unreliable as for foreign.


  1. No worries. He is not serious contender in the race for President and his political career is almost over.

  2. If Paul would drop just a couple of his looney ideas, he might have a shot.
    I can't vote for someone who thinks that we can just go along to get along w/Muslims.
