
Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Mayor of Newark Will Give You $1000 If You Turn In Your Neighbor For the Possession of a Gun

This is the first step to Totalitarianism.

They aren't looking to convict anyone, necessarily. They just want to "get the guns off the street."

Dude is a member of the Democratic Party. One wonders if this is a probing strategy by Obama and his minions.

Pick an actually dangerous city and institute a program, and see if anyone objects. It they don't, then spread it around.


  1. Hi Pasto.
    Perhaps this is what they mean when they say "The President is working behind the scenes to take care of the Guns"?

  2. Actually, Newark is a pretty dangerous city. All the more reason to hang onto your guns.

    Over the years a number of cities have tried variations of this, usually a gun buy back by the police to get them off the streets (the guns, that is, not the police). In places like Philly and Harrisburg they have to do the buy buack because gun ownership sis legal (and relatively easy) in ennsylvania. In New Jersey it is a lot harder to obtain and own a gun and nearly impossible to legally carry one, thus they can get away with this strong arm nonsense.

    It would not work in places like Pa. or Va. or West Va. or Florida. When 2011 was a record year for gun purchases and Black Friday 2011 the highest day ever for gun buys, it means America is waking up to the threat posed by the admin and the gov't and they are getting ready, just in case.

    Molon Labe motherfuckers.

  3. posted about the coming 'police state' and asked -is it already here-
    the SS is alive and well in the US--
