
Wednesday, February 15, 2012


From Beltway Confidential:
President Obama threatened to veto legislation that would expand oil drilling in Alaska and offshore reserves and greenlight the Keystone XL pipeline construction, after he warned this morning that gas prices will continue to rise.
“Because this bill jeopardizes safety, weakens environmental and labor protections, and fails to make the investments needed to strengthen the Nation’s roads, bridges, rail, and transit systems,” the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) said in a statement released this evening, “the President’s senior advisors would recommend that he veto this legislation.” Obama has only vetoed two bills so far in his presidency.
Keep reading…
I'm serious about the question in the title.

I want to know the answer.

I have heard of no positive moves whatsoever. Weasel Zippers comments; "As far as I can tell Obama’s entire domestic energy strategy involves investing taxpayer dollars on “green” energy companies that go bankrupt."

I think he may be right about that.

Here's the thing. During the past few years, America HAS DECREASED OUR DEPENDENCE ON OIL. Goldman Sachs recently predicted that America would be a net exporter of oil by 2017. Just ten years ago, if I am not mistaken, we imported half our oil.

So, how did we go from being a massive importer of oil, to a place where we are poised to become a net exporter?

Is this because of decisions Barack Obama has made? Or is it because of decisions that were made during the Bush Administration?

One would think that if Obama were responsible for this massive swing in oil production he would be proud of the fact, and he would be touting his successes in "eliminating our dependence on foreign oil." Right?

But, he does not do that. Instead, he brags about "Green Energy projects", and tried to hide the fact that all the projects into which he has dumped money are losing money and/or going out of business.



  1. Hi Pasto.

    The average annual leases issued during the Obama administration is down 35.5 percent from the George W. Bush administration,
    down 50.7 percent from the Clinton administration,
    down 69.5 percent from the George H.W. Bush administration, and down 78.9 percent from the Reagan administration.
    Offshore lease sales have plummeted more than $9.4 billion since the Obama administration took over. This means that Americans collected 258 times less revenue from offshore lease sales than they did during the last year of the Bush administration.
    Oil production on federal lands is down 13 percent in 2011: 97,721,813 barrels in 2011 versus 112,124,812 barrels in 2010.
    Under Obama, Oil and Gas Production on Federal Lands Is Down 40% !

  2. Oil exploration and Keystone pipeline is a huge issue, espectially with gas prices going up. Hopefully the Republicans will get Obama to veto Keystone bill and gain traction on the issue.

    I'm still for Romney, despite his weakness as a perceived rich guy candidate. Santorium is a decent guy, and great on counter-jihad, but he's unelectable.

  3. Once again, Felix, you and I see to agree on most everything.

  4. Will,
    According to this info from Big Peace, leasing and production were down EVEN DURING THE BUSH ADMIN.

    So, how does one account for the fact that we have gone from importing HALF OUR OIL, to a situation where we import almost no oil, and WILL SOON BE A NET EXPORTER?

    How do you account for that?

  5. Oct 2011 - Today OPEC's market share is falling and no longer dictates the world price. This is huge, Mr. Hamm says. "Finally we have an opportunity to go out and explore for oil and drill without fear of price collapse." When OPEC was at its peak in the 1990s, the U.S. imported about two-thirds of its oil. Now we import less than half of it, and about 40% of what we do import comes from Mexico and Canada. That's why Mr. Hamm thinks North America can achieve oil independence.

    When it was Mr. Hamm's turn to talk briefly with President Obama, "I told him of the revolution in the oil and gas industry and how we have the capacity to produce enough oil to enable America to replace OPEC. I wanted to make sure he knew about this."

    The president's reaction? "He turned to me and said, 'Oil and gas will be important for the next few years. But we need to go on to green and alternative energy. [Energy] Secretary [Steven] Chu has assured me that within five years, we can have a battery developed that will make a car with the equivalent of 130 miles per gallon.'" Mr. Hamm holds his head in his hands and says, "Even if you believed that, why would you want to stop oil and gas development? It was pretty disappointing."
    US Heating Oil Consumption Down 26% as Conservation and Fuel Switches Increase.

    With the current cricis people drive less , buy less thus need less products on the shelfs thus reducing transport costs(Gas).
    Still i can't see the dream of being a net exporter of oil by 2017 becoming reality, except in the 'fantasy' world of a few.Who see cars with an extreme performence and herds of unicorns grazing on the side of the roads.

  6. A more relevant question:
    What would a COMINTERN sleeper do differently from Obama?
    I can't think of a thing.

  7. Further, in 2008 McCain didn't suppport ANWAR drilling so the Republicans couldn't do much with the oil issue. All 4 R candidates now support ANWAR and Keystone approval.
