
Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Not only has Obama been able to repeal the law of supply and demand, “The war on terror is over”

Weekly Std:
In the wake of the Arab Spring, the Obama administration is grappling with how to handle Islamists, radical adherents to Islam. Particularly, the issue has come to the fore in regards to Egypt, which,as Reuel Marc Gerecht notes, "is now certain" to elect "an Islamist" as its leaders the next time the Egyptian people go to the polls.
But some in the Obama administration are now seeing things differently.
"The war on terror is over," a senior official in the State Department officialtells the National Journal. "Now that we have killed most of al Qaida, now that people have come to see legitimate means of expression, people who once might have gone into al Qaida see an opportunity for a legitimate Islamism."
This new outlook has, in the words of theNational Journal, come from a belief among administration officials that "It is no longer the case, in other words, that every Islamist is seen as a potential accessory to terrorists."
TheNational Journalexplains:
The new approach is made possible by the double impact of the Arab Spring, which supplies a new means of empowerment to young Arabs other than violent jihad, and Obama's savagely successful military drone campaign against the worst of the violent jihadists, al Qaida.
This administration according to a "senior official" believes that if (as this blog and author has been saying for A DECADE) the majority of people in the muslim majority nations, AGREE WITH GOALS OF AL QAEDA, AND SOME OF THEIR MEANS, that means the war on terror is over. It's good.
There is certainly NO WAY to deny the goals of the peoples over their WITHIN their own borders, but instead of facing a transnational group of religious killer morons, we will have the TEMPORARY SLIGHTLY BLUNTED actions of states, held back only by their ability to think up ways out of alliances with the fornicating, blaspheming, drunkards of the west, and unify around the confrontation of those same powers, ESPECIALLY THOSE 'MARKED BY ALLAH' AS EVIL, THE JEWS.

The miscalculation of the policies of the new Islamist govts is understandable since they will, like Iran, believe the blessings of god will conquer the material superiority of their enemy.

The arrogant, culturally superior attitude of the academic and political class here, however cannot be excused, anymore that the attitude and policies of one Stanley Baldwin and his students could be. What is worse, is that those policies will lead to precisely the same end as the Dear Vicar's did, an end one side expects.

The Islamist govts, will like the Muslims Brotherhood of Gaza (HAMAS) not relinquish power. How can they? It is their personal responsibility before god to reach their goals.

But they won't have to, because, we can all see that even if it would be stipulated that the actors of 1979 onwards were a tiny minority of extremists, the goals of that tiny minority are shared by the vast majority of muslims. That is why the ascendant form of Islam, IS ASCENDANT.
That is how it is.

Si vi pacem ... well if you are educated, you know the rest.

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