
Friday, April 13, 2012

The WAR on Republicans

I wouldn’t want Media Matters, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, MoveOn and the other freaks and morons to feel as if this was one sided.

“Moderate Caucus” chair urges Cheney’s execution

UPDATE: Rep. Kruger returned calls for comment this morning, he is quoted below. Kruger’s Twitter account history has also been blocked from view.
Rep. Chuck Kruger (D-Thomaston), the Democrat chair of the Maine legislature’s Moderate Caucus, used his Twitter account to express his view that former Vice President Dick Cheney should be executed. This comment has led some to question the validity of Kruger’s moderate credentials.
Kruger made the statement through his Twitter account this past summer, saying, “Cheney deserves same final end he gave Saddam. Hope there are cell cams,” a reference to technology that would allow Kruger to watch the proposed execution of the former Vice President of the United States.

Where are we going with this stuff?

The TRUE extremists, the intolerant so called progressives who cannot conceive of any domestic opposition, or for that fact anything to the right of 3.5 SD’s to the left of center,  being anything but evil, need to take a deep breath and consider WHERE this kind of thing is leading.
I am talking to you, Burton
I am talking to you, Debbie
I am talking to you, Nancy
I am talking to you, Rep. Clyburn
I am talking to you, Carney
I am talking to you, Maureen
I am talking to you, Ms. Rosen
I am talking to you, Col. West…there are NOT 80 democratic party commies in congress.
Somebody is going to get killed as a direct result of all this.
Let’s get it straight, opposition to MORE laws especially a Constitutional Amendment which mentions sex, OR MARRIAGE does not mean you hate women, or gays, or hate evangelists. What you HATE is the descent to a society in which all not forbidden is compulsory.
Republicans also are not trying to bring back slavery, Rep Clyburn
Democrats serving in the US Congress are NOT about 30% commies, Rep West.
It’s hard enough to agree on what the FACTS are, let alone have a discussion.
Somewhere in the distance is an American Sulla. All we need is to begin the process that leads there and the discourse in American Politics today is LEADING THE WAY, and right now the president of the USA is ACCELERATING that process. From the Gracchi to Nero took 200 years in a time when communication took weeks and months. We will not see such a grace period in the end of our system. I think it would take one presidential cycle OR LESS.
Maybe the street deaths will be at a demonstration, maybe that will start an entirely NEW chain of events. Maybe it will be at an occupy rally, or a counter rally. Maybe it will be next November as some other citizens attempt to vote where the New Black Panther Party CLEARLY (Mr. Holder) acts to intimidate white citizens away from the voting booth. Maybe it will be at a Palin or Coulter event. But with the rhetoric we see where the other side is conceptualized CONTINUOUSLY and UNRELENTINGLY as evil … progressives may be stupid, and emotionally activated, using that to ‘create’ logic, while in denial about objective reality, but they are not evil. Conservatives may be way over concerned about faith and ‘values’ and such, and self righteous and hypocritical about the enforcement of those values, but that is NOT evil.
Both behaviors are human.
The problem is that the Greeks were right.
So is warfare and violence.
Danger Will Robinson


  1. The sooner everyone realizes that there is going to be blood, the better. We should work to avoid violence and keep peace and justice, but we must remember history and the proven human behavior it teaches. Retreating, appeasing, or giving ground will only result in more carnage when the moment of truth actually arrives.
    This sounds hard, but history has proven it true.
    After years of watching and listening to these people, I am convinced they are just as capable of violent injustice as any ever have.
    Pencil me in on the 'They are evil side'

  2. Have we already descended all the way to the bottom?

    Do you see any hope left? Or are we condemned by the general blindness and unbelief of what´s really happening?

    I arrived in this country 40+ years ago, and have a hard time recognizing what's happened in the last two decades ... But it may have been in the works for many decades before that.
