
Monday, May 28, 2012

Now Erick Erickson of Redstate and CNN Gets SWATted

People who are telling the truth about Brett Kimberlin are suddenly having SWAT teams called to their homes (saying someone has been shot/murdered) to drag them out at gunpoint. 

So far, no one has gotten hurt, thank God.

Could there be a connection between Kimberlin and the phone calls being placed to Police Depts.?

From Ace of Spades:

Is anyone in the media going to cover this, or are they all going to continue giving the leftwing the Green Light for terrorizing people?
Even though Erick Erickson is a CNN contributor, I think there's a good chance they won't cover the story. If they do, you can bet your bottom dollar it will be a "balanced" piece including lots of supposed harassments of liberals.
They'll reach back ten years for "balance."
There are only two media storylines: Conservatives are doing bad things, and "a broken system permits both sides to do bad things."
There is never the third type of story: Leftists are doing bad things.

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