
Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Mitt Romney Campaign Sets Up Satirical @Bill Clinton Twitter Site To Praise Romney, Bash Obama

Romney is a bulldog of a campaigner. Clinton is good with the whores.
(Politicker) — In their latest press release, the Romney campaign asked, “WHAT IF @Bill_Clinton12 WERE TWEETING?” They proceeded to answer their own question with a series of hypothetical Tweets from a @Bill_Clinton12 account.
The Romney campaign started their Bill Clinton Twitter fantasy by imagining what his recent statements defending Mr. Romney’s work at Bain Capital would sound like in Tweet form:
“@Bill_Clinton12: There’s no question that @MittRomney had a sterling business career.
@Bill_Clinton12: The Obama campaign shouldn’t be attacking @MittRomney’s private sector work.
@Bill_Clinton12: In my humble opinion, the time @MittRomney spent at Bain Capital was a good business career.”
The Romney campaign also converted some critical comments Mr. Clinton made about President Barack Obama in 200 into Tweets:
“@Bill_Clinton12: A vote for @BarackObama is a crap shoot — a roll of the dice.
@Bill_Clinton12: Why would you vote 4 @BarackObama with only 1 year in the Senate? Really?
@Bill_Clinton12: If you’re voting for @BarackObama you might as well vote for Chris Matthews!”
There is indeed a @Bill_Clinton12 account that seems to have been set up by the Romney campaign. It features a photo of Mr. Clinton playing the saxophone and a bio that says, “This is a parody account.”
Keep reading. . .

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