
Thursday, June 14, 2012

Good news for America? Who knows, maybe? Egypt’s Army takes over

There can be no doubt that the political aspirations of the large majority of Egyptians have just been snuffed out.
Egypt’s highest court on Thursdaydeclared the country’s parliament invalidand cleared the way for a member of former President Hosni Mubarak’s regime to run in a presidential election runoff this weekend.
The Supreme Constitutional Court ruled that parliament must be dissolved, state TV reported. An Egyptian constitutional law expert told CNN that following the court’s decision, a political decision would be made about whether to dissolve parliament.
Following the ruling, Egypt’s interim military rulers claimed to have full legislative control of government. Parliament had been in session for just over four months.
The court had ruled that about one-third of Egypt’s members of parliament were invalid because they ran as independents and later joined party blocs.
There is no doubt that the will of the people of Egypt is not going to better the safety of the US population or that of ANY of its allies. Those people can barley tolerate us and cannot tolerate most of our allies. Religiously speaking our allies are Christians, Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, Shintos, animists, atheists, and of course, worst of all jews.
The last time I can name a moment when the people of another national group set disliked the PEOPLE of the USA is the late 1930’s.
So what’s the answer? The vast majority of people here really have no ill wishes for the people of Egypt. Who cares what their religion is, but the only way the election of the Muslim Brotherhood and Salafi parties could work out for the betterment of the world (unless your definition of peace is Islamic Peace) is if that elected govt figures out it will keep its Quranicly disagreeable agreements, such as those with Israel, and make improvements in the lives of the people IN THIS WORLD its priority above all others, oh and one other minor thing .. recognize it must lead the people to the finish line of people’s complete sovereignty.
Of course if they were to do such a thing they would then no longer be salafists or the Muslim Brotherhood, would they? The problem is that if the people are not sovereign, and the Quran is, then it’s imperative as interpreted by these islamists setting themselves up for the next life is going to be a VERY HARD RAIN.
So the Army, which apparently is thinking about all this, has thought about what the final act of all this popular  voting will be if the people really have their way…. now.
Maybe later.
And that’s the good news?
This puts a very different light on Iran in 1953. Doesn’t it?
The court also ruled that Mubarak allyAhmed Shafiq is allowed to run for president in elections that begin on Saturday, invalidating a law that bars members of the ousted dictator’s party from participating in political life.
Incensed revolutionaries called the two decisions the death of Egypt’s revolution, and declared the dissolution of parliament and Shafiq’s participation in the landmark presidential vote the final steps in a military coup. 
Protesters clashed with security forces outside the courthouse minutes after the decisions were announced.
“This ruling means that the next president will work without institutions, he will face huge criticism and rage,” said Sobhi Saleh, a leading lawmaker from the Muslim Brotherhood’s Freedom and Justice  party.
What does it mean when the will of the people is so heinous to the safety of american that we are rooting for it to be LONG DELAYED until saner heads prevail?
Didn’t work out that well in 1979 either, but the Dulles Bros, who helped dream up that stunt in Iran can at least say they gave us a more peaceful generation, something the moralists of the Carter Admin cannot say. I am having a real problem figuring out the moral right.
George Washington has distance and time on his side with the foreign entanglements thing. We no longer have such a luxury.
I just cannot wait to hear what Obama has to say.
Good Luck with that one.


  1. Obama has been the "Arab Springs" biggest Champion.

  2. In a way, the Arab Spring has been the Obama equivalent of Reagan's "tear down this wall", or Nixon's opening up of China.

    This is a major repudiation of Obama's vision.

    Yet another Obama initiative is falling apart.

  3. Hi Epa, Pasto.

    As expected Hillary is already condemming the army for their action, i did not expect anything else from the spokeswomen of the Muslim Brotherhood.

