
Sunday, June 03, 2012

How Dangerous Is Blogging?

Make time to read all the links in this post. Bloggers need to know this information!
Please watch the following short video from Patterico's Pontifications: Harangues That Just Make Sense, a conservative blog (hat tip to Right Truth):

Find detailed information HERE at Patterico's Pontifications.

Also read about how conservative blogger Stacy McCain of The Other McCain has been harassed. One of Stacy McCain's posts about his having been forced to leave Maryland is HERE.

This is America?

In my view, if we are threatened in the manner that Patterico and Stacy McCain have been enduring, we have two choices: (1) knuckle under and close our sites or (2) make a stand for our First Amendment right to freedom of expression. Of course, if we opt for knuckling under, we lose not only a precious individual freedom but also a precious freedom as a society – possibly for decades. Once a freedom is lost, getting that freedom back requires desperate measures.

Additional reading: "The Harrassment of Patterico & Its Roots In Left-Wing Activism."


  1. Thanks for spreading the word, and linking!

  2. We knew the left was sliding down a slippery slope, we've seen the symptoms of some type of mental illness for awhile now.

    But, DAAAAMN!
