
Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Meet the Radical DOJ Lawyer Suing Florida to Keep Foreigners on Voter Rolls

From PJM:
The DOJ filed a complaint against Florida today to stop Florida from removing ineligible non-citizens from the voter rolls.  (Yesterday DOJ, disgracing long-established tradition, leaked this impending news to a sycophantic blogger.)  Florida has already discovered noncitizens who voted illegally in previous elections.

The lawsuit filed today seeks to stop Florida from purging non-citizens from Florida voting rolls.  No word on whether Eric Holder’s Justice Department will be filing criminal charges against the foreigners who illegally registered to vote. Priorities lie elsewhere.

Let’s meet Jenigh Garrett, the radical DOJ Voting Section lawyer who filed the lawsuit today to stop Florida from removing non-citizens from the voter rolls.  She is a long-time opponent of state election integrity laws, as are so many of the recent hires exposed by the PJ Media Every Single One series.  From the report:

Jenigh Garrett: Ms. Garrett worked for approximately five years as an assistant counsel at the NAACP Legal Defense and Education Fund (LDF), where she worked on voting-related litigation. She co-drafted the NAACP LDF’s amicus brief in Crawford v. Marion County Board of Elections, claiming that voter ID laws are unconstitutional (a position the Supreme Court rejected in an opinion by Justice John Paul Stevens).
Garrett also was a member of the organization’s litigation team in Hayden v. Paterson, arguing that felon disenfranchisement laws violate the Voting Rights Act (a position the Second Circuit rejected). She is a member of the American Constitution Society and recently gave a presentation at Yale Law School on “The Future of Black Legal Scholarship and Activism.” Although DOJ’s FOIA shop notably redacted her other activities on her resume, perhaps legislators in Virginia can ask her about them: she is the redistricting point of contact for the Commonwealth.

Jenigh Garrett
(Read at PJ Media about another lawyer on the complaint, Elise Shore).

I describe in detail in Injustice how the radical anti-election integrity agenda of the Left is now burrowed into the Voting Section at the Justice Department advancing this agenda using your tax dollars.  Now these lawyers are perverting Section 8 of Motor Voter, a provision designed to fix the problems in Florida, not preserve them.
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1 comment:

  1. the photo of Garrett tells us all what we need to know about her!
